Important: Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.
Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at 2pm. With Ty co-ordinating the afternoon, the team collected 16 bags from many of the usual hotspots..
No upcoming events
Meet at the Tesco recycling site of 2pm. A very wet afternoon - only six bags collected! After 105 group litter picks and over 2,400 bags collected - plus an unquantifiable amount of fly tipped debri...
Meet at Barton Hill at 2.30pm. Bags collected: eight.
Meet at Mampitts Litter Bin at the usual time of 2pm. Bags collected: 14.
Meet at the Tesco recycling site at the usual time of 2pm. Bags collected: 21.
As Mary will be co-ordinating the afternoon, the litter pick will start at the slightly later time of 2.30pm, meeting at the Barton Hill car park. With Mary in charge, 14 members tacked a wide area, l...
This will be our one hundreth group litter pick and will be led by Ty. Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at the usual time of 2pm. On a wet afternoon, 11 members came along to take part in the gro...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm. Seven hardy volunteers braved a wet start to what turned out to be a pleasant afternoon. A total of 11 bags collected - a good result for a...
Meet at the Barton Hill car park at the later time of 2pm. An excellent turnout of 19 members tackled routes planned by Mary around the northern and central areas of the town. Some 20 bags were colle...
Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at the usual time of 2pm. With Ty leading, 12 members tackled routes mainly around the south and east of the town. The badly littered eastern housing development ...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm. On a sunny and crisp afternoon, 16 members came along for our first group litter pick of 2017. A really successful afternoon, leaving l...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm. On our last litter pick of 2016, all routes led to the Salt Cellar, the group's unofficial headquarters. Some 20 bags of rubbish later, 19 ...
Meet at Barton Hill car park at the usual time of 2pm. A great effort by the 16 members who came along to help clean up Shaftesbury! Splitting into seven teams, we tackled both some of our usual rout...
Meet at the Barton Hill car park at the later time of 2.30pm. Under Mary's direction, 15 members tackled a variety of routes, mainly around the northern end of the town. Mel and Ty, who were unable t...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm. Another great effort this afternoon. The 11 group members collected a total of 16 bags, once again leaving parts of our town looking di...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm. Another good afternoon's work that, once again, has left a large part of our historic hilltop town cleaner and litter free. Between the 13 ...
Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at the usual time of 2pm and then at the Salt Cellar at 3pm. Fifteen members met at the Mampitts Road bin to tackle five routes around the town and finishing at th...
Meet at Barton Hill free car park at the later time of 2.30pm. On another hot afternoon, 11 members met at Barton Hill to tackle some of the usual hotspots around the town. These included Ivy Cross, ...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips site at the usual time of 2pm. On a hot August afternoon, a modest turnout of five members tackled routes around the Christy's Lane, Barton Hill and, predictably, Ivy...
Meet at Barton Hill car park at the later time of 2.30pm. Under Mary's direction, twelve members tackled four routes on Wednesday 3rd August, mainly around the central area of the town. These include...
Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at the usual time of 2pm. On the hottest afternoon of the year so far, eight members tackled routes around the middle section of the town. Although Glyn was unabl...
Meet at the Barton Hill car park at the later time of 2.30pm. Another good turnout for the group litter pick on 5 July, with 14 members meeting at the Barton Hill car park. Thank you to everyone who ...
Main meeting place: Tesco recycling skips site at 2pm. Second group: Barton Hill car park at 2pm. We had another good turnout of 15 member, who met in two groups at the Tesco recycling site and Barto...
Meet at the Barton Hill car park at the later time of 2.30pm. A below average turnout on a warm and muggy afternoon. (holiday time for those not tied to school terms!). Nine of us collected eight bag...
Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at the usual time of 2pm. A total of 20 members helped to clean up large sections of our town. After meeting up at the Mampitts Road litter bin for the usual chat...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm. Although holidays, hospitals and a wet start to the day reduced our numbers to just eight, the team still managed to cover a large part of t...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the later time of 2.30pm. An afternoon of wintry showers didn't deter 14 members from clearing a large area, mainly in the north and west of the town, and coll...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm. As the entire length of Christy's Lane is covered by the planned routes, there is no need to collect on your way to the meeting place. On a ...
