Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Building painting

Uckfield,TN22 1AE

16 Jul 2011


Commence work on a project to improve the look of the toilet building in Luxfords Car park and the former toilet block on the river bridge at the station. Meet at Luxfords Car Park from 9.00 a.m.. Expect to finish around 11.00 a.m.. This work will continue on the following weekend. Come equipped for scraping and painting (paint and general materials will be supplied by BUC Up) Mission accomplished. Trying to get a photo on this site!.

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Public General Meeting

This meeting is to be held in the Civic Centre, Uckfield, from 7.30pm. It is a 'relaunch' of the Campaign and the launch of a new Campaign logo. The Campaign will be loosening its ties with the Town C...

Uckfield Carnival clear-up

Uckfield Carnival, 3 September 2011 The High Street on the morning of 4 September was an horrendous sight. Bottles, cans and fast food containers all over the place. 4 BUC volunteers spent two-and-a-h...

Building painting

Continued from 17 July - please go to that date for details

Station Forecourt Gardens

To continue with the work to bring the gardens 'up to scratch'. Should be easier than the last time we did this because we've had a lot of rain recently! Meet at the station from 8.30 a.m.. Expected t...

Station Forecourt Gardens

A small team will be working at the railway station from 09.30am. The intention is to smarten up the areas that were set up as gardens. You can stay as long as you like, but I am sure everyone will ha...

Manor Park Estate Winter Clear-up

Meet outside Tesco Express, Browns Lane, Uckfield, at 9.30 a.m. to receive litter collection 'gear' and instructions from Town Councillor Thelma Rumbelow. Event will finish at 11.30 a.m. at the latest...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Stanley Wombles
Feel free to join me in picking up litter from time to time. Cleaning up the countryside one bag at a time.
7 years
As I travel by car around the SE I intend to pick up litter as and when i CAN
13 years
Pickmere Pickers
A group dedicated to ensuring that Pickmere remains litter free. We will have a communal litter picking box where people can collect equipment and pick when they get the time rather than a regular group.
5 years
Rochford District Litter picks
We are a community group of volunteers who get together to clean up hotspot areas either known to need cleaning on a regular basis or responding to areas where residents have identified or raised concerns over.
4 years
Malling Litter Pickers
A few* stalwart volunteers meet once a month to TIDY UP the neighbourhood, much to the delight of some residents & Lewes District Council! *Now in our 15th year, we have welcomed more recruits, taking our total to 38.
17 years
Chapel-en-le-Frith cleanup
Come and meet likeminded neighbours who want to make our beautiful town cleaner and safer for wildlife by giving up 1 hour a week(or whenever suits).Lots of fresh air and feel good factor is free to all.Just bring along gloves and a litter picker.Hope to meet you soon .AJ
3 years
Winsford Community Cleanup
We aim to increase social responsibility within the town. We hope that by showing pride in the town it will inspire other people and residents to take ownership of the area in which they live. We are sick of fly tipping and litter and hope to make a positive impact on the town by becoming more action orientated!
14 years
Sopwell Litter Pickers
Hi, I'm Holly and I'm starting out litter picking to help make the area I live in cleaner and more attractive. I walk to work some days and I always marvel at how much rubbish there is, especially after bin collection days and it stays on the streets for weeks, so I wanted to do something about it! Alone but hopefully not for long, I have started picking litter in my area to make it a cleaner and more enjoyable place for everyone. I hope as I get more experience at this I can rally together the troops to start a regular litter picking group to help out and clean up Sopwell! If you'd be interested in joining me, you can send me an email to meet up and arrange a litter picking date. Tel. 07857 944 443 Email.
7 years
1st Bovingdon Scout Group
1st Bovingdon Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are going to take an active role in the community and help clean up the surrounding area.
6 years
South London Litter Action
South London Litter Action SOLLA is a fast-growing volunteer-led group which brings together people south of the river who want to see our neighbourhoods a bit (much) less littered. This is a group where community activities are organised, stories are shared, and ideas flow - all in the name of less litter. On joining, you will be given a free litter picking kit, to keep you safe and sound and happy in your brilliant service to the community. WE HOST GROUP LITTER PICKS EVERY SINGLE SATURDAY - GET IN TOUCH TO FIND OUT MORE
3 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group