Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Stanley Wombles

To join this group please create an account or login

Feel free to join me in picking up litter from time to time. Cleaning up the countryside one bag at a time.

Stanley Wombles

Bags collected so far






Total number of events

upcoming Events

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past Events

Parish clean-up

Residents are gathering to clean-up on 29Feb and 1 March. Do come and join us.

Clean up Stanley

Isabel McCord is organising a Parish Clean up on 10 and 11 March. Everyone is welcome to join us. Just email me for details.

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Ravenfield Rubbish Rascals
We have 26 active litter pickers each one of whom takes responsibility for a stretch of road or an area of green space. We meet occasionally to review tactics and to swop ideas. We have a massive litter pick once a year to shift an area of accumulated rubbish. We have good relations with the Parish Council and the local authority who are great at clearing flytipping when we inform them.
9 years
Fishponds Clean Streets
Fishponds Clean Streets was established in 2016 and is run by a few volunteers with the aim of helping keep the streets cleaner of litter. There was an extended period owing to COVID restrictions when we were not able to operate, however we are back up and running again now. We usually meet for an hour and a half on a Saturday morning once a month and always publicise our litter picks here on this page, where we also report on our activity after each litter pick. Thanks to those who joined in on Sat 5th Feb and to Rachel for coming along with her family. Between us we collected 7 sacks of rubbish and 6 of recyclables. We hope to meet again in March, so do keep an eye on this page for updates! In the meantime, if you are new to litter picking in Fishponds and interested in getting involved, please contact us at: for more information. Louise, Pete, Carol & Stuart
8 years
I\\\'m looking to start a cleaning group in Bedford to litter pick around the bedford areas and parks I will be starting this with my family my wife and 3 kids so anyone wanting to join and help keep bedford clean are welcome
3 years
Moseley Litter Busters
Moseley Litterbusters is a group of volunteers dedicated to: Keep Moseley clean; Involving local citizens; In partnership with the local authority and business. We meet most Sundays on Moseley village green 9am -10am. Everybody is welcome. Grabbers, gloves & bags provided. We can also help you to organise and publicise your own litter picks in the Moseley area.
6 years
Springfield Park
Group of people who care about the above park and surrounding area, meet FIRST Saturday of the month at Springbank Resource Centre.
13 years
Deptford Pickup
Group for volunteer litter pickers in Deptford area
3 years
Kirton clean up crew
We wish to live in a clean tidy safe environment. if you want to make a difference you have to get up and do something about. Our group litter picks regularly and several do it while dog walking. Like minded group of people who enjoy living in a litter free community. Litter costs nature and the environment we continue to strive to fight against this needless blight.
7 years
Harrow Litterbusters
This is a new group that I am setting up. I have in the past 15 years picked up over 5,000 bags of litter in North Harrow and surrounding area. There's more that can be done and I need your help and also help you in your area. Come and join us the Harrow Litterbusters!
12 years
Civic Pride (Rossendale)
Clean up grot spots; litter clearances; create and maintain planters, hanging baskets and flower beds in public areas; work with local council (e.g. they remove the bags of rubbish we collect);environment education to schools and general public;work with local businesses, retail outlets etc to encourage their participation;raise funds to support our work; work with other community groups to encourage paticipation; recruitment and publicity via a number of media outlets.
25 years
Individual not a group...... picking from part of the Grove, Jumpers Avenue and Bus stops, part Barrack Road Jumpers.
5 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group