Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Walks for Health - January 2016

38 Wheatfield Road,,Cronton,Widnes,WA8 5BU

15 Mar 2016


The Spring programme of walks for health begins on Tuesday 12th January and ends on Tuesday 15th March. Please note the routes may change or be amended to cater for bad walking conditions. These decisions can only be taken on the day based on the walk leader’s pre-walking of the route. The Summer programme of walks will restart on Tuesday 19th April. School holidays are different this year to include a long weekend for Easter and a Spring Holiday after that. As Whizzkids use the hall during school holidays we are unable to meet there then. The Walks for Health group goes from strength to strength, with several new members joining during this term. Our best attendance was 46 on 23rd February taking our numbers to 153. Fortunately they don't all turn up at once!.

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Cronton Spring Clean Up

Meet at Holy Family Car Park 10am on 22nd March 2019 to help clear the litter from the village pathways. All equipment will be provided. We arranged this clean-up to coincide with the national Keep ...

Cronton Autumn Clean Up

Meet at Holy Family Car Park on Friday 16th November 2018 to help clear the litter that has built up in the village. All equipment will be provided. Five volunteers cleared litter on Friday 16th Novem...

Cronton Spring Clean-Up

As we had to postpone our original Spring Clean due to the 'Beast from the East' bringing snow and wintry winds we have set a new date of 23rd March. We will meet at Holy Family Club car park at 10 am...

Autumn Clean-Up

Cronton Pathways will be joining together to do a clean-up of Cronton ahead of Remembrance Sunday. All help will be really appreciated. Meet on Holy Family car park at 10 a.m. All equipment is provide...

Cronton Pathways Walks for Health Spring Programme 2017

If you feel like a short walk of up to 30 minutes or a longer one up to 90 minutes come and join us any Tuesday in term time at Holy Family Club. We meet at 1pm and return for a cuppa and chat after t...

Cronton Spring Clean

We are signed up to be part of the Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean Weekend 3rd to 5th March 2017. We hold two clean-ups per year and are joined by volunteers from the area to clear the p...

Autumn Clean Up

Cronton Pathways Project welcome any helpers to join us in our Autumn Clean Up on Friday 4th November 2016. Meet at Holy Family car park at 10am. All equipment and bags will be provided. We were reall...

Clean for the Queen

Join us for a litter-pick of Cronton grot-spots as part of the national 'Clean for the Queen' initiative. We will meet at Holy Family car park at 10 a.m. All equipment will be provided. Unfortunately ...

Walks for Health Autumn Programme

Cronton Pathways Walks for Health programme for Autumn 2015 is now available. All are welcome to join us for a choice of local walks every Tuesday at 1pm starting from Holy Family Club. See attached p...

Autumn Clean-Up

Our Autumn Clean-Up will take place on Friday 6th November 2015. Meet at Holy Family car park at 10 a.m. All equipment will be provided. Any help will be welcome. Thank you to the eight volunteers who...

Walks for Health

Cronton Pathways Walks for Health is now a National Walking for Health accredited walks scheme. All are welcome to join us for a choice of local walks every Tuesday at 1pm starting from Holy Family Cl...

Spring Clean-Up

Please come and join us on our annual Spring-clean of Cronton's pathways. Meet at Holy Family car park at 10 am, Friday 27th March. All equipment needed will be provided. Everyone welcome. The more th...

Autumn Walks Programme

Cronton Pathways Walks for Health take place weekly on term-time Tuesdays. We meet at Holy Family Club for a 1pm start and offer at least two health walks per week. The shorter walk lasts half an hour...

Autumn Clean-Up

Come and help keep Cronton tidy on our Autumn Litter-Pick. Meet at Holy Family car park on Friday, 7th November 2014 for a 10 a.m. start. Bags, gloves and litter-pickers will be provided. Many thanks ...

Cronton Pathways Walks for Health Summer Programme 2014

All are welcome to join us for a choice of local walks every Tuesday at 1pm starting from Holy Family Club. See attached programme for routes and distances.

Health Walks Spring Programme

Spring Clean-Up

Cronton Pathways have arranged for the annual Spring Clean-Up on Friday 14th March. We will meet at Holy Family car park at 10 am, where litter-pickers, gloves and bags will be provided. All volunteer...

Pex Hill Clean-Up

Pex Hill Clean-Up beginning at the Visitor Centre 10am Saturday 8th February 2014. Pickers, gloves and bags will be provided. Twelve drama students from Cronton 6th Form College together with their t...

Health Walks - Autumn Programme

Our programme of walks for Autumn 2013 includes weekly Walks for Health, a four-week course of Nordic walking, Boccia, Chair-based exercise classes and some members are trying out a Knowsley-led Healt...

