Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


New recruits swell numbers

Lewes,BN7 2JB

14 Oct 2017


A usual pick; an unusually high number of new recruits. At today's regular litter pick, we met 6 people wanting to join as new volunteers. We welcome them all. As a small group, we have always had fairly modest goals, but with our numbers growing in this way, maybe it's time to expand our horizons..

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Litter Free Lewes Day

All local groups invited to take part in mass litter pick around town. Afterwards all met at Malling Community Centre for tea, sandwhiches and cakes, compliments of Town Council and Mayor.

July pick

Very hot morning, but a good turnout.

Easing of lockdown pick

Invitation to restart our activities after another period of lockdown. A good turn-out with several new recruits resulting in 25 bags of litter collected!

Post Lockdown 2 litter pick

A Sunday morning litter pick of our local area. After a brief period of no litter picks, due to Covid 19 restrictions, we resumed (once again) our activities this morning. Needless to say that after a...

Resumption of litter picking

Following the easing of Covid 19 lockdown measures our group have resumed its activities (with social distancing). Our next scheduled pick is on Sunday 19th July starting at 10 a.m.

February clean-up x 2

Our usual pick is Sunday 16th., but there will be a further opportunity to join our Litter Free Lewes colleagues on Saturday 29th., when they intend clearing the Malling Industrial Estate (meet at Kin...

What's Happening?

Our usual monthly litter pick. Have any other groups noticed that, more and more, we appear to be collecting a lot of Fly-tipped stuff as well as the usual 'litter'. This morning's pick was an exampl...

Environment Agency land...

Our next scheduled litter pick is on Sunday 19th May 2019 from 10 a.m. We have long wanted to tackle the area of land owned by the Environment Agency (behind Tesco), as this is particularly unsightly...

New recruits and new regime.

Early Spring sunshine brings out the best in us, but the worst in the litter-bugs! Today we welcomed Michele and Jim, our two newest recruits. As from the start of the year, we now recycle as we pick...

Picking through the snow!

The usual monthly pick will go ahead, weather permitting. Despite a bitterly cold wind and an overnight dusting of snow, a few hardy volunteers ventured out and did a fine job, collecting 11 sack-full...

Winter blues...

Report about January's and February's monthly picks. January's litter pick was something of a damp affair, with a small number of volunteers, so we have made up for that with today's pick. Well attend...

Pre-Christmas pick

Wow, what a turn-out! All 17 of us (including some very young, willing, helpers). Eleven sacks of litter collected. The whole estate looking pristine.

The Great Malling Spring Clean!

Apparently there is to be a Great British Spring Clean during the month of March. Well, we here in South Malling have been doing our regular monthly litter picks for the past 9 years. (August 2017 is ...

Great Spring clean-up....UPDATE

For our small group, this was to be just another of our regular monthly picks. However, due to the UK wide publicity about The Great British Spring Clean, I decided to publicise our forthcoming event...

Blake's Walk clear-up.

Usual clear-up, but with the emphasis on a particular footpath. A recent, successful campaign by local residents to 'save' the trees alongside a footpath from being cut down (by a developer), was foll...

Xmas clear-up!

Things looking pretty grim. Hoping for a good turnout. Can't let all this litter hang around during Christmas week. (What is the matter with some people? Litter bins in sight, yet oh, so much litter s...

Spotlight on Malling Litter Pickers

Another regular pick, but this time our local District Council requested photographs of us in action so that our group could be featured in their forthcoming Newsletter. Filled the usual black sacks ...

Where were you...?

I felt very alone on Sunday because no-one else turned up. Maybe it's because of the holiday season and everyone else was away. I hope to have all of you back next month. The Council didn't turn up t...

New Hi-Viz vests bring Hi-Viz recognition.

April's litter pick was blessed with warm sunshine, however, despite a request for more volunteers, we only managed 5 (our trustworthy regulars). At least I was able to distribute our new Hi-Viz vests...

You never know what you are going to find!

The usual monthly pick around our delightful 'home turf'. 6 of us managed to fill 9 sacks in an hour but we also found a huge TV which had been dumped behind the recycling area. How convenient and tho...

Welcome to 2015

OK, so it's been another 2 years since the last update. How time flies. (New Year resolution: must update more often.) The first pick of the new year saw 6 of our regulars out clearing the usual path...

2 years and no events!

