Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Rawmarsh and Parkgate friends of green spaces

To join this group please create an account or login

We aim to improve the local environment and work in conjunction with the local councillors. 2700 bags collected in 2018

Rawmarsh and Parkgate friends of green spaces

Bags collected so far






Total number of events

upcoming Events

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past Events

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Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Friends of Cheney Row Park
Friends of Cheney Row Park (FoCRP) is a not-for-profit community group managed by a committee of volunteers on behalf of local residents. Events are open to all. We run litter-picking sessions in the park and surrounding area. We also tend to trees, wildflowers and recently planted spring bulbs.
3 years
litter picking group
6 years
Great Warford Residents Group
A community group that organises the Great Warford village Fun Day, monitors local issues of general interest , improves the appearance of the village and picks litter. Working together to create a greener, cleaner more beautiful village and community.
10 years
Allington Alligators
As from October 2021, we will be operating as normal and resuming our monthly organised litterpicks in the Allington area. These usually take place on a Sunday morning starting at 10am for an hour or so at a venue advertised on the events section. We generally follow our litterpick in a local cafe for a chat and refreshments. We are a small friendly group of like-minded individuals who care about our local environment and want to keep it clean and tidy. If you are interested in joining us then do please get in touch and give us a try - new members are always welcome. All equipment is provided.
14 years
West Wight Litter Pickers
The Isle of Wight is one of the prettiest parts of the country - but some areas are scarred by litter. We hope to meet up for occasional litter picks of footpaths and beaches in the western half of our lovely island. Many hands make light work, so please join us and make a difference.
16 years
Chapel-en-le-Frith cleanup
Come and meet likeminded neighbours who want to make our beautiful town cleaner and safer for wildlife by giving up 1 hour a week(or whenever suits).Lots of fresh air and feel good factor is free to all.Just bring along gloves and a litter picker.Hope to meet you soon .AJ
3 years
I am retired and collect litter as an individual. I started litter picking when I was living in Small Heath and collected more than 1,750 bags over a three year period. I have now moved to Coseley, which is far less blighted by litter, but it is still about. I collect litter two or three times a week around Upper Ettingshall Road, Ivy House Lane, Shaw Road and roads and alleys leading from that area.
7 years
Ealing Pickers
Cleaning the local canal, park and Litter picking
3 years
Kingstone Guides
Our local guide unit would like to arrange at least one, if not two litter picking days in our village per year. I would like to know where to get the picker sticks from and vests etc
55 years
Ilminster Forum Litter Pickers
Ilminster Forum is the local regeneration group that helps implement community projects for the benefit of the town and its residents identified through the Community Plan.
13 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group