Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


SPRING 14 Litter Picking 06

17 Debdale Road ,Northampton,NN3 2TR

01 May 2014


09.30 - 11.00 am. Meet at the Greenfield Avenue entrance to Eastfield Park. Only two volunteers but another two bags of litter removed!.

upcoming Events

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past Events

Autumn \'Tidy-up\' in Eastfield Park (Northampton)

Two hours of litter picking and rubbish collection in Eastfield Park (Northampton) Come and Make a Difference! Litter pickers and sacks provided. Gloves available but please bring your own if you h...

Community Clean-up Eastfield Park

2.30 to 4.30 pm; Meet just inside the Skiddaw Walk entrance to the Park. This is a community event in Eastfield Park (Northampton) marking the end of 'The Great British Spring Clean'. We will collect ...

Great British September Clean in Eastfield Park Northampton

The Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) are supporting the ‘Great British September Clean’ but, because of Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to organise a full-scale community clean-up. ...

Great British September Clean in Eastfield Park Northampton

The Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) are supporting the ‘Great British September Clean’ but, because of Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to organise a full-scale community clean-up. ...

Eastfield Park 'Afternoon Spring Clean' 2020 - CANCELLED

Event cancelled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

Eastfield Park 'Morning Spring Clean' 2020 - CANCELLED

Event cancelled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

Eastfield Park 'Autumn tidy-up' 2019

Saturday, 5th October - Morning only - 10.00 am to 12 noon. Meet at the Skiddaw Walk entrance to the Park. We will concentrate on litter picking and rubbish removal, particularly in the wooded areas....

Love Parks Week: Clean-up in Eastfield Park

Celebrate the start of 'Love Parks Week' by joining our Clean-up & Litter pick in Eastfield Park (Northampton): 10.00 am to 12 noon on Saturday, 13th July. We will concentrate on wooded areas and aro...

Eastfield Park 'Spring Clean' 2019

The Friends of Eastfield Park have organised 'Spring Cleans' in Eastfield Park every year since 2007. Our 2019 Spring Clean is part of ‘The Great British Spring Clean’ and we are again lo...

Eastfield Park - Short Autumn Tidy-up (2018)

2.00 to 4.00 pm., meeting at the Skiddaw Walk entrance to Eastfield Park On this occasion we will be concentrating on litter picking and rubbish removal only. (We will arrange a gardening/conservati...

Spring Clean in Eastfield Park 2018

Two sessions: 10.00 am to 12 noon and 2.00 to 4.00 pm. Meet just inside the Skiddaw Walk entrance to Eastfield Park (Northampton). Come and make a difference! Tools and protective gloves provided. ...

Spring Clean in Eastfield Park - Cancelled

CANCELLED BECAUSE OF THE BAD WEATHER The FoEP have organised 'Spring Cleans' in Eastfield Park every year since 2007. This year we will again be part of a much larger initiative - The Great British S...

Eastfield Park: Short Autumn 'Tidy-up' 2017

Saturday 9th September 2017 - 10.00am to 12.00noon This year we are concentrating on litter picking and rubbish removal only. (We will be organising gardening and conservation activities in October) ...

Spring Clean Eastfield Park 2017

Two sessions: Session 1 - 10.00am to 12 noon; Session 2 - 2.00pm to 4.00pm; come for one or come for both! Friends of Eastfield Park have organised 'Spring Cleans' in Eastfield Park every year since 2...

Autumn Enhancement of Eastfield Park 2016

Morning Session: 10.00 am - 12.30 pm; Afternoon Session: 1.00 pm - 3.30 pm MEETING AT THE SKIDDAW WALK ENTRANCE As usual we are looking for volunteers to help! Come for the morning session, the aftern...

Clean for the Queen: Eastfield Park, Northampton - 2

Litter Picking in Eastfield Park & Approaches Sunday 6th March 2016: Booth Lane Entrance, 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm Gloves, Sacks & Litter Pickers Provided We want to mark this special occasion with a speci...

Clean for the Queen: Eastfield Park, Northampton - 1

Litter Picking in Eastfield Park & Approaches Saturday 5th March 2016: Skiddaw Walk Entrance, 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm Gloves, Sacks & Litter Pickers Provided We want to mark this special occasion with a sp...

Eastfield Park Autumn Tidy-up 2015

Autumn Tidy-up in Eastfield Park: Saturday 3th October 2015 - Morning Session: 10.00 am - 12.30 pm; Afternoon Session: 1.00 pm - 3.30 pm. As usual we are looking for volunteers to help! Come for the m...

