Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Friends of Kents Moat Recreation Ground

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Friends of Kents Moat Recreation Ground

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Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

DofE Volunteering
We will be working in London Parks and our neighbourhood streets. Occasionally we will work on the river bank.
3 years
Chignal Parish Council
Chignal Parish Council has organised and coordinated an annual clean up day for many years. The event is supported by local residents, farmers, and small businesses
43 years
clean Walgrave
field, hedges, woodlands surrounding the area
3 years
Clean Up Cannock
Help clean up Cannock
3 years
Beat the Bottle Throwers
Mum, teenage son & daughter, daughters boyfriend, Grandad and Olive the dog - fed up of running, cycling, walking, fishing and seeing lazy people’s rubbish thrown in the hedges and verges of our lovely countryside - trying to make a difference, teach good standards and promote looking after our world.
6 years
Allington Alligators
As from October 2021, we will be operating as normal and resuming our monthly organised litterpicks in the Allington area. These usually take place on a Sunday morning starting at 10am for an hour or so at a venue advertised on the events section. We generally follow our litterpick in a local cafe for a chat and refreshments. We are a small friendly group of like-minded individuals who care about our local environment and want to keep it clean and tidy. If you are interested in joining us then do please get in touch and give us a try - new members are always welcome. All equipment is provided.
14 years
tonyrefail litter pickers
myself and a couple of like minded individuals have been litter picking our local parks, back lanes and mountains for as long as we can remember. the amount of rubbish we are finding is getting worse and worse so we are aiming to do as much as we possibly can so that we can get our parks, lanes and country sides back to how they should be... litter free! our aim is to show people that it's super fun, cool and easy to make that little bit of difference to the environment, hopeing that they will join in on our quest to keep the earth clean.
55 years
Harleston Pickers
The aim is to remove litter from approach roads\' verges to Harleston
11 years
Clean our patch - litter pickers
Are you fed up to walking around your local area and seeing litter everywhere? Well we are!!! So we are standing up and doing something about it. We are based in Keyham by college road primary school and we are going to tidy our local area. Recycle what we can and dispose of the rest! If you want a clean street and to set an example of community pride to our youth JOIN US. Gloves and bags will be provided.
7 years
Coventry Canal
I am an individual who walks part of the Coventry canal to and from work everyday. I have only been walking along the canal since October 2017 despite being a Coventrian my entire life! It is the city's best kept secret and so peaceful and calm away from crowds and cars. But it makes me angry and sad to see such a beautiful habitat ruined with litter so I started picking litter! I usually pick on my way to/from work in the week but I plan to do more at the weekends and travel further to notoriously messy parts of the canal. If anyone would care to join me to make a difference and tidy up for the animals and all of us to enjoy, please get in touch :) Thank you, Jennysha P.S. There is now a new Canal & River Trust Towpath Taskforce which runs on Thursday mornings - please see CRT website for more info. Give as much or as little time as you can :) Please report any flytipping via: 1) website: 2) email:
7 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group