Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Litter pick on way to work

Coventry,CV6 5BD

22 Nov 2017


Morning litter pick - 11-11.30am Hoping to pick up the two coats close to bridge 2 of Coventry Canal but ended up filling my trusty strong rubble bag from The Range (better than the supposedly 'extra strong' green garden bag - I left this at home!) way before reaching the heavy sodden garments so will have to save them for another day when I can carry them the distance! Almost fell in the canal, it was quite a funny moment, as I went to reach out for a can by the edge of the canal. Spotted lots of plastic and cans on the surface of the water - it all gathered in one place - my next aim is to invest in a net and target these spots so the poor sweet little moorhens and ducks don't have to swim in this squalor! The public bin got filled again so I will contact them to come empty it..

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Litter pick on way to work

Litter pick with CRT

Coventry Towpath Taskforce: 9.30-12 My very first time joining the Coventry towpath taskforce run by the Canal & River Trust (CRT), I joined a lovely group of volunteers at around 9.40 (the start time...

Talk at local festival

I will be giving a short talk at the 'Reclaiming Coventry Canal' festival organised by Cov Uni and the Peace House in Foleshill as part of the Positive Images festival. I will be telling my story of h...

Litter pick on way to work

Litter pick on way to work I haven't walked along the canal for around a week or two as I have had errands to run before work so have been walking a different way to work, it's the longest time I hav...

Bank Holiday Home Pick

Impromptu litter pick on my street For months, maybe embarrassingly even years I have wanted to tackle the gated albeit abandoned green space opposite my house full of brambles with rubbish inbetween ...

Clearing the reeds

Picking litter from the reeds and water in particular between bridge 3 and 2, on the bend of the canal Fresh after being chased by a moorhen dad last night on my walk home (I kid you not!) as I walked...

Quick litter pick on way to work

Litter pick by 'coil' art of canal art trail by bridge 3 This is a 'hotbed' for flytipping. I repeatedly report this to Council and CRT. The Council needs to start taking responsibility, even if it is...

Litter pick on way to work

Litter pick AM I planned to just pick the dumped stuff I saw at the side of the path mentioned in my Tues 26/02/19 PM event post. But of course I got carried away picking stuff that had gathered in th...

Litter pick on way to work

Litter pick - reeds/water pick AM Decided to do another pick focusing on what's in the water, specifically the litter gathered in and around the reeds and on the water surface - managed a very mucky ...

Litter pick on walk home from work

Litter pick - reeds/water pick PM Two litter picks in one day!!! This one was very frustrating and disheartening.. as i walked along the canal I spotted some over-enthusiastic (code for immature) magn...

Impromptu Litter Pick

Litter Pick The only good thing about finding a brand new plastic bag along your travels is there's no excuse not to pick litter as you see it! I spotted a makeshift bin someone had made with the four...

Litter pick on way to work

Litter pick (solo) on way to work I noticed over the past couple weeks a lot of rubbish has gathered in the reeds running alongside the towpath where ducks and moorhens have been nesting/living - plas...

Litter pick on way to work

Last litter pick of the year perhaps... Decided to do a litter pick as little and often seems to work really well for the stretch that I walk along. Picked up lots of strongbow cans including the card...

Litter pick on way to work

Day 2 of picking this week - I grabbed a bag from home and again just with my gloves began picking part way down the towpath and filled with all the bits of rubbish I had walked by the previous week ...

Litter pick on way to work

The towpath has been getting very messy lately and there have been lots of bits gathering in the water by the reeds. Instead of make my way with a litter picker (this is a lot of effort - carrying an...

Litter pick on way to work

Impromptu pick There was a partly wet and dirty empty blue plastic bag slightly blowing in the breeze on the towpath this morning. I thought I spotted the moorhens lingering around before they jumped...

Litter pick on way to work

Impromptu pick along the towpath The morning after the Plastic Patrol yesterday (Monday 6th August) - I cannot believe I still managed to find litter. It started with a plastic 4-can cover which led t...

Coventry Canal Plastic Patrol

The Canal and River Trust have organised an event: Coventry Canal Plastic Patrol Event: Monday 6th August 2018: 9.30-4.30 Please see the links below:

Impromptu Litter Pick

Spotted around 10-15 sodden trodden on dirty bags for life on my way to work, quite close to the Canal Basin end today...I probably ought to have taken them to work/home and let them dry/cleaned them...

