Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Wicksteed lake margins litterpick

Northfield Avenue,Kettering,nn16 9hu

06 Jun 2012


This month's clean-up will aim to tackle the environmentally damaging plastics, which are thrown and blown into the boating lake at Kettering's Wicksteed Park. As part of our weekly environmental protection patrol around the watercourses of Wicksteed's Park, we noticed that a large amount of discarded plastic litter had built up around the margins of the boating lake. After 2 hours of picking, we collected 2 large rubble sacks of various bottles, plastic bags and crisp packets. The shallow areas around lakes are a valuable habitat, often utilised by small fry as a protective nursery area. Research by Tyler et al. has shown that the break down of these plastics exposes young fish, such as Roach and other small animals, to endocrine disruptors, which can emulate the female hormone oestrogen. These chemicals can subsequently cause reproductive problems in breeding populations.

Male fish have been found to be feminised by these pollutants, causing them to develop female organs and even eggs. Otters were also noted to suffer lowered fertility, damaging their chances of sustaining their fragile recovery in the British countryside. Although these effects are also caused by incompletely treated sewage effluent and pesticide run-off, every piece of decomposing plastic, removed during these clean-ups, can only help the fish and other wildlife in the park. Many thanks to the park security, who kindly disposed of some of the litter for us and do a great job of protecting the waters for our community and the thousands of visiters who enjoy the park each year. Generally the park is much cleaner than during the previous few years, so things are getting better..

upcoming Events

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past Events

Wicksteed Park lake cleanup

Today I spent 3 hours pulling 7kg of mostly plastic, out of the lake and river Ise at Wickstwed park in Kettering. Found a bra, some jogging bottoms and lots of Hippie crack cannisters, haaaa. I rec...

2018 1 Tonne sponsored River Plastics Clean-Up campaign

This year's 1 Ton campaign will focus on the chronic plastic pollution in the River Nene and River Ise. Following the recent Blue planet documentary on marine plastic pollution and its effect on life ...

A14 Verges of insanity, you Crazy truck, dodging, mayhem litterpick

On Tuesday, I'll be on the verge of insanity, when I clean up the A14 between Pytchley road and the leisure village. If I survive, I'll be sure to post my brain back to Apple for a much needed update...


I'll be mud larking during the 11th litter pick of the 2018 river campaign on Wednesday 6th. I'll be starting with using the 6ft picker to clean-up the multiple blockages on the surface of the River I...

Kettering Arena leisure village lake super pick

We'll be picking the Slade brook and verges of the KLV lake. I believe it's also being filmed by the Beeb.. On Wednesday, I will do the very stupid thing of trying to finally begin the clean up of t...

Slade brook clean up 9th pick 2018 1 Tonne River plastics clean-up

I'll be out and about in the Slade brook on Northfield Avenue, testing out my new 6ft long, monster, Helping hands Streetmaster. The only picker which allows the plucking of feathers from the underbel...

Slade brook Malham Drive to Leisure Village river clean up

During the 8th pick of the 2018 one tonne River Clean-Up event, I've decided it would be better to do a pick of the Slade brook, prior to the Leisure village pick, next week. Obviously picking upstre...

Willowbrook lake and River Nene Thrapston mini litter pick

Today, me and a colleague from Asda fished the Nene at Thrapston and the Willowbrook fishery lake adjacent to the stone bridge on Bridge Street. This is the 6th pick of the 2018 1 Tonne River Clean-...

Burton pocket park mini pick

On Thursday 07th March, me and a friend went fishing along the Ise between Burton Pocket park and Finedon road. During our walk, we picked up about 1KG of plastic bottles from the river and a bread b...

River Ise East bank clean up Barton Seagrave

Hopefully I'll be completing the clean up of the River Ise between Wicksteed's park and South Farm Marsh SSSI on Monday. The river is heaving with flotsam and jetsam especially around the high water ...

Asda Kettering woodland winter clean-up

The woodland, behind Asda, is no doubt in need of a good clean by now, so I'll be hitting it whilst being clocked in, on the 27th at 8am. The Asda entrance road slip way down to the Sladbrook has bec...

