Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Appleby Litter-Pick - with Broughton!

The Thatched Cottage,9 Paul Lane,APPLEBY,DN15 0AR

08 Apr 2011


The Appleby Litter-Pickers are meeting up with volunteers from Broughton (who are also registered with Litter Action) to clean the road between the two communities, a heavily littered 3 mile stretch of busy main road. The Appleby Group have equipment for 10 volunteers. If you wish to join us and help make a difference, please contact Anita (735439) to book your litter-stick, bag hoop and high vis jacket. I estimate we will fill 100 sacks! We will need at least 8 volunteers to complete the road in one session. Meet at 11am at the Appleby Woods entrance. When the safety issues have been discussed and equipment dished out, we will probably split into 2 groups with some of us starting at Appleby Woods and some starting near Broughton Cemetery, and meeting somewhere in the middle! These are outline arrangements subject to confirmation nearer the time.

50 sacks of litter, 16 tyres and a complete bumper in a short half mile stretch from Broughton through the woods today! Thanks to Cath, Tim, Ian . . . and me! That bit of road looks beautiful now!.

upcoming Events

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past Events

January Spruce Up!

Meeting up for an hour on a regular basis can really make a difference. Times/dates will appear on the village FaceBook Group page, or contact me if you wish to help but don't belong to FaceBook (tel:...

Back In Action!

Following a break from litter picking (due to my shoulder surgery!) the Appleby litter Pickers are back in action! We are tackling the village and the boundaries within the village signs today. 6 sack...

Spring Superclean!

An ongoing big clean up of the areas we don't clean on a regular basis. March 10 - Ermine Street south today, as far as the Brigg turn off, resulted in 24 sacks, 3 treys, drums and car bumpers and p...

Winter Walk Ups!

Risby Road today! 8 sacks and counting! Another 15 sacks collected from Ermine Street north and south - Appleby and its surrounding area and litter free again! January 13 2013 - Today we tackled Ris...

Autumn Ambles!

Risby Roady - 3.5 miles More Autumn Ambles are planned - watch this space! 13 sacks collected in just under 2 hours. Risby Road is clean once more! Another 6 from Risby Road plus 13 from the Warren ...

Summer Titivate!

Throughout June, July and August we will continue with walk-ups along Ermine Stet and Risby Road. If anyone would like to help they are welcome to borrow a stick and hoop and 'adopt' a stretch of road...

April Accumulator!

No! This isn't an April Fool's joke! We intend keeping on top of the 3 main roads into the village this month. Walk-ups will be scheduled every weekend to cover Risby Road, Ermine Street North as far ...

Springtime Springcleans Continued! 2012

Regular Walk-Ups of Risby Road, Ermine Street north and south from the village will continue throughout March. 3rd and 4th March - Risby Road walk-up resulted in 4 sacks of litter. another 20 odd sa...

Springtime Springcleans! 2012

Over the next few weekends we will attempt to ''walk-up'' all of the roads we have cleaned recently. January 23 to 28 2012: This week we did a series of 'walk ups'. Risby Road, Winterton Lane, Ermine ...

The Big Broughton Bag Up!

We are off again - tackling the very scruffy, heavily littered B1207 from the Brigg turn off (with the B1208) to the Broughton 30mph signs. These verges are not only heavily littered but are hard to a...

Big Brigg Bag-Up - 2012!

We hope to clear the road all the way to Brigg this month. If anyone feels like joining us please give me a call, 735439. We tackled a section alongside Appleby Woods today, January 1st, filling 20 sa...

Big Brigg Bag-Up!

An ongoing even to clear the verges between Appleby Woods and Brigg, around 4 miles. These verges are really bad! I estimate we could easily fill 300 sacks. 11.12.11 We filled 13 sacks in an hour an...

Appleby Litter-Pick - Winter Wanderers!

While the weather holds (and before a blanket of snow arrives and hides the litter!) we will continue to keep the lanes around the village clean, going as far as Dawes Lane south and Winterton Lane No...

Appleby Litter-Pick!

Risby Road clean up! A beautiful day today, time to attack the whole of Risby Road! We collected a tv, a tyre and just 9 sacks of mainly 'fast food' litter. A bit different to the first time we did t...

Appleby Litter-Pick - Autumn Tidy Up!

Meet at the cottage - we are tackling the whole length of Ermine Street today! Ring me if you would like to help, 735439 Thanks! The Big Autumn Tidy up is ongoing - we spent a couple of hours today, N...

Appleby Litter-Pick - Walk-up!

Every couple of weeks we will spend 2 hours each weekend going over the 3 roads into the village - Ermine Street North and South, and Risby Road. Now these verges have been thoroughly 'deep cleaned' w...

Appleby Litter-Pick - Ermine Street North

Meet at the Holmes Lane/Ermine Street crossroads at noon to Litter-Pick Ermine Street heading towards the A1077. Please ring Anita to book your equipment: 735439. We have enough tools for 8 volunteers...

Appleby Litter-Pick!

Please visit for details and links. We are joining forces with Winterton this weekend to clear the lane from Appleby to Winterton. Thank you WINTERTON! With your help we hav...

