Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Suburban sortie - St James Lane

Winchester,SO23 0JZ

25 Aug 2015


Meet at 10.00 am by the cemetery gate on St James Lane. .

upcoming Events

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past Events

Black Path Litterpick

Meet by bus stop outside the Tesco Superstore

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa Cafe outside the Railway Station at 1am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa Cafe outside the Railway Station at 11am

St James Lane litterpick

Meet outside Cemetery Gate on St James Lane

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa cafe outside the railway station at 11am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa Cafe outside the railway station at 11am

Weeke litter pick

Meet outside Wesley Methodist Church on corner of Stoney Lane and Fromond Rd

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa Cafe outside the Railway Station at 11am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office

Lower Stanmore litter pick

Meet outside shops on Cromwell Rd

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa cafe outside the Railway Station at 11am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa cafe outside the Railway Station at 11am

Winnall litter pick

Meet outside shops on Garbett Rd

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the Car Park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa Cafe outside the Railway Station at 11am

Suburban pick - St James Lane

Meet at 10am by the Cemetery Gate on St James Lane

Railway Station approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill, adjoining the former Registry Office. .

Suburban Litter Pick - Weeke

Meet outside Wesleyan Methodist Church on Stoney Lane at 10am

Railway station approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill, adjoining the former Record Office.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office.

Suburban Litter Pick- Lower Stanmore

Meet outside the shops on Cromwell Road at 10am

Railway Station approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office.

Railway Station approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office

Suburban Litter Pick - Winnall

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Garbett Rd

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office.

Suburban Litter Pick- Upper Stanmore

Meet at the bottom of Battery Hill outside St Luke's Church at 10am

Raillway Station approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office

Suburban Litter Pick - Durngate and River Park

Meet at 10am at the Durngate car park.

Suburban pick - Black Path, Winnall

Meet at 10am at the bus stop outside the Tesco Superstore.

Suburban Litter Pick - Winnall

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Garbett Rd

Suburban Litter Pick- Upper Stanmore

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions.

Railway Station Approaches

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions.

Railway Station Approaches

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions.

Suburban Litter Pick - Durngate and River Park

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions

Railway Station Approaches

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions

Railway Station Approaches

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions

Suburban pick - Black Path, Winnall

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions

Railway Station Approaches

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions

Railway Station Approaches

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions

Special litter pick - Lower Stanmore and surrounding area

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Cromwell Rd.

Railway Station approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office at 10am

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station cafe

Suburban Sortie - St James Lane

Meet at 10am at the St James Lane cemetery gate

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station café.

Great British Sping Clean

Meet at 10am to litter pick on Moorside Road/ Easton Lane/Winnall Motorway roundabout. Meeting place to be confirmed.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00 am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet at 10.00am on station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban sortie- Stoney Lane, Weeke

Meet at 10am outside Wesleyan Methodist Church on Stoney Lane

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station Café.

Suburban sortie - Lower Stanmore

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Cromwell Road

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

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View event
Special litter pick - South Stanmore

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Wavell Way.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am at the Station café.

Suburban Litter Pick - Winnall

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Garbett Road

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am at the Station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am at the Station café.

Suburban Litter Pick- Upper Stanmore

Meet at 10am outside St Luke's Church on Battery Hill

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on the Railway station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Suburban pick - St James Lane

Meet at 10am by the cemetery gate on St James Lane

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Refreshments at 11am in station café.

Suburban pick - Stoney Lane

Meet at 10am outside Wesley Methodist Church.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on the Railway Station forecourt at 10am,. Refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on the Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Refreshments at 11am in the station cafe

Special litter pick - Moorside Rd

Meet at junction of Moorside Rd and Easton Lane at 10 am. Refreshments at 11am at the Costa Drive thru café

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am at the Station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station café.

Suburban Litter Pick- Lower Stanmore

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Cromwell Road

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments in the Station café.

Suburban Litter Pick - Winnall

Meet on Garbett Road outside shops at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in Station Café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in Station Café.

Suburban Litter Pick- Upper Stanmore

Meet outside St Luke's Church at the bottom of Battery Hill at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in Station Café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Suburban pick - St James Lane

Meet outside the entrance to St James Lane Cemetery at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am, as part of Great British Spring Clean. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am, as part of Great British Spring Clean. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station cafe

Suburban pick - Stoney Lane

Meet outside Wesleyan Methodist Church on Stoney Lane at 10am, as part of the Great British Spring Clean. Followed by refreshments at 11am at the Costa Café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway station forecourt, as part of Great British Spring Clean. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt, as part of Great British Spring Clean. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Great British Sping Clean - Upper Stanmore

Meet at the shops on Wavell Road at 10am. Adjourn for coffee at 11am to the Carroll Centre

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am, as part of Great British Spring Clean.Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban Litter Pick- Lower Stanmore

Meet outside shops on Cromwell Road at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Suburban Litter Pick - Winnall

Meet outside shops on Garbett Rd at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway station forecourt at 10am.Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Suburban Litter Pick- Upper Stanmore

Meet outside One Stop shop at top of Battery Hill at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Suburban Litter Pick - Durngate and River Park

Meet at Durngate Car Park at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Suburban pick - Black Path, Winnall

Meet at the bus stop outside Tesco Extra at 10am.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on railway station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on railway station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on the railway station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban pick - St James Lane

Meet at 10am by the cemetery gate on St James Lane

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on the Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café

Suburban pick - Stoney Lane

Meet at 10.00am outside the Wesleyan Methodist Church

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - to be agreed

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - Lower stanmore

Meet at 10am by Cromwell Rd shops

Railway Station approaches

Meet on Station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban Sortie - Winnall

Meet at shops on Garbett Rd at 10.00am

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban Sortie - Upper Stanmore

Meet at 10am at the top of Battery Hill

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am.Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - Durngate and River Park

Meet at Durngate Car park at 10am.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am.Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - Black Path, Winnall

Meet at 10am at bus stop outside Tesco Superstore.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am.Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet at 10.00am on station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am.Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban Sortie - St James Lane

Meet at 10am outside the Cemetery gate on St James Lane

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am.Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am.Followed by refreshments at 11.00am at station café.