Ringstead mini pick

Whilst attempting to fish in the heaviest rain of the year, me and a friend picked about 20 pieces of plastic from the donut and the river/lake section. Mostly historical litter, but there were a fe...

Cambridge line River Ise west bank clean up

Today, following the robbery of an Asda colleague who was fishing in South Farm marsh SSSI, loosing his rod and reel to 3 eastern europeans, I decided to clear some of the rubbish that has been left ...

2017 Ton of litter challenge

The previous 18 months has been very tough with 3 deaths of immediate family members and a triple portion of life changing health news, so I haven't been able to get out and pick. After getting throu...

Kettering to Wellingborough A509 pick.

Having recently driven the A509 to Wellingborough, the tipping point has been reached and we've decided to clean up the verges. Unfortunately we've been discouraged from doing this by the local clean...

Barnwell Plantation, Pilton and Aldwinkle verges litterpick 2017

During my day off work, I'll be trying to improve roadside litter around Aldwinkle, picnic litter in the plantation near Barnwell village and hopefully the two fields which adjoing the Pilton to Lilfo...

WDNAC Spinney Lakes mini-pick

Yesterday my brother and I had a day's fishing at Spinney lakes in Wellingborough. We walked down the River Nene to Ditchford, picking up the unfortunately ubiquitous Tyskie, Lech and Specjal beer c...

ASDA Kettering Flytipping 18th 1 Tonne pick

We've had numerous complaints about the flytipping incident in the top corner of the Asda Kettering carpark. Basically a company has taken on the garden centre and a skip appeared and was filled. Fo...

Thrapston Drayton Estate Nene green corridor litter pick 17th 1 Tonne event

Today I got a chance to do some fishing on the River Nene, at the Grange Farm fishery(part of the Willowbrook complex), between Bridge Street and the A14 bridge in Thrapston. On my return, I collect...

Malham Drive woodland clean up or Tidy up Asda's rubbish, because they won't! 16th 1 T event 2017

Amanda McDade recently emailed a request from local councillor Ashley Davies, to hold a pick of the woodlands between Asda and Malham Drive. We will be spending a day on Saturday the 26th August, gett...

Northfield Ave Slade Brook corridor clean up 15th event in the 2017 1 tonne

Spent 10 hours on my day off picking from Lower Street, up to Cunliffe Drive. I manage to remove 2 trolleys, 80KG of litter in total, which included about 400 pieces of McDonald's packaging and a ba...

Last pick A43 Corby link road, Kettering end 14th 1 tonne event

Next Tuesday I'll hopefully be able to finally complete the A43 Corby link Road clean-up. It has been a monumental picking challenge, taking 6 days of picking, comprising over 35 hours of picking on ...

Wadenhoe reserve 13th 1 Tonne eventlitter pick

I took a walk around Wadenhoe to check for illegal fishing and litter, collecting 10KG in 1 bag. I managed to walk through to below Wadenhoe house and collect a plastic tray that I'd left in the bus...

Pilton 12th pick 1 Tonne event

Had a few hours picking the Pilton drove road and up to Lilford and either side of the river. Lots of plastic removed from the river and its banks, so the wildlife have a better place to live. I co...

River Ise clean up Cambridge line stretch 11th 1 Tonne pick 2017

Picked on several days, around the banks of the Ise, so lots of plastic removed that would of blown in and ended up in the stomachs of seabirds and fish.

Corby link road penultimate pick 10th mini event 1 Tonne

Today I picked the penultimate section of the Corby link road, mostly wooded verges, between the Rockingham road roundabout and the old farm ruins behind Harvester. This was a gruelling pick, deep cl...

Wadenhoe and Pilton quick pick 9th 1 Tonne pick

I took a drive around Wadenhoe and Pilton today, walking the nature reserve and picking the Wadenhoe to Pilton road and the Pilton to the A605 road. I collected 1 10KG bag and a gas cylinder, from W...

Kgh landfill pick 8th 1 Tonne event

Hopefully I'll be getting some extra help from Neil and a few others from work, for this monster pick of the woodland adjacent to Kgh. It is full of trolleys and huge amount of rubbish, so we're hopin...