Met on King Alfred's Way at the usual time of 2pm. A total of 20 volunteers came along to tackle what seemed a daunting task. In addition to 17 Hilltop Litter Pickers members, we welcomed Karen from ...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm. With an encouragingly large turnout of 21 members, we were able to spread out from Barton Hill over a large part of the town. This rang...
This group litter pick will be our contribution to the Clean for The Queen campaign. Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at the usual time of 2pm. A blustery and cold afternoon didn't deter 17 membe...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm. Keep your fingers crossed for some good weather! On a cold and very wet afternoon, 11 members braved the elements and gathered at the Tesco...
Meet at Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm. Some 17 members met at Barton Hill on a bracing afternoon to tackle five routes / areas including the following: A30 to Long Cross - Li...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm. An excellent turnout of 19 members on a cold, but sunny afternoon. We tackled six routes, mainly around the northern and middle section...
Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at the usual time of 2pm. As we start a new year, we welcomed yet another volunteer, Jenny, who joined us for the first litter pick of 2016. This brings our curre...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm. Although attendance was reduced by pre-Christmas commitments, 14 members met at the Tesco recycling skips to tackle five routes, mainly arou...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm. We welcomed Trudie to her first litter pick with the group. With an excellent turnout of 18 members, we were able to cover a large area...
Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin, at the usual time of 2pm. A total of 12 members braved a wet and very windy afternoon. Areas tackled included the following: A30 Salisbury Road / The Maltin...
Main meeting place is the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm. A good afternoon's work today: a large turnout of 21 members; 17 bags collected (bringing our group total to 1,507); lots of t...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car at the usual time of 2pm. On a murky Shaftesbury afternoon, 13 of us cleared several of the usual hotspots (Ivy Cross, Barton Hill and the A30 - Lion's Head - Dark Lan...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm. A smallish team today - but another really good outcome! Although there were only 13 of us, we managed to cover a large area of the town, f...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the earlier time of 10.30am. An excellent turnout of 14 members enabled us to tackle the major routes around and into the town. We also cleared several car parks,...
Meet at the Barton Hill car park at the usual time of 2pm. Eleven members today. Mary tells me that we collected a total of 13 bags from our routes this afternoon. This includes one bag collected ar...
Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at the usual time of 2pm. An excellent turn out of 18 members. We welcomed three new volunteers to the team: William, Marion and Peter. Under Ty's direction, we ...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm. On a rather warm and humid afternoon, just 13 of us cleared up large sections of the town including Christy's Lane, the Ivy Cross area, Bart...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm. Under Mary's direction, 14 members set out to tackle Shaftesbury's north west frontier including Grosvenor Road, the A30, the Gillingham...
Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at the usual time of 2pm. On a hot and humis afternoon, 14 team members met at the Mampitts Road litter bin. Under Mel and Ty's direction, we tackled routes aroun...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm. On a very hot and humid afternoon - the hottest day of the year according to the TV weather bulletins - eight members braved the conditions...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm. With Mary co-ordinating the afternoon, 12 members tackled the usual hot spots around the Barton Hill area. These included the recreatio...
Meet at the Tesco recyclling skips at the usual time of 2pm. Thanks to another great team effort, several key areas of the town were left looking a great deal cleaner and a couple of real "grot spots"...
Contect Peter Askin if you wish to help. While the inclement weather and a scaled-down event meant that we were not as busy as last year, our skeleton team of volunteers once again helped to make the ...
Meet at the Longmead free car park at the usual time of 2pm. A record-breaking litter pick! Just 14 members collected the amazing total of 52 bags of rubbish and a good pile of other debris. Not a b...
Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at the usual time of 2pm. On the eve of other national and local events, the Hilltop Litter Pickers literally cleaned up in Shaftesbury with a decisive result of 1...
Meet at Mary's house at the usual time of 2pm. On the eve of our patron saint's day, Mary's team tackled the usual hotspots around the north of the town. These included Christy's Lane, the A30 to Lon...
Meet at the Lindlar Hall at the usual time of 2pm. A great turn-out of nineteen members on a pleasantly warm April afternoon. Between us, we cleared a large part of the eastern residential area from ...
Met at the Barton Hill car park at the usual time of 2pm. Another enthusiastic turnout - 16 in total - and one of our best for some time. We welcomed Pippa back from India and new members Kate and Di...
Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at the usual time of 2pm. Another great turn-out of 15 members on our last group litter pick. Under Ty's direction, we collected 19 bags of rubbish and a pile of ...