Suburban sortie - Stoney lane, Weeke

Meet at 10am outside the Wesleyan Methodist Church

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am at station café.

Suburban sortie - Black Path, Winnall

Meet at 10am by the bus stop at the Tesco Superstore

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Special Sortie - South Stanmore

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Wavell Way.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30 am in the station café.

Suburban Sortie - Lower Stanmore

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Cromwell Rd

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Suburban Sortie- Winnall

Meet at 10am outside Garbett Rd shops

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Suburban sortie- Upper Stanmore

Meet at 10am at top of Battery Hill

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - Durngate and River Park

Meet at 10am at Durngate car park ( opposite Willow Tree Inn)

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - Easton lane/ Moorside lane

Meet at 10am - Easton Lane junction with Moorside Rd

Suburban sortie - Winnall

Meet at 10am outside Garbett Road shops

Suburban sortie - Upper Stanmore

Meet at 10am at the top of Battery Hill

Suburban sortie - Durngate and River Park

Meet at 10am at Durngate car park

Suburban Sortie - Black Path, Winnall

Meet at 10am at the Tesco bus stop

Suburban Litter Pick- Upper Stanmore

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

The Poppy Litter Group
This group is looking for new people it has been named after my Dog Poppy. To be a member al you have to do is pick up at least one piece of street litter a week. I collect litter near to my house and surrounding area and small conservation area. I have picked up over 900 carrier bags worth of litter in 3 years. I have been on TV and in local press and want a national campaign by the government on tv and in the press. We need to educate all about the pointless littering we see daily. I love to get a celebrity to help promote KEEP BRITAIN TIDY if you know anyone please please help me get in touch About me In 2004 I fractured my spine in three places and suffer daily with server back pain. I was ill health retired and told to take life easy but damned if I will. These people that drop litter make me so angry and I will protect the wildlife that live near me and keep their area FREE of litter and broken glass.
12 years
Lady Bay Litter Pickers
Lady Bay Litterpickers no longer functions as a group. Instead, individuals are issued with equipment to litterpick an area of Lady Bay of their choice, usually the streets immediately around their home and at times convenient to them. If you would like to be involved in this new style of litterpicking, please get in touch - . Be assured, however, that our aims are still to keep Lady Bay as one of the best places to live, and to generate pride in our community.
16 years
Marske Litter Action
Local people working to keep Marske-by-the-sea litter free. We organise regular beach clean ups and litter picking around our area. We have cabinets where you can borrow equipment to do your own litter pick at a time that suits you. Get in touch or join us at our next event if you want to help out! Events are advertised on our Facebook page - just search for Marske Litter Action or email us at
16 years
Ingleby Barwick Community Litter Project
Ingleby Barwick Community Litter Project (IBCLP) is a volunteer organisation that actively addresses the litter problem in Ingleby Barwick by engaging the local community in fun group activities and working with the schools to promote environmental issues in and around the local area. We meet every Wednesday 12-1 pm and also an additional litter pick on the last Saturday of each month. Search Facebook for Ingleby Barwick Community Litter Project
7 years
Deptford Pickup
Group for volunteer litter pickers in Deptford area
3 years
Mossley Hill
Having written to the council and asked them what they're doing about the litter in the area I thought this looked interesting. Not sure if there are any other people around Mossley Hill who aren't keen on the litter, particularly around Rose Lane but I wondered there might be enough people to do a group litter collection sometime. It's so nice to go out and find the street clean and tidy, it would be great if it happened more often.
16 years
Hilltop Litter Pickers
The Hilltop Litter Pickers aim to keep our attractive rural town clean and litter free, both for residents and for the thousands of visitors to its picturesque Gold Hill every year. The group work closely with both the Dorset Waste Partnership and Shaftesbury Town Council. We have been sponsored by the Shaftesbury Chamber of Commerce and local companies Imprint Graphics and Going Underground. Financial support has also been provided through the Community Matters scheme funded by our local Waitrose supermarket in Gillingham. The team meets at the Tesco recycling site, off Christy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Lane, at 2.30pm on the first and third Wednesdays of every month. New volunteers are always welcome.
14 years
LitterFree Durham CPRE
We co-ordinate activities for the CPRE litter campaign Stop the Drop in County Durham and Darlington. These include acting as a central focus to which reports of litter grot spots may be made; making regular personal contact with Local Authorities, Parish Councils and tourism organisations; organising litter picks throughout the county; spreading publicity for the Campaign; and taking a programme of litter-awareness education into local schools. To report a Grot Spot, email us or phone 01325 315580. The group's website is:
17 years
tonyrefail litter pickers
myself and a couple of like minded individuals have been litter picking our local parks, back lanes and mountains for as long as we can remember. the amount of rubbish we are finding is getting worse and worse so we are aiming to do as much as we possibly can so that we can get our parks, lanes and country sides back to how they should be... litter free! our aim is to show people that it's super fun, cool and easy to make that little bit of difference to the environment, hopeing that they will join in on our quest to keep the earth clean.
55 years
Red Lodge Parish Litter Pickers
Red Lodge Parish Litter Pickers are a group which formed after Villagers suggested that the Parish should start a group to tackle the littering in the Village. Councillor Ian Thompson has organised the event with support from the Parish Council, it is to make the Village a more enjoyable place to live and bring the Community together to work as a team.
55 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group