Asda perimeter and Northfield Ave pick 7th pick

Unfortunately my Grand mother died yesterday, so wasn't in the most eager of moods. However, I did get out today and did a pick of the Asda perimeter fence and the Slade brook corridor/path along Nor...

Kettering A43 link road 6th 1 Tonne pick

On Wedneday, I'll be returning to the A43 link road for the 3rd pick, this time cleaning up the Kettering end. Last week we ran out of bags, so hopefully I'll have a fresh supply, so that I can clear ...

River Ise Barton clean-up 5th 1 Tonne event

Today we cleaned up the banks and bed of the River Ise in Barton Seagrave. Unfortunately the building of new houses by Redrow homes, has pretty much ruined what was an SSSCI. A constant flow of dog ...

Kettering A43 link road 4th 1 Tonne pick-middle stretch

Today I started picking at 7am, cleaning up the middle stretch of the A6186 link road. It was numb fingers and toes time for a few hours but the sun came out later and it turned in to a really nice d...

Wadenhoe fishing 3rd litter pick

This morning I set out early and did a quick clear up of several swims around Wadenhoe. It was only one bag and there was a bit more to collect, but I'll give it a few weeks and give it a deep clean....

Great British Spring Clean 2nd 1 Tonne pick

Today we'll be picking the pedestrian path and green verges of the Slade brook on Northfield Avenue. This event coincides with the Kettering Rotary club's pick of the Railway Station to Lower Street....

A43 Link road pick 1st 1 Tonne pick

On Thursday we'll be commencing the 2017 1 Tonne Litter pick by doing a pick of the heavily littered A43 link road between Weekley and Rockingham Road. It's looking like a bit of a litter carpet, so ...

Barnwell country park and Dutchess lake pick

Today we visited Barnwell Country Park and also the Nene up to Barnwell lower lock. We picked 2KG of litter from the banks, mostly at the lock again. Most of the litter seems to be from boaters, wi...

Ringstead WDNAC litter pick

Had a few hours around the WDNAC fishery at Ringstead today, plenty of Roach and a Bream, and 1 bag of litter from the Donut, Serpent and the River Nene up to the weir towards Irthlingborough. A very...

Wadenhoe and Barnwell clean up

As part of our ongoing aim to keep the River Nene corridor clean and safe for both wildlife and the public, Wadenhoe reserve and the river from Barnwell mill, up to the Oundle lock were picked during ...

Wadenhoe nature reserve and Manor farm verges clean-up

Unfortunately this morning we had to remove more litter from Wadenhoe reserve, with the same swim at the point, suffering each week from beer cans and angling litter. Illegal fishing and drinking on ...

Cobden Street rubbish

Lots of rubbish has built up in this street, despite increased council picks being promised. Today I cleared up what I could, but unfortunately didn't have the equipment to dispose of the drug needle...


Whilst out and about fishing, we came across a full sack of litter, dumped in the undergrowth adjacent to the Harold bridge at the River Ouse between Harold and Carlton. I managed to clear quite a fe...

Wadenhoe mini pick/illegal theft of fish.

Wadenhoe nature reserve is a regular haunt of illegal poachers who leave a large amount of Polish Lager cans. After talking to a local dog walker, apparently organised groups of these people have be...

Westfield Park mini pick

On the way back from the dentist, the top of Westfield Park had been heavily littered by McDonald's customers and drunks. I did an unplanned pick, putting the rubbish in the council bins. Then walki...

Wadenhoe clean up

Today during a fishing trip, I did a pick of all the swims on Wadenhoe nature reserve. A shocking amount of litter was discovered, considering I only cleared it 2 weeks ago. After clearing a whole b...

Asda Kettering woodland winter clean-up

It has been a good while since I last cleaned the woodland which soaks up a great deal of our packaging litter. The cut-through, which sits between our petrol station and the carehome in the Furnace ...


During a few hours of early morning fishing today, I stumbled upon a flytipping site, in the bushes adjacent to the top lock at Wadenhoe. Luckily I'd put several large council litter sacks and a help...

2015 1 Metric Ton litter pick for KGH Charity Fund and KTDA

This year's sponsored 1 Ton litter pick has kicked off with 135KG collected from the Northfield Avenue Slade brook green corridor. I picked for 8 hours and had a really enjoyable day in the gorgeous s...

clearing other people's stuff up.

