Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Litter pick

27 Riverside Gardens,Peterborough,PE3 6GE

03 Feb 2019


Litter pick at 10am, all equipment provided. Please wear sturdy shoes. We will have two groups. One will start from the river bank near the town bridge (town side), by the steps at the back of Asda. The other group will start from the bridge by the Boathouse pub. We will finish at 12.00. 12 people and 1 dog collected 25 bags of litter, 2 tents, an iPhone, 2 mobile phones, a very nice cooking pot, a bike saddle and more. Amazing what you find when the undergrowth dies down..

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

RiverCare litter pick

Litter pick

RiverCare litter pick

Past litter pick

Litter collected Jan to Sept 2021

Mainly abandoned tent sites cleared by Kevin and Harry

Thorpe Gate litter pick

Litter pick at 10am with 2 groups, one starting from the River Nene at the steps behind Asda, the other from the bridge by the Boathouse. To be confirmed depending on how flooded the river bank is

Litter collected during Covid 2020

Regular litter picks by me

Thorpe Gate litter pick

Litter pick starting at the steps behind Asda 10 people, 16 bags, part of a sofa and a usable bicycle cleared. Also found needles in a few locations - needle use seems to be spreading....

Thorpe Gate litter pick

One of our regular litter picks. If you have not picked litter with us before, please contact Harry Machin at This was delayed until 20th October due to ongoing bad weather. Finally...

Virgin Media litter pick

Picking the Key Theatre park with a group from Virgin Media Nice enthusiastic group who had heard about our litter picks through HSBC. We collected about 12 bags from around the Key Theatre park

Thorpe Gate litter pick

Routine maintenance of Thorpe Gate area Successful use of paddle board on the river. Area is remarkably clear of litter given that our last litter pick here was 4 months ago

HSBC litter pick

Private event for a team from HSBC's Mortgage and Protection department. Very focused group of 9 people cleared average 2 bags per person fromthe park around the Key Theatre. This area is regularly l...

HSBC litter pick

Private event for a team of HSBC branch managers 17 people collected 15 bags from around the Key Theatre park

Thorpe Gate litter pick

This event is cancelled as the area has recently been litter picked

Litter pick

Litter pick at 10am, all equipment provided. Please wear sturdy shoes. We will have two groups. One will start from the river bank near the town bridge (town side), by the steps at the back of Asda. T...

Litter pick

Back to our regular Sunday morning litter picks. Please wear sturdy footwear, equipment is provided. We'll start at 10am with two groups - one from the Asda steps and one from the Boathouse, so please...

Anglian Water litter pick

Meeting at 1pm at the Boathouse pub in Thorpe Meadows, to do a litter pick around the river Nene and the Boardwalks nature reserve, finishing about 3pm. Following last month's successful litter pick w...

Thorpe Gate litter pick

Another of our regular litter picks. Please wear sturdy footwear, equipment is provided. We'll start at 10am with two groups - one from the Asda steps and one from the Boathouse, so please pick whiche...

Litter pick

Meeting at 10am to clear litter from our part of the river bank, finishing about 12. One group will start from the steps behind Asda on the river bank near the centre of Peterborough, and the other w...

Litter pick

Litter pick at 10am on Sunday 13th May, starting from two locations - the steps behind Asda on the river bank and the Boathouse pub. Equipment is provided - gloves, bags, litter pickers - but please w...

Litter pick

Litter pick at 10am on Sunday 8th April, starting from two locations - the steps behind Asda on the river bank, and the Boathouse Many thanks to the 14 people and one dog who braved the elements and c...

Thorpe Gate litter pick

We will meet at 10am at the steps behind Asda on the river bank, just by the town bridge and walk up towards the Boathouse from Asda towards the Boathouse, picking litter as we go, then join up with a...

Litter pick

Litter pick to coincide with Keep Britain Tidy's Great British Clean Up. Meeting as usual at 10 am at the steps behind Asda on the river Nene at Peterborough town centre. Equipment (gloves, bags etc) ...

Litter pick

Our first litter pick of the new year will be at 10am Sunday 14th January. If rain is forecast, please check this page to be sure it's still on. Starting from the steps on the river bank behind Asda, ...

Litter pick

We met at 10am last Sunday, with one team starting from the steps on the river bank behind Asda and a second team starting at the jetty by the Boathouse Many thanks to everyone who joined us for a rea...

Thorpe Gate litter pick

Litter pick with two groups - one starting from the steps on the river bank behind Asda and one from the bridge by the Boathouse. Start at 10, finish at 12

Litter pick

Litter pick at 10am, starting from two locations - the steps behind Asda and the Boathouse - and meeting for a drink at the Boathouse at 12 o'clock Many thanks to the 14 people who picked litter with ...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

The aim of this group is to encourage habitual collection of local litter (and organised group collections) and to dispose of it properly (recycling it whenever possible) especially along the River Eden, while trying to set an example for other local residents to follow.
15 years
Collie Collections
Currently most of the work is done by my Border Collie who collects crisp and other wrappers and plastic bottles. She then finds the nearest waste bin and puts the litter in it. She has been doing this for the past 5 years.
13 years
St George\'s Litter Pickers
Hertford Road near St George\'s Church and surrounding streets.
3 years
Varying events where litter picking is needed in our town. Mainly thinking about our wild areas to care for our wilderness and animals
3 years
DofE Volunteering
We will be working in London Parks and our neighbourhood streets. Occasionally we will work on the river bank.
3 years
Pickmere Pickers
A group dedicated to ensuring that Pickmere remains litter free. We will have a communal litter picking box where people can collect equipment and pick when they get the time rather than a regular group.
5 years
The Askews
Our area around Cornwallis is in a terrible state, with litter everywhere! Dog litter packets laying around, as dog walkers ignore bins and drop off points along the way. At the moment our group only consists of 2 people, Isabella and Tessi Askew. If anyone wants to join, please email We could widen the fight on litter. Every little bit helps! Let's return the respect the environment deserves!
9 years
Deptford Pickup
Group for volunteer litter pickers in Deptford area
3 years
Keynsham Wombles
We are part of Transition Keynsham and have a network of over 100 local volunteers collecting litter on a weekly basis in an area of their choice which could be the road they live in, a local footpath etc. If you would like to join us please email
12 years
The Nantwich Pickers
Our aim is to ensure that Arnold Street and the surrounding area is as litter free as possible. Me and my two sons (4 and 6 years old) feel very passionately about protecting the environment and will do our bit!
5 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group