It has been nearly two years since I posted an 'event'. Where has the time gone? Needless to say we volunteers have still been out there doing our bit, it's just that I haven't written anything about ...

New Year clear-up

The first litter pick of the year and what a lot we got! Jackie & I put in a stirling effort following all the snow and ice. We collected another 10 bags of litter and cleared a wide area. All members...

New Year Clear-up.

After the festive break, let's get together for a good clear-up. Usual time (10 a.m.), usual circumstances (weather permitting) and usual place (outside shop). For this year I propose we meet once a ...


Let's keep up the momentum!

Jackie & Chris managed 5 sacks and cleared the usual pathways.

Regular Sweep

Things are going well. There has been a noticeable reduction in the amount and spread of what we pick up. Well done everyone.

Unfortunately, the foul weather stopped play!

More picking!

I have decided to list some future dates here. 2nd November, 23rd November, 14th December. Meet 10 a.m. outside the shop, depending on the weather. Hope to see you all there.

Old Railway Track

John has suggested we tackle the Recreation Ground end of the old railway track. How about doing the whole lot? See you outside the Shop at 10 a.m. - WEATHER PERMITTING! John & Jackie joined me on a s...

End of season clear-up

Meet at usual place, usual time. 5 of us tackled the end of season (summer) clear-up along the usual woods & paths route. We managed a dozen or so bags in around 90 minutes + car wh...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Porlock Litter Patrol
To walk and enjoy the beauty of the countryside, while making it even more beautiful as we clean up after others. In the age of microplastics no piece of [plastic] litter is too small.
6 years
Marlow Wombles
We are a friendly group of volunteers who do Litter picking and gardening in our communty.
3 years
Varying events where litter picking is needed in our town. Mainly thinking about our wild areas to care for our wilderness and animals
3 years
Bin Bag Buddies
'Putting litter where the sun doesn't shine!' A small group of like-minded people focused on tackling litter hotspots in and around the Teignmouth / Newton Abbot area.
6 years
Fishponds Clean Streets
Fishponds Clean Streets was established in 2016 and is run by a few volunteers with the aim of helping keep the streets cleaner of litter. There was an extended period owing to COVID restrictions when we were not able to operate, however we are back up and running again now. We usually meet for an hour and a half on a Saturday morning once a month and always publicise our litter picks here on this page, where we also report on our activity after each litter pick. Thanks to those who joined in on Sat 5th Feb and to Rachel for coming along with her family. Between us we collected 7 sacks of rubbish and 6 of recyclables. We hope to meet again in March, so do keep an eye on this page for updates! In the meantime, if you are new to litter picking in Fishponds and interested in getting involved, please contact us at: for more information. Louise, Pete, Carol & Stuart
8 years
Harrow Litterbusters
This is a new group that I am setting up. I have in the past 15 years picked up over 5,000 bags of litter in North Harrow and surrounding area. There's more that can be done and I need your help and also help you in your area. Come and join us the Harrow Litterbusters!
12 years
Primrose Parks Alliance
Primrose Parks Alliance is a community group with a shared purpose. We would like to make our parks and green space an environment we are all proud to enjoy. The group is formed from the amalgamation of Friends of Valley View and Springwell Park and Keep Mill Dene Clean community groups. Aims: Keep the area clean and litter free by organising litter pick events. Progress local maintenance issues with the correct agencies, authorities, environmental and charity groups. Identify partners, resource support and funding opportunities and work together to engage, educate, inspire and to close any gaps where the appropriate agencies cannot fully support. Take a long-term view of the area and eventually expand activity to include the development of infrastructure, events and public engagement in the Primrose green spaces.
5 years
Ealing Pickers
Cleaning the local canal, park and Litter picking
2 years
Banbury is a lovely town and its surrounding areas look fabulous. If you're interested in keeping it this way, please join us and help whenever you can, as much as you can. We appreciate time is precious but we are positive there are like-minded people out there who will support keeping banbury tidy.
13 years
Allington Alligators
As from October 2021, we will be operating as normal and resuming our monthly organised litterpicks in the Allington area. These usually take place on a Sunday morning starting at 10am for an hour or so at a venue advertised on the events section. We generally follow our litterpick in a local cafe for a chat and refreshments. We are a small friendly group of like-minded individuals who care about our local environment and want to keep it clean and tidy. If you are interested in joining us then do please get in touch and give us a try - new members are always welcome. All equipment is provided.
14 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group