Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Clean up with Mother

Thornbury,BS35 1PW

13 Mar 2010


To show our wonderful village how much we love it, Oldbury Clean Team was planning a Valentine’s “We Love Oldbury” cleanup on Saturday February 20th. But we had to call that off due to the freeze and we're now going to do it on the day before Mothers' Day - please help us to give Oldbury a make-over so that our mums will be proud to live in Oldbury. We’ll meet at The Pound at 10.30am, spend an hour and a half picking up all the rubbish that’s been dropped around Oldbury and then celebrate with a BBQ, free to all participants. See you there ! Oldbury Clean Team prepared for Mother’s Day with a village “Clean Up with Mother” on Saturday. 7 village mums joined the 12-strong team to give the village a makeover, collecting an impressive 21 bags of rubbish in the process. The team focused on the village playing fields and on the main routes into Oldbury.

As ever, Picked Moor Lane, the key way into the village from Thornbury, proved to be the most littered area and is clearly regarded as an easy dumping ground not only for people throwing their litter out of their car windows but also for the fly-tipping fraternity. Among the items recovered from a ditch in a notorious lay-by on the lane was, believe it or not, a flat-pack wardrobe. George Monck, co-founder of Oldbury Clean Team, commented : “It may be Mother’s day tomorrow, but Picked Moor Lane is the mother of all grot spots. It is important to us that we keep this main route into Oldbury clean as it gives visitors their first impression of the village. If it is left in a badly littered and fly-tipped state, visitors to Oldbury don’t get a very clean welcome to our lovely community. We will be discussing with South Glos Council how we can get the message across to those people who chuck litter from their vehicles as they are seriously spoiling the look and feel of our village”. Following the litter-pick, Oldbury Clean Team members were treated to a barbecue by the team’s very own chef, Paul Astle, with the food generously donated by The Anchor pub. “They were the most delicious sausages and burgers we have tasted for a long time”, enthused Paul, “just like mother used to make”. Many thanks to all who took part – you did a great job ! Watch out for news of our annual riverbank cleanup – coming soon. .

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Oldbury Fun Run

We will again be helping the Fun Run team to collect the discarded water cups from the course after the event on Sunday June 19th. We plan to walk the course at the rear of the field, armed with litte...

Riverbank Cleanup

We are having our annual Riverbank Cleanup on the morning of Saturday 14th May – please join us at 11.00am at the Sailing Club. The aim is to remove all the litter and debris from the riverbank...

Clean up with Mother

It's that time of year again ! Oldbury Clean Team is again planning a village cleanup on the day before Mothers' Day, Saturday 2nd April - please help us to give Oldbury a make-over so that our mums w...

Oldbury Fun Run

We will again be helping the Fun Run team to collect the discarded water cups from the course after the event on Sunday June 20th. We plan to walk the course at the rear of the field, armed with litte...

Annual Riverbank Cleanup

We are having our annual Riverbank Cleanup on the morning of Saturday 8th May – please join us at 10.00am at the Sailing Club. The aim is to remove all the litter and debris from the riverbank ...

Oldbury Fun Run

We will be helping the Fun Run team to collect the discarded water cups from the course after the event on Sunday June 21st. We plan to walk the course at the rear of the field, armed with litter-pick...

Second Riverbank Cleanup

Following March's high tides, we're getting together with the Sailing Club again to give the riverbank a good spring clean. We're meeting at the Sailing Club at 3.00pm on Saturday April 18th. All equ...

January Village Cleanup

Janet and I thought that, once all the excitement of Christmas was over, it would be good for us all to get some fresh air and tidy the village up. Meet at The Pound at 10.30am and we'll spend a ma...

Riverbank Cleanup

We are organising a cleanup of the riverbank from Oldbury Power Station down past the Sailing Club to the village boundary upstream from Whale Wharf on Saturday afternoon 20th S...

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Paws on Weymouth Beaches & Open Spaces
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Ramsgate ROAD
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RAYS (Reading Adopt Your Street)
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Kirstead Cleaners
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Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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