Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.



Unit One, The Swan Centre,Eastleigh,SO50 5SG

21 Nov 2017


On 21st November we will be meeting at Swaythling railway station at 9.30am to do a big clean up of the railway station prior to the winter. We will be leaf collecting, litter picking, tidying the garden area's and removing a tree as well as jet spraying the approach to the station. We will be joined by local councillor Bob Paignton and hopefully by Mark Miller from Three Rail's Community Partnership. In the afternoon we will be joined by Harry Kutty and some children from Cantell to do a litter pick. I conducted a poll on the Swaythling Matters Facebook page and the winner of the poll was "Burgess Road" which is where we are doing our litter pick. We met at 9.30am at the railway station in Swaythling where we had a brief introduction talk from councillor Bob Paignton and Mark Miller from Three Rivers Community Rail Partnership.

After that we all started doing our individual jobs: Becks & DJ from Christchurch along with Mark Miller did a litter pick on the station approach as this was one of the areas that was picked up as needing attention on the poll that we conducted. Natasha from Eastleigh, Charley from Ower & Jess from Basingstoke Leisure Park together with one of the local volunteers cleared the flower bed, removing dead leaves etc and planting some winter flowers. Simon from Picket Post & Dylan from Basingstoke Brighton Hill removed leaves from all of the station paths and walkways. Lazslo from Swaythling jet sprayed the front of the railway approach. Sarah the Trust Manager for Bennett Restaurants Ltd along with Gladstone the Business Manager from Basingstoke Leisure Park, Craig from Basingstoke Market Place and Bob Paignton removed a large Buddleia tree that was pushing a neighbours fence down and cut down weeds and brambles to make the wildlife area more friendly for the residents! We also cleared a large amount of leaves off of the Southampton direction platform and tidied the planter on the platform too. That afternoon we were joined by teachers & pupils from year 9 at Cantell School to do a litter pick from McDonald's up Burgess Road. This was the "winner" of our poll into which area needed the clean up the most. We split into several teams and set off on different sides of the road picking litter as we went. I was quite shocked at how bad the litter was. Literally loads of rubbish just thrown down carelessly. Most of it was household waste, cans, bottles, bottle lids and a large amount of what I found out were Burger King straws. We did find a small amount of McDonald's rubbish but not as much as I was expecting after receiving some negative feedback recently. All in all, we collected 20+ bags of litter over the morning and afternoon..

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Jersey Summer 2019

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2019.

Burley Litter Pick September 2017

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2017.

Minstead September 2017

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2017.

Bennett\'s Community Crew Does The Great British Spring Clean

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2017.

Great British Spring Clean 2017 - Swaythling

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2017.

Love Where You Live 2014

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2011.

2014 Litter Picks

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2011.

Work With Local Schools

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2011.

The Big Park Challenge 2013

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2011.

Recycling Project Christchurch

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2011.

Bennett\'s Big Litter Relay

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2011.

East Hampshire Events 2011

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2011.

West Hampshire 2011

NB - These events are retrospective. We have had to add these events back to our page after the site was redesigned and all of our previous events were deleted. These events took place over 2011.

Minstead Post Covid Litter Pick

Die to Covid, we had to put a lot of our community events on hold as we had to concentrate on keeping our business afloat. Now that things are returning to the \"new normal\" we are getting back into ...

Dorset Litter Picks 2011

We started operating in Dorset in 2011 when we took over Bournemouth, Boscombe & Christchurch. Immediately we started forging links in the local communities by working with homeless in Boscombe/Bourne...

Bournemouth Litter Pick

We will be joining with the Bournemouth BID again in September 2019 to do another big litter pick in the town centre. Watch this space for the date and more details!!

Minstead Q2 Litter Pick 2019

We are meeting at Andrews Mare car park at 10am and will then be following our usual routes. Litter pickers, hoops, Hi-Viz and bags will be provided. Please wear suitable clothes and footwear for the ...

Salisbury "Antique Roadshow" Clean Up

The Antiques Roadshow is coming to Salisbury!! On 14th May 2019 the famous TV show will be coming to the grounds of Salisbury Cathedral and we are going to be around to make sure that the area stays l...

Great British Spring Clean With Bournemouth BID

We will be joining with the Bournemouth BID and the council to take part in the Great British Spring Clean on 3rd April. We are meeting at 11am at Turtle Bay and starting at Horseshoe common. We met ...

Eastleigh BID Joint Litter Pick

We will be joining with the rangers from the Eastleigh BID on 27th February to have a big clean up of Eastleigh town centre. We will be meeting at McDonald's at 9.30am. We will provide litter pickers,...

Minstead Litter Pick Q1 2019

We met at 10am at the Andrews Mare car park. We had a nice team this time: Jas & Holly from Ower, James from Picket Post, myself as well as Tessa and Marion from the village. We split into two teams,...

