Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


plpag ( peterhead litter picking action group)

To join this group please create an account or login

to keep our town looking great to new commers to help inprove the towns peoples attitudes towards litter

plpag ( peterhead litter picking action group)

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Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Stamford Bridge Litter Pickers
We\'ve had a gap of a few years but I\'m keen to start \'making a difference\' once again in and around Stamford Bridge. please contact me on 07771972542 to find out when the next litter pick will be or simply head out on your own and let me know how many bags of rubbish you\'ve collected so I can add that to our total.
15 years
The Friends of Nunroyd Park
From our official starting date of 17/6/17 we have grown to a point where we are now a fully constitued group, and have a busy and active committee of 11 people including myself as chair, our secretary, our treasurer and 8 other members including one of our local city councillors. We are officially recognised by Leeds City Council,and work with their approval and encouragement in the form of much assistance and advice the council's Parks Department. We have an online Facebook membership of just over 370 members, and fully expect this to grow as we develop a stronger presence in our community. As well as other conservation related work and activities, we have a regular Monday night litter park, and for this reason we woild like to request that we can become officially affilated to your campaign.u
7 years
Northants Litter Wombles
We cover the whole of Northamptonshire, at July 2021 we have 2600+members and have collected 22,000+ bags since Feb 2021. Please see our Facebook page for details on group picks etc
3 years
Weymouth dog Beach Walkers
We are a group of dog walkers who regularly walk Weymouth Beach and notice litter being left behind by beach users. On 6th November we collected over 10 bags of litter left from Guy Fawkes night.
8 years
Springfield Park
Group of people who care about the above park and surrounding area, meet FIRST Saturday of the month at Springbank Resource Centre.
13 years
Otterford Parish Litter Pick
Otterford Parish Litter Pick aims to remove as much litter (and fly-tipped items) as possible from the roads and lanes in the parish - which is located in the beautiful Blackdown Hills AONB on the Somerset/Devon border. We now hold three Litter Picks annually - in March, July and November. After sorting,as much litter as possible is recycled: to date we have recycled 7,446 drinks cans, 6,041 plastic bottles, 1,216 glass bottles/jars, and lots of miscellaneous metal. Since our 17th Pick in March 2020 we have also been recycling plastic food containers and lids, paper and cardboard, and aluminium foil. We are grateful to Whitbread Plc (from when they owned Costa Coffee) and Litteraction for donating equipment and clothing: to Somerset West & Taunton District Council (and their contractor idVerde) for providing litter sacks for each Pick and now collecting the rubbish afterwards; and to Somerset Waste Partnership for donating vests, gloves and sacks.
11 years
Sustainable Swaledale
Keeping the 2 Dales of Swaledale and Arkengarthdale free from litter for the enjoyment of our local community and many visitors to our area of outstanding natural beauty in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.
3 years
Welcome to Riders against Rubbish. A group for cyclists that care about the environment they ride through. A hopeful hub of activity and encouragement to help rid our tracks, trails and rides of the rubbish we all too often see in our hedgerows and more.
6 years
Test Dan Update
Test description \\ \" \'
3 years
We meet to pick up litter in Morrab Gardens on the 1st Sunday of every month.
8 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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