Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Litter pick on walk home from work

Coventry,CV6 5BD

26 Feb 2019


Litter pick - reeds/water pick PM Two litter picks in one day!!! This one was very frustrating and disheartening.. as i walked along the canal I spotted some over-enthusiastic (code for immature) magnet fishers. While it looked like they weren’t causing too much trouble, they were adding to the rubbish along the path as they had come up trumps with their ‘fishing’. My plan was to get to bridge 3 and do a soft easy pick of the 20 or 30 cans littered there. Lo and behold I spotted a whole disgusting heap of rubbish all matted with reeds and big branches and natural matter. The good thing is this is out of the water, the bad thing, since I walked past it this morning I spotted it had already encouraged more littering from the regulars who also use this spot to sit. It has a wall and the grass has worn away from people constantly walking all over it.

I just had to pick what I could, I couldn’t leave it like that! I filled two bags for life, one Sainsbury’s (my own) and an Aldi bag for life that some very clever individual had chucked away - brand new I might add with a plastic 4-pack can ring inside. The 4th cyclist who passed me stopped, removed his earplugs and said thank you and we chatted briefly, I told him he was welcome and invited his help should he want to, he told me he is a part of a church and they are always looking for things to do so I gave him the litter action details. I hope he took them down right and gets in contact! My favourite dog Mishka (and her owner) came along and interrupted us so I bid the cyclist farewell, got some cuddles from Mishka who seemed happy at me cleaning and helped by cleaning me (she licked me!). I grabbed what I could and walked to the end of bridge 3 with Mishka and her owner, who shared his frustration and told me of his own efforts to put bags at the roadside whenever he could to get them away from the canal where they are normally just thrown in :( I emptied the contents of both bags in the new bin I campaigned to get installed next to the bus stop by Shortridge Drive. The bin is definitely full now so I will now have to report it to the Council and ask for it to be emptied. This was a bad evening and reminded me how angry and sad I felt the very first time I picked. It is times like this when I don’t even want to walk along the Canal for how angry and upset it makes me, but I noticed a real difference in the water by the reeds where I have been picking and I am hopeful for what change is to come. Watch this space. .

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Litter pick on way to work

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Litter pick on way to work

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Litter pick on way to work

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Litter pick on way to work

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Litter pick on way to work

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Litter pick on way to work

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Litter pick on way to work

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Litter pick on way to work

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Litter pick on way to work

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Litter pick on way to work

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Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Harleston Pickers
The aim is to remove litter from approach roads\' verges to Harleston
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Bow Pickers
We will go out once a week over the weekend to pick up litter in the local area. Nice way to meet new people and tidy up the local area!
7 years
Huntsham is a tiny village in mid Devon. For the last four years, Huntsham Society members and our local community (farmers and all) have joined forces twice a year to clean up all the many the lanes for a distance of 2-3 miles from the village; once in April before the verges are hidden in new growth, and once in October when the vegetation has died down and the litter can be seen. This April we had a turnout of over 100 helpers, including many children. We have recently combined our efforts with Mid Devon County Councils campaign to help keep Devon clean and green, also twice a year. It would be fantastic if neighbouring parishes could take up the challenge of keeping the lanes clear of litter.
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Parsons Lane
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Jill Wellington
I'm a solo litter picker who trys hard to keep my hometown free of litter. My aim is to make a difference as much as I can and just wish everyone would do the same.
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Litter walks Aylesbury
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5 years
Bradshaw Hall Clean UP Friends
This group intends to make the areas around Bradshaw Hall Primary School an example how our public open space, roads, play grounds etc. should look like in terms of cleanliness. Currently, the area is in a relatively good condition when compared with some other areas across Greater Manchester which have been terribly affected by littering, dog fouling and fly tipping. However, there are still a lot of work to be done and a lot of mind-sets to change that it's each individual's responsibility to clean up their own mess.
7 years
Clean Up Alba
Join Edinburgh\\\\\\\'s first clean up group registered in Litter Action UK. Our aim is to keep our beautiful Edinburgh free of litter, cleaning parks as well as beaches.
3 years
Sopwell Litter Pickers
Hi, I'm Holly and I'm starting out litter picking to help make the area I live in cleaner and more attractive. I walk to work some days and I always marvel at how much rubbish there is, especially after bin collection days and it stays on the streets for weeks, so I wanted to do something about it! Alone but hopefully not for long, I have started picking litter in my area to make it a cleaner and more enjoyable place for everyone. I hope as I get more experience at this I can rally together the troops to start a regular litter picking group to help out and clean up Sopwell! If you'd be interested in joining me, you can send me an email to meet up and arrange a litter picking date. Tel. 07857 944 443 Email.
7 years
Allington Alligators
As from October 2021, we will be operating as normal and resuming our monthly organised litterpicks in the Allington area. These usually take place on a Sunday morning starting at 10am for an hour or so at a venue advertised on the events section. We generally follow our litterpick in a local cafe for a chat and refreshments. We are a small friendly group of like-minded individuals who care about our local environment and want to keep it clean and tidy. If you are interested in joining us then do please get in touch and give us a try - new members are always welcome. All equipment is provided.
14 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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