Minstead October Litter Pick

We will be meeting at 10am at the Andrews Mare car park in Minstead for our regular litter pick along and around the main road from the A31 towards the village. We met up at 10am as usual. Present we...

Basingstoke Brighton Hill Litter Pick

We will be meeting up on 9th October 2018 to do a litter pick in and around the playing fields in Brighton Hill. We all met in the car park near the changing rooms for the playing fields at 10am. The ...

Swaythling Neighbourhood Centre

We are working with the volunteers that run the community centre in Swaythling, Southampton to fix things around their building. We met up at 9am on the morning of 14th August. We had staff from near...

Community Litter Initiative in Swaythling

We have always worked very closely with the local community in Swaythling, where our Black Cat restaurant is. The restaurant is in the middle of a big estate that incorporates a lot of student accommo...

Jersey Park Challenge

We are really excited about this, our first event in Jersey! It will take place on 27th June and we will be meeting at the restaurant at Halkett Street at 10am. We will then be walking to four local p...

Minstead May Litter Pick

We will be doing our usual quarterly litter pick with the local residents of Minstead on Friday 25th May 2018. Meeting at 10am at Andrews Mare Car Park. We will supply bags, litter hoops, litter picke...

Joint Litter Pick with Somerford ARC

We will be joining forces with the Somerford ARC in Christchurch and members of the local community to do a litter pick around the estate and also Watermans Park. We are meeting at the ARC at 11am and...

Great British Spring Clean

We will be joining together with a group of locals in Ellingham, Ringwood to do a litter pick for the Great British Spring Clean. We have had to reschedule this as it snowed when the last one was orga...

Minstead January/February Litter Pick

We will be completing our first litter pick in Minstead on 2nd February 2018. We were supposed to do this litter pick on 24th January but had to rearrange due to an absolutely horrendous downpour. Thi...

Burley Village Clean-Up

We will be joined by Burley Parish councillor Jane Kendall to do a litter pick from our restaurant at Picket Post walking towards the village at Burley. Meeting at the Picket Post restaurant at 10am. ...

Minstead Area Litter Pick

We will be doing our usual quarterly litter pick in the forest around Minstead and will be meeting at 10am at the Andrew Mare car park. Please bring your own litter picking equipment and hi-viz, bags ...

Great British Beach Clean

For the first time we will be working with the Marine Conservation Society to take part in the Great British Beach Clean which is taking place on the weekend of 15th-17th September. As we like to be d...

Anti-Litter Campaign

We decided to run an anti-litter poster competition across our area to try and help persuade people not to drop rubbish in the first place, rather than have to pick up rubbish after the event. We want...

Minstead May 2017 Litter Pick

We will be meeting up at the Andrews Mare car park at 10am on 9th May to do our regular litter pick from the A31 to the crossroads heading to Minstead village. All are welcome, we will supply litter p...

Great British Spring Clean in Southampton

We will be joining up with the Daily Echo from Southampton to clean a local "grot spot" that their readers pick as the most needy from the following three: Swaythling Railway Station High Road leading...

Great British Spring Clean Launch

We will be going along to help the New Forest District Council to launch their campaign for the "Great British Spring Clean" on Monday 27th February. We are meeting at Picket Post car park(NOT McDonal...

Bennett's Community Crew Do The Great British Spring Clean!

We will be meeting at the Picket Post McDonald's at 10am for a 10.30am start. we will be heading on the road towards Burley shopping at all of the car parks on the way. I will attach a map of our prop...

Ronald McDonald House Southampton "Spring Clean"

We are delighted to be able to be do our first big "clean up" of 2017 at the Ronald McDonald House Southampton which is at Southampton General Hospital. We will be sprucing up their roof-top garden, ...

Minstead January Litter Pick

We will be meeting as usual in the Andrew Mare car park at 10am We were again, so lucky with the weather. The night before it was pouring down and it was the next day as well. But the morning if the l...

Swaythling Railway Station Clean Up

We decided to go along to Swaythling railway station on 15th November 2016 for our quarter 4 event for 2016 which involved helping the volunteers who usually keep the station spick & span. The railwa...

Minstead Autumn Litter Pick

We will be going along and doing a litter pick along with local residents, organised by Tessa Keeley, to collect any on the surface litter left by summer tourists. We went along and were met by Tessa,...

St Peter's Church Project - REVISITED

On Wednesday 7th September we went back and had another go at tacking the very overgrown grounds of St Peter's Church. Staff from all across our business will come together again to do some more work....

St Peter's Church Project

We have found out about a very deserving cause in Bournemouth. St Peter's Church is a beautiful church right in the centre of Bournemouth. It has a lot of history there and is the burial place for Mar...

Minstead July Litter Pick

We are going to meet up with Tessa Keeley again to go over the area that we regularly litter pick to ensure that this is kept litter free as much as we possibly can. We have built a great relationship...

Minstead Clean for the Queen

Sarah, our co-ordinator will be meeting with Tessa Keeley who lives in Minstead on the road to Emery Down to help out with their litter pick. Tessa first worked with Bennett's Community Crew after sen...