No-one reads this, so what's the point writing about it. Picking up more rubbish basically. No-one reads this, so what's the point writing about it. Picking up more rubbish basically.

7TH Mini event-Slade Brook clean up

Spent the morning, between 7.30am and 11am, getting the brook back to a good state, picking the water course, banks and paths, between McDonalds and Lower Street bridge. The biggest issue was caused ...

6th mini-event 1 Ton litter pick- A43 link road to Boughton House

We'll be starting at Rockingham road and picking through along the A43 link road and on to the Boughton House wall as far as Geddington.

5th Mini event in the 2015 1 Ton litter pick

We'll be coming back for the third and hopefully final time to clear the woodland adjacent to the Rothwell Rd. railway bridge. Hopefully I'll go on to pick the A43 link road, Boughton house wall and ...

2015 Spring Pick.-KGH 4th mini event-woodland pick.

In the fourth pick of the 2015 1 Ton pick for Kettering Angling Association, we'll be continuing our clean up of the Northfield Ward. Starting at Hill Street, we'll be clearing the Slade Brook up to f...

1 Ton Litter pick 3rd sub-event

The Asda Kettering sponsored 1 Ton litter pick, continued in our community this week, seeing Neil and I clearing the riverbanks near our store. This year we are raising much needed funds for Ketterin...

KGH 2nd 1 Ton mini-event LITTER PICK

Having talked to local residents recently, the extent of the litter at the Kettering General Hospital site on Rothwell Rd. was highlighted as a major concern. After a visit this week, I've seen exactl...

Kettering Northfield 1ST mini-event 1 Ton litter pick

This morning we will be getting out and about in the Northfield ward, concentrating on litter picking up the usual spots, which haven't had a proper clean since the culmination of our 1 Ton litter pic...


To mark the 4th Anniversary of the opening of Asda in Kettering, I will be collecting 5 Kilograms for every week that the store has been in operation, totaling 1 metric ton of litter removed from our ...

Sixth Mini-Event in the 2014 1 Ton litter pick

As we approach our ultimate goal of 1000KG, we'll be clearing the woods between us and the railway track. I've got about 8 volunteers, so should be a quick job. I'll then be finishing up the job on th...

5TH Mini-Event of the 1 Ton litter pick 2014

In the 5th pick of our 2014 1 Ton Litter pick for Children In Need, we will complete cleaning up the A43 link road, moving on to the wall around Boughton House, the A6003 Corby road, the Glendon to Ro...

4th Mini-Event of the 2014 1 Ton Litter Pick

Today, we're going to tackle the ever present litter on the A43 link Road, between the A6003 Corby Road and the A43 Geddington Road. This will be the 4th event so far in the 1 Ton sponsored pick for B...

3rd Mini-event of 1 Ton Litter Pick 2014

Today, Friday 24th of October, I will be focusing on the woodland behind the Asda store on Northfield Avenue in Kettering. This site has received much attention in the past, due to the high volume of ...

2nd mini event of the 1 Ton litter pick.

Today, 22nd of October, our group hit the Slade Brook, between Lower Street and Dyson Drive. Although the pick started off with the intention of just sprucing up the work we did a few weeks ago, in th...


To kick off the 1 Ton Children In Need charity pick this year, we'll be clearing the wooded area behind the Asda petrol station and then moving on to the Slade Brook green corridor along Northfield Av...

Wadenhoe reserve litter pick

On the 2nd of September, I had a walk around Wadenhoe Island and the SSSI, collecting a bag of rubbish. Most of the litter was Angler's tins and plastic, tucked away in the adjacent undergrowth, which...

Northfield Ave green corridor clean-up

Since the 1 ton Tidy-up at the end of last year, litter has been gathering strength along Northfield Avenue and especially around Maddison apartments, due to litterbugs using the bridge to get to Hill...


In the spirit of Asda's continuing commitment to positively engage within the community of which it is part, Colleagues at the Northfield Avenue store have taken up the challenge to remove 1 metric to...