Meet at the Barton Hill car park at the usual time of 2pm. On our mildest afternoon for some time, we had another good turn out of 13 members in the afternoon. We collected 17 bags of rubbish, severa...
Meet at the Mampitts Road litter bin at the usual time of 2pm. New members Keith and Issie joined us for their first litter pick with the group. Splitting into three teams, we covered a wide area aro...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm. Another good turn out on a windy afternoon, with 12 members tackling areas mainly around the north of the town. These included the A30 ...
Meet at the Longmead free car park at the usual time of 2pm with tea at the Salt Cellar at 3pm by courtesy of Ty, who is co-ordinating today's litter pick. Another good turnout for Ty's Tea Party Tidy...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm, for our first litter pick of 2015, when we reach the milestone total of 1,000 bags. On a wet and blustery afternoon, 11 hardy members t...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm with complimentary tea and mince pies in the Salt Cellar at 3pm. Sixteen members - plus our two young environmental activists Erin and Eve - ...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm. Another excellent turnout and a near record bag count. On a cold afternoon, 16 members came along to tackle locations mainly in the nor...
Meet at the Longmead car park at the usual time of 2pm for Mary's first litter pick as organiser. Eleven members cleared routes around the locality, collecting 16 bags and a scooter.
Meet at the Longmead car park at the usual time of 2pm. On a fresh November afternoon, 13 members tackled Ty's four carefully planned and demanding routes that enabled us to clean up most of the south...
Meet at the usual time of 2pm outside the town hall. Another excellent turn out with 18 memebers meeting outside the town hall to tackle an extensive area in and around the town centre. A start was m...
Meet at the Longmead free car park at the usual time of 2pm. A total of 18 members (and guests) - a possible record turnout - came along to help with the post-carnival litter pick. We were able to t...
Meet at the Tesco recycling skips at the usual time of 2pm. A total of ten bags were collected by a small, but enthusiastic team of seven members. Several of the usual hotspots including Christy's La...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm. The 13 of us covered a wide area including Grosvenor Road, Ivy Cross, the A30 from Long Cross, the Lion's Head lay-by, New Road, Dark La...
Meet at the Longmead free car park at 2pm on Thursday, rather than Wednesday. With today's activity co-ordinated by Mel and Ty, we covered quite a lot of ground, from Ivy Cross, through Wincombe recre...
Meet at the Longmead free car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle the usual neighbourhood hotspots. A good afternoon's work that produced 15 bags of rubbish, a large pallet, an ironing board and a...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle hotspots at this end of the town. On a very warm and sticky afternoon, nine members managed to tackle quite a few problem areas...
Meet at the Tesco recycling site for a general "brush up" of the key locations prior to the judges' visit on 10 July. Complimentary tea and cakes in the Salt Cellar afterwards. A total of 14 members ...
Meet at the Longmead car park at the usual time of 2pm. Eight members assembled at the Longmead car park before splitting into teams to tackle the Wincombe recreation park, parts of Christy's Lane, Po...
Two days of organised litter picking at the Shaftesbury Festival over the weekend of 7 and 8 June. What a great experience! On a mainly warm and sunny weekend, 12 members came along to help with litte...
Meet at the Longmead free car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle the usual hotspots in the vicinity. Seven members of the team, including our newest member, Pippa, on her first litter pick, met u...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle some of the usual hotspots including the A30 from Long Cross to Ivy Cross and the Shaftesbury to Gillingham road (New Road) plu...
Meet at the Longmead free car park at the usual time of 2pm. Areas to be tackled to be agreed nearer the time. Ten members met up at the Longmead free car park, which was fairly litter free as Darren...
Meet at the war memorial on Park Walk at the usual time of 2pm for an Easter litter hunt around the town's heritage trail. On a less than clement St Georges Day, nine members braved the elements to me...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm for our first anniversary clean up of the local area. Some 13 members split into teams to tackle a wide area. Ty's team made their way t...
Meet at the A30 end of Lox Lane at 10am for this one-off clean up of Lox Lane. On a warm and sunny Mothering Sunday morning, five members made an early start to tackle Lox Lane. This well used cut th...
Meet at the Longmead free car park at 2pm to tackle the well-known litter hotspots in the neighbourhood. A total of 11 members turned out and split into four groups to tackle the Wincombe recreation p...
