Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


The Waltham Abbey Litter Picking Posse

To join this group please create an account or login

We're a small group who meet once a month, usually on a Saturday, to pick litter across Waltham Abbey.

The Waltham Abbey Litter Picking Posse

Bags collected so far






Total number of events

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Litter picking at Junction 26 (Honey Lane)

Join the Waltham Abbey Litter Picking Posse at our inaugural pick. We'll be getting into the verges along Honey Lane by Junction 26 which are loaded with litter. We'll assemble at the Skillet Hill ...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Friends of Temple Ewell & Lydden
Friends of Temple Ewell & Lydden in Kent Downs AONB are looking to create a healthier and cleaner environment which is Litter free. The road side verges of the main road (London Rd, Canterbury Rd & Lydden Hill) is a regular litter hotspot. Please join us while and enjoy our beautiful countryside
3 years
Chilham Parish Council
Too new to have any comment. Hope to be encouraging a walking group in the Parish.
15 years
The knights of the square table
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE)
5 years
Local volunteers and parish councillors aiming to keep our parish litter free and tidy.
10 years
Notton Parish Council
We are a village parish council with an aim to keep our locality clear of litter with occasional group litter picks supplemented by regular picks by volunteers who wish to 'adopt' a local patch to keep clear.
9 years
North West London Clean Up
If you're reading this you're probably already aware that there is a serious litter problem and something must be done! As well as solo daily pickings while walking the dogs, I'm also organising various community clean-ups, mostly a monthly one at the Welsh Harp. I have lots of equipment which I'm very happy to lend out, as well as welcoming suggestions for other areas that need a clean-up. Please contact if you wish to get involved.
9 years
Shotley Bridge Village Trust
The Trust has been in existence for over 20 years but only started its annual spring litter pick in 2007. Normally between 10 and 20 people turn out to help. We also have individual members that keep their local area free of litter. We are a registered charity, which aims to improve the environment in the village and promote a high standard of development, whether it be in new buildings or the renovation and alteration of existing property. We aim to secure the protection and improvement of features of public and historic interest and encourage an interest in the history of the area. Issues that we have addressed over recent years include the desirability and standard of new development proposals and changes to the use and appearance of existing buildings, a wide variety of traffic and highway issues, litter and dog fouling. We have arranged for the erection of plaques to provide information about people and buildings of historic interest, organised village litter pick days and had a variety of speakers at our open meetings. We have presented Design Awards for the best new development, following a poll of members. In the past we have published booklets of items about the history and development of the village and produced a leaflet of heritage trails in the village. More recently we have produced a local directory and been assisting the local businesses and community groups in organising the Shotley Bridge Victorian Christmas Weekend, including litter picks to keep the village looking attractive during the event. In 2011 we were awarded 'outstanding' in the RHS 'It's Your Neighbourhood" award scheme for Britain in Bloom. We have purchased 50 flower tubs, 8 barrier baskets and a trough for the conservation area and our volunteers plant and maintain summer & winter bedding. in 2012 we entered Northumbria in Bloom and were awarded Silver. We gained a Silver Gilt in 2013 and again in 2014. We are aiming for Gold in 2015. Each year we give awards for the best business & residential floral displays. Open meetings are held 3 times a year in the Catholic Church Hall for members and guests to raise and discuss issues arising in the village. Please visit our website for further information.
17 years
Dagenham Community Volunteers
A litter picking group covering Beam Parklands / Old Dagenham Park. Looking for more volunteers so we can over a larger area.
4 years
Friends of Hurst Park
We are local people working with Elmbridge Council to maintain and improve Hurst Park, East Molesey, which is 80 acres of public open space along the Thames upstream of Hampton Court and Molesey Lock. Hurst Park comprises a number of habitats: mown grass, wildflower meadows and grassland, copses, damp scrapes and river edge.
12 years
The Friends of the Cole Valley Birmingham UK
This group is for anybody interested in Litter Picking in the Kingfisher Country Park and surrounding areas of East Birmingham.
5 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group