Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Purbrook and Widley Area Residents Association (PAWARA)

To join this group please create an account or login

We periodically organise group litter picks around the Purbrook and Widley areas, including in local woodland. The aim of the Adopt a Grot Spot campaign is for individual residents to tackle litter in areas not routinely cleared by the Council.

Purbrook and Widley Area Residents Association (PAWARA)

Bags collected so far






Total number of events

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Total to date

Total bags of litter collected since records began in November 2011.

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

1st Bovingdon Scout Group
1st Bovingdon Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are going to take an active role in the community and help clean up the surrounding area.
6 years
Exeter Litter Pickers
I have just started this group, having been surprised to find there is no group in Exeter. I would particularly like to find people willing to help keep the 'Valley Parks' litter free.
16 years
Cronton Pathways Project
We are a revitalised 'clean-up' group of some 20 years' standing which incorporated collaboration with other agencies such as the Environment Agency, TCV, Highways and Groundwork as well as improving communication with our LA, local farmers and schools. Our aims broadened to include two new elements, namely education on litter and LA backed health walks. The latter has enabled people to enjoy our rural pathways, which are now regularly litter-picked, and at the same time build up their stamina in walking for health. In 2011, through fundraising, we were able to purchase two community notice boards to further publicise local events and amenities and our aims. We were very grateful to Groundwork Merseyside for installing them. It continues to be very satisfying to see people reading the notices displayed there and to see some new helpers on our litter-picks and new walkers on our health walks as a result. Both noticeboards were renovated this year, 2018 with help from a grant from Cronton Parish Council, for which we thank them. Our LA, Knowsley MBC, has always been supportive but In recent years, due to funding cuts to LAs we have had reduced contact with them, although they continue to help us by removing the bags of litter we collect on our biannual litter picks. We forged links with one of our neighbouring LAs, Halton, with a view to liaising on littering of our border areas. They provided us with litter-pickers and bags. This has made a big difference to our effectiveness. Updated 24.3.2018
15 years
Chazey Bears
To clean our countryside and prevent littering.
8 years
We are a faith-based charity group committed and dedicated to the Area we operate and in giving back to the Community, we created this group to pick Litters off the streets on every 3rd Saturday of every month by 11.00am. The Aim is to make our environment clean and to make Sunderland the cleanest city in the whole Northeast of England.
8 years
The Townsend Together Team
The Townsend Together Team (3Ts) is an action group for Townsend. The group is made up of residents and organisations. The group has helped reduce crime & anti social behaviour and has improved the local environment, youth provision and community cohesion. The group meets once a month.
21 years
Bradshaw Hall Clean UP Friends
This group intends to make the areas around Bradshaw Hall Primary School an example how our public open space, roads, play grounds etc. should look like in terms of cleanliness. Currently, the area is in a relatively good condition when compared with some other areas across Greater Manchester which have been terribly affected by littering, dog fouling and fly tipping. However, there are still a lot of work to be done and a lot of mind-sets to change that it's each individual's responsibility to clean up their own mess.
7 years
The Friends of Nunroyd Park
From our official starting date of 17/6/17 we have grown to a point where we are now a fully constitued group, and have a busy and active committee of 11 people including myself as chair, our secretary, our treasurer and 8 other members including one of our local city councillors. We are officially recognised by Leeds City Council,and work with their approval and encouragement in the form of much assistance and advice the council's Parks Department. We have an online Facebook membership of just over 370 members, and fully expect this to grow as we develop a stronger presence in our community. As well as other conservation related work and activities, we have a regular Monday night litter park, and for this reason we woild like to request that we can become officially affilated to your campaign.u
7 years
Sandwell L1tter Watch
Will be litter picking in parks and foothpaths
3 years
Better Thornton Heath
The group's aim is to make Thornton Heath a cleaner and greener environment for people to live.
10 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group