Impromptu Litter Pick

Saw a pile of plastic bags all in a heap - some were partially filled and some were completely empty! So I thought I would grab these as blackbirds and some other little birds were having around them...

Quick litter pick on way to work

Speedy pick on way to work with gloves (no picker) and a Bag for Life: 11.05-11.30am Did a quick litter pick on the way to work - not stopping for too long or lingering as I was only armed with my glo...

Litter pick on way to work

Pick 11am - 11.50am Filled one big blue IKEA bag today - plenty of rubbish...perhaps Community Payback has finished?? Emptied in litter bin away from towapth in Leicester row car park and informed Cou...

Litter pick on way to work

Friday pick! Let's do this...prepared with my gloves, trusted litter picker (it's short because I am!), ear muffs to keep me warm and a bag of birdseed for the little feathered angels I see along the ...

Litter pick on way to work

Got my litter picker and one blue plastic bag... Decided to just take out a bag and fill it but along the way I came along discarded bags so picked and filled them up too! See photo for the end pick.....

First litter pick of 2018!

Litter pick on way to work 11-11.30ish After having a week off with fever, I did my first litter pick of the new year. I was expecting lots of cans and potentially firework remnants from irresponsible...

Litter pick on way to work

Litter Pick Bridges 3-1 (yes in reverse order): 10.45-11.30am Spotted some more cans littered around the canal art sculpture by bridge 3 and other bits along the towpath recently so decided on a pick ...

Litter pick on way to work

Morning litter pick: 11-11.30am I wasn't expecting to do a litter pick but on my way in yesterday I noticed some inconsiderate folk had scattered their lager cans in front of the sculpture (often used...

Litter pick on way to work

Another morning litter pick - 11-11.30am Picked up what looked like a student's notes and an almost entirely unused A4 lined notepad - what a waste! What are they learning?! Some abandoned spray cans ...

Litter pick on way to work

Litter pick 11-11.30am I didn't expect to collect much as the towpath has seemed quite clean since my big litter pick last month but my measley bag was filled to the rafters and just about made it to ...

First Litter Pick!

First Litter Pick! 5-5.30pm Bridges 1-3 This was a new experience which left me feeling quite disheartened with how much litter was collected and how inconsiderate people are dumping their rubbish eve...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Kingstone Guides
Our local guide unit would like to arrange at least one, if not two litter picking days in our village per year. I would like to know where to get the picker sticks from and vests etc
55 years
The Shedfield Society
The Shedfield Society was formed in 1993 for the public benefit: (i) To promote high standards of planning and architecture in or affecting the village of Shedfield. (ii) To educate the public in the geography, history, natural history and architecture of the village of Shedfield. (iii) To secure the preservation, protection and development and improvement of features of historic or public interest in the village of Shedfield. The Shedfield Society is registered with the Civic Voice and is a member of the Campaign to Protect Rural England.
31 years
LC Laverstoke clean up
Do join me
5 years
Hertford Action on Rubbish and Trash
15 years
Clean and Green
Sending an invitation to those in our local area who share my wish to enjoy our local environment without the litter-fringed roads and verges that so many seem to have accepted as the norm.
8 years
Hawth Ushers
We are a group of Ushers at the Hawth Theatre here in Crawley fed up with the disgusting mess left in the auditorium, after some of the shows. Recently we had new carpets and seating installed but despite this the litter and even chewing gum on seats is as bad as ever.
13 years
Keynsham Wombles
We are part of Transition Keynsham and have a network of over 100 local volunteers collecting litter on a weekly basis in an area of their choice which could be the road they live in, a local footpath etc. If you would like to join us please email
12 years
Ramsgate ROAD
Ramsgate ROAD stands for Ramsgate Residents One A Day. It's an informal group for people who commit to picking up at least one piece of litter from the streets of Ramsgate every day (or 7 a week). It has nearly 400 members and a Facebook page. The group is represented on Ramsgate Litter Forum.
7 years
East Oxford
To make my area cleaner and more presentable.
8 years
CPRE Hampshire Litter Pickers
Weekly Winchester-based litter picks focusing on roadside verge clearance along with Winchester City Street Cleaning Company, Idverde
3 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group