Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


The Bumbles

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Cleaning up for nature

The Bumbles

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Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Northants Litter Wombles
We cover the whole of Northamptonshire, at July 2021 we have 2600+members and have collected 22,000+ bags since Feb 2021. Please see our Facebook page for details on group picks etc
3 years
Bearpark Litterpickers
Bearpark Parish Council working in partnership with local residents, local groups and Durham County Council aim to litter pick on a quarterly basis. We strive towards living in a nicer, cleaner and better looking environment and pride ourselves in taking positive action to improve OUR local area.
9 years
Better Thornton Heath
The group's aim is to make Thornton Heath a cleaner and greener environment for people to live.
10 years
Parsons Lane
Mostly keeping Parsons Lane (Wilmington) tidy but other local areas too if time permits.
24 years
Beat the Bottle Throwers
Mum, teenage son & daughter, daughters boyfriend, Grandad and Olive the dog - fed up of running, cycling, walking, fishing and seeing lazy people’s rubbish thrown in the hedges and verges of our lovely countryside - trying to make a difference, teach good standards and promote looking after our world.
6 years
Test Dan Update
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3 years
The Askews
Our area around Cornwallis is in a terrible state, with litter everywhere! Dog litter packets laying around, as dog walkers ignore bins and drop off points along the way. At the moment our group only consists of 2 people, Isabella and Tessi Askew. If anyone wants to join, please email We could widen the fight on litter. Every little bit helps! Let's return the respect the environment deserves!
9 years
Dagenham Community Volunteers
A litter picking group covering Beam Parklands / Old Dagenham Park. Looking for more volunteers so we can over a larger area.
4 years
RAYS (Reading Adopt Your Street)
RAYS has been funded by a grant from TESCO to provide equipment and by Reading Borough Council (RBC) to provide equipment storage, promotion of the RAYS project, support in building groups and insurance for RAYS volunteers. The RAYS project covers the whole of the RBC area and will support groups, individuals and schools/uniformed groups to adopt a part of Reading.
8 years
Alveston Litter Busters
We are a group of local residents concerned about litter spoiling our environment. Our aim is to keep Alveston looking clean, tidy and litter free resulting in a more pleasant environment for everyone and its wildlife to live in. We aim to achieve this through Litter Picks and contact with local schools and youth groups. We very much welcome new members. Please email
17 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group