Appleby Litter-Pick!

Watch out Winterton! We are coming!! Meet at noon at the Ermine Street / Winterton Lane junction (about a mile and a half north of Appleby). We stout boots and bring your gloves. We will provide litte...

Appleby Litter-Pick - Ermine Street and beyond!

11am start. Meet up point to be arranged. Ring Anita if you would like to join us for an hour or three! (735439) 10 sacks filled from Ermine Street towards Winterton, just half a mile, as well as Risb...

Appleby Litter-Pick - Ermine Street and beyond!

Meeting point to be decided upon - watch this space! Tilly joined us on this wet Saturday. We tackled Ermine Street, starting at Dawes Lane end and getting as far as the entrance in to Appleby Woods. ...

Appleby Litter-Pick - Ermine Street North

Risby Road - DONE! Ermine Street - almost DONE! Where will we go next? The Litter-Pick on Saturday 12th February will be a bit different. We intend walking the 3 main roads we have cleared to pick up...

Litter Pick - Ermine Street South

Meet at 11am on Ermine Street just south of the village. Look out for my pick up! We hope to get as far as Appleby Level Crossing today. You are welcome to join us for just an hour or until we finish ...

Appleby Litter-Pick - Risby Road

Meet on Risby Road - we hope to get to the very end where it joins the A1077 We DID it! The whole of Risby Road cleared of litter! Around 90 sacks of rubbish plus 19 tyres/wheels. Thanks to the 5 volu...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Calthorpe Eco Warriors
Highgate area
3 years
Litter walks Aylesbury
My daughter came up with the idea as it is something we already did as a family. A bit like park run is the idea. Once a week we meet up for a good walk picking up litter and meet new people in our community.
5 years
Sanctuary Shaftesbury Reading
This estate clean up was organised by Matt Evans, Housing Officer of the area, and involved staff from the local Office, and contractors. The clean up involved clearing communal areas inside the flats, garages and the outside area. Going forward, it is hoped that a Residents Association will be formed, that will carry out litter picks and maybe start up a weekly gardening club.
3 years
Bredon Hill
To keep Bredon Hill surrounds litter free, targetting roads between villages initially on an ad hoc basis ... a worthy mission. Up to now over 50 bags in 3 years, a paced delivery :)
6 years
Shotley Bridge Village Trust
The Trust has been in existence for over 20 years but only started its annual spring litter pick in 2007. Normally between 10 and 20 people turn out to help. We also have individual members that keep their local area free of litter. We are a registered charity, which aims to improve the environment in the village and promote a high standard of development, whether it be in new buildings or the renovation and alteration of existing property. We aim to secure the protection and improvement of features of public and historic interest and encourage an interest in the history of the area. Issues that we have addressed over recent years include the desirability and standard of new development proposals and changes to the use and appearance of existing buildings, a wide variety of traffic and highway issues, litter and dog fouling. We have arranged for the erection of plaques to provide information about people and buildings of historic interest, organised village litter pick days and had a variety of speakers at our open meetings. We have presented Design Awards for the best new development, following a poll of members. In the past we have published booklets of items about the history and development of the village and produced a leaflet of heritage trails in the village. More recently we have produced a local directory and been assisting the local businesses and community groups in organising the Shotley Bridge Victorian Christmas Weekend, including litter picks to keep the village looking attractive during the event. In 2011 we were awarded 'outstanding' in the RHS 'It's Your Neighbourhood" award scheme for Britain in Bloom. We have purchased 50 flower tubs, 8 barrier baskets and a trough for the conservation area and our volunteers plant and maintain summer & winter bedding. in 2012 we entered Northumbria in Bloom and were awarded Silver. We gained a Silver Gilt in 2013 and again in 2014. We are aiming for Gold in 2015. Each year we give awards for the best business & residential floral displays. Open meetings are held 3 times a year in the Catholic Church Hall for members and guests to raise and discuss issues arising in the village. Please visit our website for further information.
17 years
Clapton Somerset
Volunteer group organised by the local Village Hall Committee. We pledge to fight back against the thoughtless discarding of litter from passing vehicles and to try to take action to identify fly tippers and repeat offenders.
8 years
Y-Nots! Litter Squad
Group created to bring the community together against litter and fly-tipping in the area. To help keep our village and surrounding areas clean, green and safe. With nature and wildlife in mind.
5 years
The WolfPack
I would like to focus on the local nature reserve. It is such a wonderful place but unfortunately trash can be found everywhere. I would like to find some wonderful people and together clean this area as it\'s not only a great place to admire nature, go for a run, a hike or walk your dog, but it is also home to a wide range of wildlife species
3 years
Welwyn Hatfield Litter Action Group
The aim of the group is to tackle litter blackspots mainly around local woods, paths, parks and public spaces that are not regularly maintained by the council
17 years
Sabre Rail
Our groups main aim is to improve the local environment so that it looks cleaner and more presentable as the litter in the area is spoiling the look of where we live and work. We would like to bring together the working community of the business park in order to clean things up a bit by keeping the area litter free. We feel that this would be a great opportunity to meet some of our neighbours, get some gentle exercise and achieve something really valuable at the same time.
5 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group