Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Triton Road cycle picker

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I joined my friend Ryan's group Clean Lincoln Everywhere And Now and we picked the virge and copse along am 800m stretch of Triton Rd in Lincoln. Afterwards I decided to attempt to manage it by litter picking, by bike, on my daily commute to and from work. I also join in with the Sincil Bank River Care team, when I can. I enjoy working in and on the water.

Triton Road cycle picker

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Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Yorkswood-birmingham res association litterpickers
We are currently a group of 4 Mike,jodie,rob and lynda (aka the dream team) We tackle litter/flytipping/graffiti,drug crime in shardend/yorkswood
3 years
Weeley Wombleys
We started as Weeley Wombleys in 2017 as so many residents had expressed their concerns about the amount of litter appearing everywhere, and we are now part of Weeley in Bloom. There are several take-aways in the area, and the detritus was mounting up so much Tendring District Council couldn\'t keep on top of it. We litter pick on the first Monday morning of the month, and there is usually a hard-core of about 15 residents who pick regularly. We also encourage residents to keep their frontages as clear of rubbish as possible and the area has seemed a lot tidier since we started. We have been into the local School wearing our home-made WeeleyWombley costumes, together with McDonalds (our Corporate partner), to encourage the primary school children to litter pick, and to take their litter home with them. McDonalds also very kindly have a member of staff litter picking around the Village practically every day, which is very much appreciated.
7 years
Houndwood Community Group
The Houndwood Community Group’s activities are aimed at making the Houndwood and Icon new housing estate of nearly 400 homes situated in Street, Somerset, a better and safer place to live. We formed about 6 years ago and reorganised in 2017 into our current form.
9 years
Pickmere Pickers
A group dedicated to ensuring that Pickmere remains litter free. We will have a communal litter picking box where people can collect equipment and pick when they get the time rather than a regular group.
5 years
Primrose Parks Alliance
Primrose Parks Alliance is a community group with a shared purpose. We would like to make our parks and green space an environment we are all proud to enjoy. The group is formed from the amalgamation of Friends of Valley View and Springwell Park and Keep Mill Dene Clean community groups. Aims: Keep the area clean and litter free by organising litter pick events. Progress local maintenance issues with the correct agencies, authorities, environmental and charity groups. Identify partners, resource support and funding opportunities and work together to engage, educate, inspire and to close any gaps where the appropriate agencies cannot fully support. Take a long-term view of the area and eventually expand activity to include the development of infrastructure, events and public engagement in the Primrose green spaces.
5 years
Axminster Action
To clean up litter in and around the town of Axminster
4 years
Killamarsh Conservation Group
To improve the environment in Killamarsh
7 years
Bloomin' Bentham
A gathering of volunteers who meet in the painted bus shelter in High Bentham at 1pm on 13th of each month. We spend an hour or so litter-picking, weeding, planting or generally clearing up around our market town. We also put pressure on the Town Council or District Council when we come across something that we need to tackle in partnership with a larger, more official body.
17 years
Moseley Litter Busters
Moseley Litterbusters is a group of volunteers dedicated to: Keep Moseley clean; Involving local citizens; In partnership with the local authority and business. We meet most Sundays on Moseley village green 9am -10am. Everybody is welcome. Grabbers, gloves & bags provided. We can also help you to organise and publicise your own litter picks in the Moseley area.
6 years
Solo at moment but will try to get local surport. Just returned from asia thought the pictures I saw on internet were made up. Now seen with my own eyes the problem are world is in.
6 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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