Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


An Aquatic Cleanup


06 Jul 2019


Having acquired a pair of waders I fancy a cleanup of the River by the Bishops Mill and then towards Queen Elizabeth Gardens. If you are up for it meet at The Bishops Mill. Fisherton Street at 1000 hrs. I will provide sacks. Just the two of us cleared the River Avon by the Bishops Mill, then helped the SDC cleaner on the grassed area by Greggs which had overflowing bins, then did the river by Sainsburys. Next day cleared the River Avon in Queen Elizabeth Gardens.

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Bishopdown Farm. Salisbury

Litterpick of Bishopdown Farm, Green Lane area

Into the Valley

Meet at The Valley St. Micheals Rd. end 1000 hrs This will be a "clean" pick. Bring your own pickers and gloves but sacks supplied. Not all events appear on here but the is a facebook page Salisbury C...

Wilton Road Womble. CANCELLED

Group picking will resume after lockdown. Stay Safe.

Supermarket Sweep

Meet at Waitrose carpark by the clothing bank for a 1000 hrs start A great appearance for the Clean Up Salisbury Group, 6 sacks of rubbish and 2 of recycling from Waitrose and Spire View, Thumbs up t...

Odstock Litter Pick

Meet in the area of the Ambulance Station with a view to picking from there to S.D.H. I will provide sacks. 10.00 am start Attended by three members, 14 sacks collected including 5 sacks of recycling

Harnham Slope Litter Pick

Friends of Harham Slope participation in the clean up will now take place on Friday 23rd March only. Again, please confirm your availability for the event, which will commence at 2.00pm, meeting at t...

Harnham Slope

Meet at Harnham Social Club. Parsonage Green at 1400 hrs, this event is being organised by The Friends of Harnham Slope

Churchfields. Salisbury

Next litter picking meeting Sunday 25th February 12pm Churchfields Industrial Estate, near the canoe club and Travis Perkins. Nadder river. This event is being run by Salisbury Free Pickers

Stratford Litter Pick

Meet at Five Rivers Leisure Centre car park for a litter pick along the footpath towards Stratford between 1700 - 1830. Sacks provided but no P.P.E.

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Parsons Lane
Mostly keeping Parsons Lane (Wilmington) tidy but other local areas too if time permits.
24 years
Llanfyllin Litterbusters
Litter picking in the town of Llanfyllin and the nearby countryside. Litterpicking equipment is available for loan for free from the local library - by arrangement. Semi annual picks are organised by the coordinator.
3 years
LitterFree Durham CPRE
We co-ordinate activities for the CPRE litter campaign Stop the Drop in County Durham and Darlington. These include acting as a central focus to which reports of litter grot spots may be made; making regular personal contact with Local Authorities, Parish Councils and tourism organisations; organising litter picks throughout the county; spreading publicity for the Campaign; and taking a programme of litter-awareness education into local schools. To report a Grot Spot, email us or phone 01325 315580. The group's website is:
17 years
Litter Nippers
Grand Avenue and Wilson Road Grass Areas
3 years
Bennett\'s Community Crew are a team of people from Bennett Restaurants Ltd. (a franchise of McDonald\'s) who want to make a difference in their local area. We currently have 18 restaurants across Hampshire, Dorset & Wiltshire and St Helier in Jersey. As well as doing litter patrols on a daily basis in our local areas, we have bigger events at least quarterly. We have been working in our local communities from before 2011 however only formed as Bennett\'s Community Crew in early 2015. We have a Planet Champion in each of our restaurants who champion their local community. We are always looking for local events to take part in.
14 years
Jill Wellington
I'm a solo litter picker who trys hard to keep my hometown free of litter. My aim is to make a difference as much as I can and just wish everyone would do the same.
5 years
Ventnor Wombles
I litter pick around Ventnor where needed once a month. Details of venue are usually in the South Wight Chronicle if any one wishes to join me. I have one or two regular volunteers, together with my dog Pistache.
15 years
2 years
Causeway Litter Collectors
Litter picking in the area along The Causeway, Coopers Lane Road and Coopers Lane.
3 years
I am retired and collect litter as an individual. I started litter picking when I was living in Small Heath and collected more than 1,750 bags over a three year period. I have now moved to Coseley, which is far less blighted by litter, but it is still about. I collect litter two or three times a week around Upper Ettingshall Road, Ivy House Lane, Shaw Road and roads and alleys leading from that area.
7 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group