Autumn Clean-Up

Please meet at Holy Family car park at 10am to litter-pick the hot-spots in the village. Litter-pickers, gloves and bags are all provided. All help most welcome. A small band of 6 gathered to do our a...

Walks for Health

The summer programme of Cronton Pathways Walks for Health begins on Tuesday 16th April, 2013. Join us for a 1.00pm start at Holy Family Club, Hall Lane. Please dress suitably for the weather condition...

Cronton Health Walks

The Spring programme of Health Walks begins on Tuesday 15th January 2013. Meet as usual at Holy Family Club for a 1pm start. Please come dressed for the weather and underfoot conditions. Join us after...


Cronton Pathways now have their own Boccia set for weekly use. If you're not up to the walks come and try your hand at Boccia. It's a game of indoor bowls played from a sitting position. Running at th...

Chair-based exercise

Cronton Pathways have arranged for ten sessions of chair-based exercise to begin on Monday 14th January 2013 at Holy Family Club from 12.15 to 1.15pm, led by a trained teacher, provided by Rebound Da...

Cronton Spring Clean-Up

Volunteers are welcome to join us to litter-pick Sandy Lane and Tue Lane. Meet at Holy Family car park at 10 a.m where litter-pickers, gloves and bags will be available. I don't know if you would call...

Cronton Health Walks

The Autumn programme of walks begins on Tuesday 11th September. Meet at Holy Family Club at 1.00pm every Tuesday, except Half Term. Walks are followed by a cuppa and a chat and finish by 3.00pm. Begi...

Autumn Clean-Up

Cronton Pathways will be litter-picking the Pex Hill area on Friday 9th November 2012. Meet at Holy Family Club car park at 10.00a.m. where gloves, bags and litter-pickers will all be available for vo...

Cronton Health Walks

Cronton Pathways will begin a new series of Health Walks on Tuesday, 17th April. Meet at Holy Family Club at 1pm for the first of this term's walks. After the walk join us for a cuppa, a biscuit and ...

Cronton Health Walks

Cronton Pathways will begin a new series of Health Walks on Tuesday, 7th February. Meet at Holy Family Club at 1pm for the first of this year's walks. After the walk join us for a cuppa, a biscuit and...

Cronton Spring Clean

Cronton Pathways will be continuing the clean-up of Cronton Road on Friday 23rd March 2012. Meet at the Unicorn Inn car park at 10a.m. where gloves, bags and litter-pickers will all be available for v...

Pex Hill Quarry Drama

Students from Cronton 6th Form College present drama pieces based around the myths of Meg Pusey, The Devil's Chair and the pixie sightings around the area of Pex Hill. All welcome at 4.30pm on Wednesd...

Quarry Litter Pick

Cronton 6th Form College students are joining with Cronton Pathways and BTCV to clear the Quarry of litter in preparation for a drama production they are due to perform there. The students' pieces are...

Cronton Pathways Members' Meeting

Cronton Pathways members will be meeting on Monday 16th January at 4pm at the Parish Council office on Hampton Drive, Cronton. The agenda will include planning of the Spring Clean-Up event and the nex...

Cronton Health Walks

Starting on Tuesday 20th September, Cronton Pathways are running the next series of walks around the area in conjunction with Knowsley Health Development Team. Meet at Holy Family Club on Hall Lane at...

Cronton Clean-Up Days

Our next two-day clean-up will be on Friday 11th November 2011 and Saturday 12th November 2011. All volunteers welcome to meet at 10 a.m. on Holy Family car park. Litter-pickers, gloves and bags will ...

Cronton Pathways Members' Meeting

Meet at 6p.m. at Holy Family Club, Hall Lane Cronton. Agenda is mainly to discuss the coming Cronton Clean-Up Days. All welcome.

Volunteer Walk Leader Training

Cronton Pathways have 5 more volunteers training to lead the very successful health walks begun earlier this year. The training session will take place at Cronton Parish Council office on Hampton Driv...

Installation of community notice boards

Cronton Pathways volunteers will be joining with Groundwork Mersyside to instal two new community notice boards. One is to be sited at the start of Sandy Lane and the other is to replace the old ruste...

Cronton Health Walks

Starting on Tuesday 14th June, Cronton Pathways are running a series of four walks around the area in conjunction with Knowsley Health Development Team. Meet at Holy Family Club on Hall Lane at 1.p.m....

Sandy Lane Ditch Clearing

In partnership with Groundwork Merseyside, Cronton Pathways will be doing a final clearing of old fly-tipped rubbish from the ditches along Sandy Lane. Volunteers most welcome. Refreshments and equipm...

Cronton Pathways Members' Meeting

Meet at Holy Family Club at 6 p.m.

