Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Welton Pickers

To join this group please create an account or login

We are a small but growing group of volunteers who wish to supplement existing litter removal services and to work with local voluntary groups to clear litter in places not presently served.

Welton Pickers

Bags collected so far






Total number of events

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Removing plastic tree sheaths

Meeting at 9.30am at Dunholme Nature Reserve, Ashing Lane, Dunholme to remove redundant plastic tree protectors before they splinter and fall away. Also meeting at same time and place on 26th February...

Roadside litter pick

Routine litter picking on roads entering ad leaving the village of Welton. Meet 10.00am at the parish office Next date: 10 March, same time and place

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

The Friends of Nunroyd Park
From our official starting date of 17/6/17 we have grown to a point where we are now a fully constitued group, and have a busy and active committee of 11 people including myself as chair, our secretary, our treasurer and 8 other members including one of our local city councillors. We are officially recognised by Leeds City Council,and work with their approval and encouragement in the form of much assistance and advice the council's Parks Department. We have an online Facebook membership of just over 370 members, and fully expect this to grow as we develop a stronger presence in our community. As well as other conservation related work and activities, we have a regular Monday night litter park, and for this reason we woild like to request that we can become officially affilated to your campaign.u
7 years
Isle of Dogs: Friends of the Docks
Litter picking around the docks and local pavements
3 years
Red Lodge Parish Litter Pickers
Red Lodge Parish Litter Pickers are a group which formed after Villagers suggested that the Parish should start a group to tackle the littering in the Village. Councillor Ian Thompson has organised the event with support from the Parish Council, it is to make the Village a more enjoyable place to live and bring the Community together to work as a team.
55 years
Keep It Clean, Watford
A potential group for pickers in Watford, not yet formed!
3 years
Park Gate Pickers
Anybody can pick up litter, but nobody does yet everybody should. I decided to be that somebody that does
6 years
West Wight Litter Pickers
The Isle of Wight is one of the prettiest parts of the country - but some areas are scarred by litter. We hope to meet up for occasional litter picks of footpaths and beaches in the western half of our lovely island. Many hands make light work, so please join us and make a difference.
16 years
We collect litter in a relatively informal way in the area around Nomansland Common.
16 years
Local Streets
3 years
Donny Pickerbugs
People fed up of seeing litter in our parks and streets in Doncaster and meeting as a group to do our bit. #itsnotourrubbishbutitsourplanet
5 years
Coventry Canal
I am an individual who walks part of the Coventry canal to and from work everyday. I have only been walking along the canal since October 2017 despite being a Coventrian my entire life! It is the city's best kept secret and so peaceful and calm away from crowds and cars. But it makes me angry and sad to see such a beautiful habitat ruined with litter so I started picking litter! I usually pick on my way to/from work in the week but I plan to do more at the weekends and travel further to notoriously messy parts of the canal. If anyone would care to join me to make a difference and tidy up for the animals and all of us to enjoy, please get in touch :) Thank you, Jennysha P.S. There is now a new Canal & River Trust Towpath Taskforce which runs on Thursday mornings - please see CRT website for more info. Give as much or as little time as you can :) Please report any flytipping via: 1) website: 2) email:
7 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group