Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Sopwell Litter Pickers

To join this group please create an account or login

Hi, I'm Holly and I'm starting out litter picking to help make the area I live in cleaner and more attractive. I walk to work some days and I always marvel at how much rubbish there is, especially after bin collection days and it stays on the streets for weeks, so I wanted to do something about it! Alone but hopefully not for long, I have started picking litter in my area to make it a cleaner and more enjoyable place for everyone. I hope as I get more experience at this I can rally together the troops to start a regular litter picking group to help out and clean up Sopwell! If you'd be interested in joining me, you can send me an email to meet up and arrange a litter picking date. Tel. 07857 944 443 Email.

Sopwell Litter Pickers

Bags collected so far






Total number of events

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Harvest Litter Picking

Meet at 10:00 by the corner of Butterfield Lane with Gorham Drive. Family friendly, great way to connect with local community. Wrap up if cold, we have all the equipment needed. This event is weathe...

World Clean Up Day 2018

Event Location to be confirmed We have all equipment needed to litter pick but you are very welcome to bring your own if you wish. Additionally you may like to bring the following: - Any first aid s...

Litter Pick

Event Location to be confirmed. We have all equipment needed to litter pick but you are very welcome to bring your own if you wish. Additionally you may like to bring the following: - Any first aid...

April Litter Pick

Help us get spick and span in some of our local green space on the 29th of April at 10:45 for an 11am start. We'll be covering Holyrood Crescent, Creighton Ave, Mandeville drive and a focus on one of ...

Sopwell Litter Pickers does The Great British Spring Clean!

UPDATE: Clearly the weather is not on our side this month. After discussing this with a few different members, we have decided to rearrange for next Sunday the 25th March, same time, same place. Third...

Loved up Litter Pick

Show your area how much you love it by helping get it cleaned up and looking smart for Valentines. Start time is 10:15am for a 10:30 start until 12:30 Saturday Feb 10th We will be meeting at the junc...

Christmas Clean up! (Themed)

Lets get tidy for Christmas and make sure we put on our best for Santa! You will also get a festive treat for helping out! Start Time: 12:15 for a 12:30 Start until 14:30 This will be our themed eve...

Voluntary Litter Pick!

This is our First Event! Start Time: 10:45 for an 11am Start until 1pm (or if you have a bit more time on your hands, I'm happy to stay out longer) We're now fortunate enough to have been kindly do...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Leadenham Litterpickers
Small Lincolnshire Village adjacent to two A class roads.
3 years
Bin Bag Buddies
'Putting litter where the sun doesn't shine!' A small group of like-minded people focused on tackling litter hotspots in and around the Teignmouth / Newton Abbot area.
6 years
Queen's Park Primary School and Children's University
As Westminster’s Children’s University we are continually seeking new partners and sponsors to assist in providing quality extracurricular opportunities for the often underprivileged youth of Westminster. We believe in the limitless potential in every child and Seek to open avenues in all fields of experience in order to engage and inspire our cohort. We are a two form entry Primary (state) school currently developing as a centre of excellence in well being and youth mental health. As such we are a completely non profit organisation and rely on the sharing of and engagement in our vision to motivate likeminded professionals to assist and join in our mission to improve the experiences and aspirations of our vulnerable youths. We too provide free consultancy, CPD and CBT/mentoring services in return, in order to create mutually rewarding partnership and more importantly, to spread good practice wherever desired. We are currently using our Eco club and wardens projects to engage our students with their own thoughts,feelings and in being mindful through gardening,planting and creating green spaces our Volunteer Litter picks help children consider their place within our wider community and human's relationship and interdependence with the world and the environment.
8 years
Pathway Neighbourhood Litter Action
At Pathway neighborhood, we are working for a better society, by giving the young people chances to learn how to act, develop, express, earn, belong and influence there community in a positive way. It is important to stress that young people, just like adults, learn through active participation.
12 years
Compton Dando Parish
Group of five villages in the Parish trying to keep their area and lanes clean and safe
15 years
DofE Volunteering
We will be working in London Parks and our neighbourhood streets. Occasionally we will work on the river bank.
3 years
Wildlife defenders
We aim to tackle street and beach litter to protect nature
3 years
Marske Litter Action
Local people working to keep Marske-by-the-sea litter free. We organise regular beach clean ups and litter picking around our area. We have cabinets where you can borrow equipment to do your own litter pick at a time that suits you. Get in touch or join us at our next event if you want to help out! Events are advertised on our Facebook page - just search for Marske Litter Action or email us at
16 years
Joyce Faulkner
Local environmental group. Good links with community. Invented the BIG clean-up, this year with 1000 people involved.
21 years
St. Briavels Beautifiers
I am the sole member of this group so far and would like to recruit other like-minded, local litter-killers. I've armed myself with a litter-picker-upper stick, bought online for a tenner, and I use recycled, plastic, supermarket bags for the collections. I walk around my village on litter-spotting missions every now and then with my fiance and our baby daughter. Good exercise and the lanes look much nicer. 'Hotspots' for litter are the bus shelter and the playing fields. Great feeling of satisfaction too. My aim is to keep our beautiful village 100% litter-free.
13 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group