Cronton Clean-Up Days

Thursday14th, Friday 25th and Saturday 27th March 2011 meet at Holy Family car park at 10.a.m. Volunteers most welcome. Litter-pickers, gloves and bags provided. The Cronton Spring Clean this year too...

Pex Hill Avenue Litter-Pick

Cronton Pathways members to join residents of Pex Hill Avenue at 10.30 for litter-pick of the roadside. At the request of resident Edith Clark (one of our regular volunteers on Clean-Up days) a small ...

Cronton Clean-Up Days

The next major clean-up event to be organised by the Cronton Pathways Project will take place over two days in November when the vegetation starts to die back revealing litter that has been 'hidden' d...

Pex Hill Avenue Litter-Pick

Group litter pick of Pex Hill from 11 a.m. At Cronton Pathways Members' meetings we organise area walks to check out the need for litter-picking. Pex Hill Avenue was an obvious choice as a starting pl...

Cronton Clean-Up

Cronton Pathways Project has organised an area clean-up day in conjunction with The Highways Agency, The Environment Agency, BTCV and local volunteers. All welcome. Meet at Holy Family Car Park 10.30....

BTCV Big Tidy Up

British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) to clear Pex Hill area of litter. Meet at the Visitor Centre at 10.30 a.m. Today British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) joined with local res...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Clean Seas Please
Clean Seas Please is based in East Sussex and it's main focus is to bring the quality of the bathing water in the area to good or excellent against the EU regulations. This is done by talking to residents and visitors, beach cleans, events and working with local schools or community groups.
11 years
walking/ canoing and cycling
Local waterways
3 years
Beat the Bottle Throwers
Mum, teenage son & daughter, daughters boyfriend, Grandad and Olive the dog - fed up of running, cycling, walking, fishing and seeing lazy people’s rubbish thrown in the hedges and verges of our lovely countryside - trying to make a difference, teach good standards and promote looking after our world.
6 years
Northants Litter Wombles
We cover the whole of Northamptonshire, at July 2021 we have 2600+members and have collected 22,000+ bags since Feb 2021. Please see our Facebook page for details on group picks etc
3 years
Simister Village Clean and Health Association
I am going to door to door for this campaign as soon as I get litter pickers kit.
5 years
Compton Dando Parish
Group of five villages in the Parish trying to keep their area and lanes clean and safe
15 years
Huntsham is a tiny village in mid Devon. For the last four years, Huntsham Society members and our local community (farmers and all) have joined forces twice a year to clean up all the many the lanes for a distance of 2-3 miles from the village; once in April before the verges are hidden in new growth, and once in October when the vegetation has died down and the litter can be seen. This April we had a turnout of over 100 helpers, including many children. We have recently combined our efforts with Mid Devon County Councils campaign to help keep Devon clean and green, also twice a year. It would be fantastic if neighbouring parishes could take up the challenge of keeping the lanes clear of litter.
16 years
I am a solo litter picker for my area
9 years
The Friends of Mile End Park
We litter pick Mile End Park, Tower Hamlets on the second Sunday of every month. We meet at 10am by the Art Pavilion which is by Clinton Road and just off Grove Road. We generally do a couple of hours. We can\'t do the whole park in two hours so we generally head north one month and south the next. Litter pickers, gloves, plastic litter bags, and hoops for the bags are supplied. We collapse in a heap at the end in The Coffee Room afterwards and reward ourselves with cake and coffee, and a good old chit chat.
3 years
West Rainton Clean-up Team
The Clean-up Team is part of West Rainton Green Group, which was formed in April 2003. We aim to remove litter from paths, bridleways, road verges and other open space in the vicinity of West Rainton, thereby improving the attractiveness of the local area. The work is undertaken by members of the Green Group in their spare time. We organise about five or six events each year, and members of our team also collect litter on an individual basis from time to time when the need arises. Since the start of the project we have collected 100 - 150 bags a year, and attempt to recycle as much as possible, particularly cans and bottles. Prior to each event contact is made with Durham County Council, who provide a truck to remove all the bags that are collected. We have contributed to national and regional environmental programmes such as Community Service Volunteers 'Action Earth' campaign, City of Sunderland's 'Just Bin It' campaign, Litterfree Durham's 'Big Spring Clean' and the ENCAMS 'Big Tidy Up'. Since 2009 we have worked in partnership with Network Rail to clean up a nearby length of disused railway. As well as litter-picking we also alert Durham County Council and City of Sunderland Council to fly-tipping in the vicinity of the village as soon as it happens. Prompt removal has significantly improved the visual appeal of local lanes and paths. About 300 incidents have been reported since 2003.
21 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group