"Clean For The Queen" joint event with Bennett's Community Crew & the Dorset Devils

Bennett Community Crew are working with Dorset Devils to do a litter pick starting at Turtle Bay, picking in Horseshoe Common then walking down Old Christchurch Road, past McDonald's towards The Squar...

Lansdowne Underpass Clean up

We are taking part in a joint clean up with the Bournemouth Litter Squad. Our Planet Champion Kayleigh, from our Bournemouth Restaurant went along & joined in the litter pick with the Bournemouth Lit...

Minstead Area Litter Pick

We will be meeting at the Andrew Mare car park at 10am on 13th January 2016. We will be picking up rubbish from the car park and up & around the lake and then follow the fence by the A31(forest side)...

About Bennett's Community Crew

Who are Bennett's Community Crew and what do we do. As a franchisee, Tony Bennett loves to give back to the communities that his restaurants are part of. He has always ensured that his restaurants hav...

Bennett's Beach Blitz

For our last quarter Environment event we are going to do a “Beach Blitz” along the seafront at Bournemouth/Boscombe. Why a Beach Blitz? I have been working with Peter Ryan from a voluntar...

Bennett Restaurants "Hits the Parks"

As our third quarter individual litter pick we decided to target local litter “hot spots” that get bad when the kids are off of school. This meant for most of our restaurants their local p...

Love Where You Live 2015

We are working in conjunction with Angela Peters from the New Forest Rangers from the New Forest National Park Authority & The Blackwater Conservation Group. The plan is to pull out a plant called H...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Sulgrave Parish Council aims to provide an environment that the community is proud of and encourages volunteer effort to ensure the roads, verges and hedgerows in and around the village are kept clear of litter. Litter Pick are organised twice a year and many of the villagers will participate in the event.
16 years
Hackenthorpe Litter Pickers
Friendly Local residents who care about where they live. We meet Fridays and Saturdays according to the time of year. Check our Facebook page for latest times.
6 years
Whaley Bridge Canal Group
W3 have agreed with the Canal and River Trust to adopt the Whaley arm of the Peak Forest Canal. Our aim is to bring the local community together to help rejuvenate and maintain one of the town's great assets and links to the past.
12 years
Friends Of Crosby Beach
We carry out and organise monthly beach clean-ups on Crosby and Waterloo beaches. We also try to raise awareness of plastic pollution and what it does to wildlife and our environment.
8 years
Tidy Tetbury Team
The Tidy Tetbury Team aims to bring together all those who want to see Tetbury kept tidy and looking good and who are happy to help achieve this by coming out to pick up litter. At the moment, we think that the obvious areas that need tidying up from time to time are likely to be The Rec, the area by the old railway shed, Love Lane (between Tesco and The Chipping) and the path behind Hampton Stores that leads to William Romney's School. But we also think that the Tidy Tetbury Team should be there to help and join in with anyone who wants to tackle the litter problem in their part of Tetbury. Our aim is not only to keep Tetbury tidy but to have fun and make new friends as we do so. Please join us by clicking on the "Join this Group" button on the right of this webpage and we will keep you posted on future events.
11 years
Overthorpe Pickers
Overthorpe village, Overthorpe hill, roads towards Middleton Cheney
3 years
Durham Coast
Durham's coastline is unique. Nowhere else in Britain has such a wonderful display of magnesian limestone coastal grasslands supporting a vast array of wildflowers and insects. Most of the coast is now designated as a National Nature Reserve with several Sites of Special Scientific Interest. The England Coast Path runs through the area and is becoming evermore popular with visitors. The beaches are improving after the impact of coal mining and coastal towns such as Seaham have seen a dramatic increase in tourism. The beaches still suffer from litter and are regularly cleaned by groups of keen volunteers. If you would like to join in please see the upcoming event section for more details. We can support groups who want to carry out their own event by supplying equipment (bags, litterpickers, gloves etc) and organising the safe collection and disposal of the rubbish bags after the event. Please pass this information on to anyone you think may be interested.
13 years
Stoke Primary School Coventry
We are a local authority primary school and are wanting to contribute to the community where litter is concerned.
13 years
Rossall Beach Residents & Community Group
The original Fylde Coast beach care group, we look after the shingle beach between the Five Bar Gate and The Venue at Cleveleys. Our core activities are a four weekly community beach clean and a monthly meeting - and throughout the year we do lots of other things to help to improve this beautiful stretch of coast for the people who use it and the wildlife which lives here. Oh, and we have a lot of fun and make a lot of friends - the community which we create is every bit as important as the litter which we pick up! For the dates of forthcoming beach cleans and events please go to: - our website at - our Facebook page at Rossall Beach Buddies - Twitter @RossBeachBudds
16 years
Mid Ulster Community Clean Up
A group to promote and celebrate the litter picking activities of individuals and groups in Mid Ulster
6 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group