Meet at the Boys' Club (Shaftesbury Youth Centre) car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle the lower end of the town. On a pleasantly warm afternoon, 11 enthusiastic litter pickers split into three...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle several hotspots around the Ivy Cross and Bleke Street area. After a break of four weeks, the group welcomed two new members, G...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle several hotspots around the Ivy Cross and Bleke Street area. Postponed due to forecast of heavy rain and very strong winds.
Meet at the Longmead free car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle local hot spots including the recreation park, Christy's Lane and Longmead. Equipped with our new Handihoop bag holders - and fort...
An impromptu clean up of a heavily littered lay by in Shaftesbury by group member David on 19 January 2013. Most of us know that the lay by just off the Shaftesbury to Gillingham road, close to Lion's...
Meet at the Boys' Club car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle the areas around Coppice Street and Mampitts Road. With rain threatening, 13 members gathered at the Youth Centre in Coppice Street f...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at 2pm on Thursday 2 January to tackle the usual hotspots at the northern end of the town. Future events will revert to Wednesdays every two weeks.. On an unusua...
Meet at the Tesco car park (near the recycling bins) at the usual time of 2pm. From here, smaller teams will tackle the usual hotspots before converging on the town centre to meet outside the town ha...
Meet at the Longmead free car park at the usual time of 2pm. From here, we will be able to tackle Christy's Lane, Longmead and the Wincombe recreation park. On a grey, but dry, November afternoon, 13...
Meet at the Royal Chase roundabout (possibly the Half Moon car park) at the usual time of 2pm. We aim to tackle Salisbury Road and the other roads leading into the traffic island and the surrounding ...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm. Depending on numbers, we can tackle several areas including Ivy Cross, New Road, the A30 Sherborne road and Christy's Lane. Ten members...
Our next group litter pick is on Wednesday 16 October, when we are meeting at the Longmead free car park (behind Hine Motors). From here we can follow a circular route along Wincombe Lane, down throu...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle Barton Hill and the Ivy Cross area. The fair will just have vacated the recreation ground and this may be a good time to clear...
Meet at the Boys' Club in Coppice Street at the usual time of 2pm to tackle the neighbouring streets and the recreation area. Depending on numbers, we may also return to the Barton Hill skateboard pa...
We are meeting at the Longmead free car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle Wincombe Park and the surrounding area. Starting from the Longmead car park, eight members of the team followed a circul...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle Barton Hill, Christy's Lane and the Coppice Street play area. After assembling at Barton Hill, eight members split into three t...
Meet at the Longmead car park at the usual time of 2pm for a re-visit to the Wincombe Lane and, possibly, the Barton Hill recreation grounds. Starting at the Longmead car park (heavily littered as usu...
Meet in the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm for the sequel to the '18-rated' horror original. With the temporary encampment now cleared, this should be 'PG' rated, involving collec...
Meet at the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle the Dark Lane area. Please wear suitable clothing for this clean up. Substantial gloves and footwear, long trousers and a lon...
Assemble in the Barton Hill free car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle the Barton Hill and Ivy Cross areas. Eight members split into pairs and spread out to cover a wide area around Ivy cross. ...
Meet at the Half Moon car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle the area around the Royal Chase roundabout. On a wet afternoon, nine members tackled the A30 Salisbury Road and the other main roads f...
Meet at the Boys'Club car park at the usual time of 2pm to tackle Coppice Street and the neighbouring roads. Another excellent turn out, with ten members tackling the area around Coppice Street. Foll...
Meet at 2pm behind the Co-op on King Alfred's Way, Shaftesbury, to tackle the 'litter cage' at the top of Imber Road and a general sweep of the Wincombe Lane recreation area. On a warm and sunny after...
Group clean up of Park Walk, Shaftesbury starting at 2pm. Our second group event on a warm and sunny May Day attracted an encouraging number of new volunteers. Splitting into four teams, we tackled t...
Group clean up of area around Co-op and Chinese takeaway on King Alfred's Way, Shaftesbury starting at 10am. Our first group event. On a damp cold day, six of the team collected nine bags from this s...
These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.
An important part of our work is with young people. We have met with Junior schools, Brownies and Cubs, and talked about the reduction of litter and recycling.
We liaise with other environmental groups in the area, particularly those with similar aims to ours and we work closely with the local Borough Council.
We have a website:-
Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?
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