Boughton House wall clean-up

On the 20th June, as part of the Asda Kettering 1 ton Tidy-Up, we will be finally taking on the litter which has collected around the perimeter walls of Boughton House. In addition, we will also do ou...

Kettering Angling association litterpick

In conjunction with Kettering, Thrapston and district Angling Association, our group will be addressing the big problem of flotsam and jetsam being deposited on the low banks of the Slade and Ise. Thi...

Asda Kettering 2013 Spring clean.

Our group will be tackling the litter problems that are particularly bad beneath the Madison apartments and behind the petrol station at Asda. Hopefully the weather will hold back and we'll do some go...

Asda Kettering woodland litterpick.

Diane, the community colleague at Asda in Kettering, has organised a litter pick on 12th September to clear up the heavy litter problem in the Woodlands which separate the petrol station from the new ...

Northfield Avenue summer spruce up

SeeItPickItBinIt will be holding a two day 'Summer Spruce Up' event, aiming to make a positive change to the litter problem in Kettering and Burton Latimer. Northfield Avenue, especially aro...


StAndrews Community green corridor, winter litter pick. Colleagues at Asda in Kettering will be concentrating on the wooded area behind the petrol station, as well as the strip of land between the sto...

Wicksteed Park river clean up

Litter removal on the river Ise and boating lake at Wicksteed Park. 1st and 13 JULY 2011 On the 1st and 13th of July, we concentrated on cleaning in and around the boating lake at Wicksteed Park. A go...

Asda Kettering June clean up

Asda in Kettering will be cleaning up the wildlife corridor, formed by the course of the Slade Brook, between 6am and 11am on June the 10th. This month's efforts will focus on the stretch between the ...

ASDA litter pick

STANDREW'S COMMUNITY SPRING CLEAN LITTER PICK SATURDAY 26TH MARCH- 10AM Kettering, Northamptonshire. St Andrew's ward community litter pick will be held between 10am and 12 mid-day, on Saturda...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Stanton Harcourt Litter Pickers
Formed by residents of Stanton Harcourt and Sutton with support from the parish council, we litter pick on the second Saturday or each month (to coincide with the Village Market) with an annual event encouraging widespread participation in March.
6 years
Great Dunmow Grabber(s)
Living near the recreation ground and being a dog walker I usually pick up litter whilst wandering and have taken part in litter clearance events in Chelmsford. My hope is that by setting up this group I can act as a focal point for local residents in helping to maintain the beauty of this town by taking part in occasional "pick-up" events.
15 years
Friends of Warndon Villages
The Friends of Warndon Villages are an active community volunteer group working to improve and enhance Warndon Villages in Worcester, UK.
9 years
Sulgrave Parish Council aims to provide an environment that the community is proud of and encourages volunteer effort to ensure the roads, verges and hedgerows in and around the village are kept clear of litter. Litter Pick are organised twice a year and many of the villagers will participate in the event.
16 years
Causeway Litter Collectors
Litter picking in the area along The Causeway, Coopers Lane Road and Coopers Lane.
3 years
Rawmarsh and Parkgate friends of green spaces
We aim to improve the local environment and work in conjunction with the local councillors. 2700 bags collected in 2018
55 years
Mossley Hill
Having written to the council and asked them what they're doing about the litter in the area I thought this looked interesting. Not sure if there are any other people around Mossley Hill who aren't keen on the litter, particularly around Rose Lane but I wondered there might be enough people to do a group litter collection sometime. It's so nice to go out and find the street clean and tidy, it would be great if it happened more often.
16 years
Chailey Litter Pickers
Chailey Litter PIckers have now been active for over a year, having formed in April 2016. We meet as a group monthly, to pick as wide an area as we can in one go. Group members also pick around their own area between group events. Some equipment is always available for group events and I can help people to purchase their own equipment if they would like to do so - gloves, grabbers, bag hoops. We will happily also travel to pick in other areas to help out on group events or to pick in areas where a particular need has been brought to our attention.
8 years
KEPT - Keep East Preston Tidy
To follow
6 years
Sunningdale Litter Pickers
We are a group of people who are fed up with seeing litter around Sunningdale so we go out and pick it up! Sometimes by ourselves, occasionally in an organised event.
3 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group