Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Clean up with Mother

Thornbury,BS35 1PW

01 Apr 2011


It's that time of year again ! Oldbury Clean Team is again planning a village cleanup on the day before Mothers' Day, Saturday 2nd April - please help us to give Oldbury a make-over so that our mums will be proud to live in the village. We’ll meet at The Pound at 10.30am, spend an hour and a half picking up all the rubbish that’s been dropped around Oldbury and then celebrate with a BBQ, free to all participants, with burgers and sausages kindly donated by The Anchor. Mothers, fathers and family all welcome. See you there ! .

upcoming Events

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past Events

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No events currently planned

Oldbury Fun Run

We will again be helping the Fun Run team to collect the discarded water cups from the course after the event on Sunday June 19th. We plan to walk the course at the rear of the field, armed with litte...

Riverbank Cleanup

We are having our annual Riverbank Cleanup on the morning of Saturday 14th May – please join us at 11.00am at the Sailing Club. The aim is to remove all the litter and debris from the riverbank...

Oldbury Fun Run

We will again be helping the Fun Run team to collect the discarded water cups from the course after the event on Sunday June 20th. We plan to walk the course at the rear of the field, armed with litte...

Annual Riverbank Cleanup

We are having our annual Riverbank Cleanup on the morning of Saturday 8th May – please join us at 10.00am at the Sailing Club. The aim is to remove all the litter and debris from the riverbank ...

Clean up with Mother

To show our wonderful village how much we love it, Oldbury Clean Team was planning a Valentine’s “We Love Oldbury” cleanup on Saturday February 20th. But we had to call that off due...

Oldbury Fun Run

We will be helping the Fun Run team to collect the discarded water cups from the course after the event on Sunday June 21st. We plan to walk the course at the rear of the field, armed with litter-pick...

Second Riverbank Cleanup

Following March's high tides, we're getting together with the Sailing Club again to give the riverbank a good spring clean. We're meeting at the Sailing Club at 3.00pm on Saturday April 18th. All equ...

January Village Cleanup

Janet and I thought that, once all the excitement of Christmas was over, it would be good for us all to get some fresh air and tidy the village up. Meet at The Pound at 10.30am and we'll spend a ma...

Riverbank Cleanup

We are organising a cleanup of the riverbank from Oldbury Power Station down past the Sailing Club to the village boundary upstream from Whale Wharf on Saturday afternoon 20th S...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Litter Nippers
Grand Avenue and Wilson Road Grass Areas
3 years
Ilminster Forum Litter Pickers
Ilminster Forum is the local regeneration group that helps implement community projects for the benefit of the town and its residents identified through the Community Plan.
13 years
plpag ( peterhead litter picking action group)
to keep our town looking great to new commers to help inprove the towns peoples attitudes towards litter
12 years
Community Clear Up
Though litter is picked regularly in the Village of Horndean unfortunately no sooner it is cleared than more is dropped. We are hoping to have all ages to help us keep Horndean and surrounding areas as clear of litter as possible. If you are interested in volunteering please contact us.
13 years
Chignal Parish Council
Chignal Parish Council has organised and coordinated an annual clean up day for many years. The event is supported by local residents, farmers, and small businesses
43 years
I live in a rural part of Staffordshire we aim to provide safe and clean areas that our children and children's children can be proud of and to be able to drive or walk down our countries lanes without seeing all this rubbish.
12 years
Save Our World
Our mission here at 'Save The World' is to help reduce waste and help to reuse, reduce and recycle. For more information simply just drop us a message here at
5 years
RAYS (Reading Adopt Your Street)
RAYS has been funded by a grant from TESCO to provide equipment and by Reading Borough Council (RBC) to provide equipment storage, promotion of the RAYS project, support in building groups and insurance for RAYS volunteers. The RAYS project covers the whole of the RBC area and will support groups, individuals and schools/uniformed groups to adopt a part of Reading.
8 years
Simister Village Clean and Health Association
I am going to door to door for this campaign as soon as I get litter pickers kit.
5 years
Dorset Devils are a group of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole and beyond residents who volunteer their free time to clear litter from where they live as well as nearby parks and our beautiful beaches. We each look after our own patch and hope to encourage others to manage their own litter. Our voluntary group started in 2013 and we now have 836 + like minded residents onboard and still growing. We want Dorset to be as litter free as possible but that means everyone needs to play their part for this to happen. Fresh air, gentle exercise guaranteed and some equipment available. Do as much or as little picking as you like and choose the time and place suitable for you, eIther on your own, with someone else or with Dorset Devils living nearby. Our USP is solo or family/friends litter picking rather than group organised events or with the public. You are welcome to join us and then you can look after your own patch, wherever and whenever it suits you. Always your choice how long you ‘devil’ around. Help make a difference where you live, play and relax. Bournemouth Borough Council and Bournemouth University fully support us with equipment and encouragement. We link up with local environmental organisations including Wimborne War on Waste, Southbourne Waste Busters and we are part of Litter Free Dorset- land, coast & sea. We are active within the community and get involved in a variety of community initiatives including activities with primary school children and scout packs. We are more than just litter pickers as we hope to raise awareness and engage, wherever possible. Follow us on DD Facebook, Twitter and interact through our brand new website. N.B. Past DD events:- View photos via the group photo album
11 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group