'Spring Clean' 2015

Saturday 25th April, 2015, 10.00am-4.00pm As usual we are looking for volunteers to help! Come for an hour or all day - it’s up to you! The work will possibly include: general litter picking &...

SPRING 14 Litter Picking 08

09.30 - 11.00 am. Meet at the Greenfield Avenue entrance to Eastfield Park. Are we winning? Two volunteers (Vic and Ted) walked the entire length of Apple Tree Walk and only managed to pick up just ov...

SPRING 14 Litter Picking 07

09.30 - 11.00 am. Meet at the Skiddaw Walk entrance to Eastfield Park. A beautiful day to walk through the Park collecting litter as we went. Again, we only had two volunteers but another two bags of...

SPRING 14 Litter Picking 05

10.00 - 11.30 am. Meet at the Skiddaw Walk entrance to Eastfield Park. Only Vic & Bernard collected litter on this occasion but we did manage to fill another two bags. We also carried out a few other...

SPRING 14 Litter Picking 04

09.30 - 11.00 am. Meet at the Greenfield Avenue entrance to Eastfield Park. Bernard, Jason & Vic collected 2.5 bags of litter from Eastfield Park in just over an hour. Vic also discussed recent and pl...

SPRING 14 Litter Picking 03

10.00 - 11.30 am. Meet at the Skiddaw Walk entrance to Eastfield Park. Another seven bags of litter were collected from Eastfield Park by a team of local volunteers and students from Northampton Colle...

SPRING 14 Litter Picking 02

09.30 - 11.00 am. Meet at the Skiddaw Walk entrance to Eastfield Park. Vic Smith, Val Spalding and Lynne Scotten gathered four bags of litter from the Eastfield Park spinney between Skiddaw Walk and t...

SPRING 14 Litter Picking 01

09.30 - 11.00 am Meet at Greenfield Avenue entrance to Eastfield Park Vic Smith and another local resident collected 1.5 bags of litter from Apple Tree Walk. (We didn't quite get as far as Kettering R...

Extra litter picks in November 2013

Friends of Eastfield Park have decided to organise a number of short 'one-off' events during November, 2013, aimed at making the Park cleaner and tidier. Each event will concentrate of one particular ...

Autumn Tidy-up 2013

The Friends of Eastfield Park are holding their annual Autumn Tidy-up in Eastfield Park on Saturday 12th October, 2013, 10.00am-4.00pm. As usual we are looking for volunteers to help! Come for an hour...

Away With Litter 10: Last litter picking event in the FoEP 'Away With Litter' campaign!

09.30-11.00am - Meet at the Greenfield Ave. entrance to Eastfield Park. Throughout October and November, 2012, Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) are organising litter picking activities in and around E...

Away With Litter 9

09.30-11.00am - Meet at entrance to Eleonore House. Throughout October and November, 2012, Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) are organising litter picking activities in and around Eastfield Park on a w...

Away With Litter 8

2.00-3.30pm - Meet at Booth Lane entrance to Eastfield Park. Throughout October and November, 2012, Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) are organising litter picking activities in and around Eastfield Pa...

Away With Litter 7

09.30-11.00 - Meet at Skiddaw Walk entrance to Eastfield Park. Throughout October and November, 2012, Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) are organising litter picking activities in and around Eastfield ...

Away With Litter 6

09.30-11.00am - Meet at Greenfield Ave. entrance to Eastfield Park. Throughout October and November, 2012, Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) are organising litter picking activities in and around Eastf...

Away With Litter 5

2.00-3.30pm - Meet at entrance to Eleonore House. Throughout October and November, 2012, Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) are organising litter picking activities in and around Eastfield Park on a wee...

Away With Litter 4

09.30-11.00am - Meet at Booth Lane entrance to Eastfield Park. Throughout October and November, 2012, Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) are organising litter picking activities in and around Eastfield ...

Away With Litter 3

09.30-11.00am - Meet at Greenfield Ave. entrance to Eastfield Park. Throughout October and November, 2012, Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) are organising litter picking activities in and around Eastf...

Away With Litter 2: Autumn Tidy-up of Eastfield Park

10.00am to 4.00pm - meet between bullring & ponds. Lunch provided (please contact to book lunch in advance) Litter picking equipment / protective gloves provided. No need to ...

Away With Litter 1

2.00 to 3.30pm - Meet at Skiddaw Walk entrance to Eastfield Park. Throughout October and November, 2012, Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) are organising litter picking activities in and around Eastfi...

Spring Clean 2012

Work will include the usual range of activities such as litter picking, removal of rubbish and trimming bushes near paths as well as some planting of wild flowers. Volunteers should meet up between th...

Eastfield Park 'Autumn Tidy-up' 2011

The 2011 Eastfield Park ‘Autumn Tidy-up’ took place on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th October, between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm on both days. The Friday was regarded as a ‘private’...

Eastfield Park 'Spring Clean' 2011

The Annual ‘Spring Clean' of the Park took place on Saturday 19th March: 10.00am - 3.00pm. Just over 100 hours of effort were put in by 27 people, ten of whom were from Groundwork Northamptonsh...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Crewe Clean Team
We are local residents who are passionate about improving our environment. We achieve this through regular group litter picks, bulb planting and other related activities. We educate local youngsters in-school and encourage their participation wherever practical. 'The War on Litter - We've Got to Bin It to Win It.'
13 years
Appleby Litter Pickers!
We are a small group of volunteers who go out and about armed with litter picking sticks, hoops and bags collecting discarded litter from the paths and verges around our beautiful village and surrounding area. We are proud of where we live and by keeping the lanes and village litter free it shows we care about our community. We meet on a regular basis, usually at the weekend, tackling the area road by road. We try and keep Risby Road, Ermine Street north and south of the village for a couple of miles in each direction as well as within the village itself clear of litter. Sometimes we go further afield if the urge takes us! We welcome your support. Details of the forthcoming Litter-Pick dates may be found here on the Litter action website, on the village website ( on the village notice board and on the village FaceBook Group (residents will need to join to see the information). We are supported by North Lincolnshire Council who collect the sacks of litter from our home for which we are very grateful. While we are always pleased to welcome new helpers to our small group of volunteers, if you can't help but wish to show your support please give us a toot on your horn and a cheery wave (and a wide berth) when you see us - a spot of encouragement goes a long way! Little could be said to beat the sense of achievement when you have litter picked the beautiful lanes surrounding our village. The countryside is transformed! Getting rid of litter really DOES make a difference!
14 years
Compton Dando Parish
Group of five villages in the Parish trying to keep their area and lanes clean and safe
15 years
South Common Litter Picking Crew
I set up the group on realizing there were areas of Lincoln's South Common where litter had been accumulating for years. We have managed to get on top of this situation and are now kept busy due to litter being left around the ponds and viewpoints around the common throughout the year . Since I started picking it I've seen weasels fighting, dear, buzzards and kestrel, herron, partridge and pheasants which, for me, makes it one of the most enjoyable places to pick in Lincoln.
55 years
Houndwood Community Group
The Houndwood Community Group’s activities are aimed at making the Houndwood and Icon new housing estate of nearly 400 homes situated in Street, Somerset, a better and safer place to live. We formed about 6 years ago and reorganised in 2017 into our current form.
9 years
Cheddington Residents Litter Pick
We conduct two litter picks a year and have done so since may 1997. Usually in May and October on a Saturday morning.
27 years
Tiverton Volunteer Litter Pickers Group
We aim to prevent and discourage litter and ensure its removal as rapidly and effectively as possible, in order to maintain a clean and attractive environment in and around Tiverton. We work with all age groups especially children. We use publicity, schools campaigns and competitions, partnership with local councils, churches and by setting examples with public litter picks.
23 years
Isle of Dogs: Friends of the Docks
Litter picking around the docks and local pavements
3 years
The picker uppers
Starting from a group of two, and hoping to grow, the mantra is 'if it's being dropped, then it needs picking up' ...we are going to fulfil this task, and hope this encourages less dropping, and more picking! If you see rubbish, don't tell us, pick it up yourself!
11 years
Fishponds Clean Streets
Fishponds Clean Streets was established in 2016 and is run by a few volunteers with the aim of helping keep the streets cleaner of litter. There was an extended period owing to COVID restrictions when we were not able to operate, however we are back up and running again now. We usually meet for an hour and a half on a Saturday morning once a month and always publicise our litter picks here on this page, where we also report on our activity after each litter pick. Thanks to those who joined in on Sat 5th Feb and to Rachel for coming along with her family. Between us we collected 7 sacks of rubbish and 6 of recyclables. We hope to meet again in March, so do keep an eye on this page for updates! In the meantime, if you are new to litter picking in Fishponds and interested in getting involved, please contact us at: for more information. Louise, Pete, Carol & Stuart
9 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group