Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Northern Slopes

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We hold a weekly Green Gym session where we litter pick and do low key enhancements to the nature area. Litter and fly tipping has been a major problem over the years but since we started the group over 6 years ago the site is a lot cleaner. Other users tend to pick as they go too.

Northern Slopes

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Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Litter Free Baildon
The aim is to bring together like-minded people to tackle the problem of litter in Baildon and to encourage others not to ignore the problem but to be part of the solution.
7 years
Fenton litter pickers
I am tired of seeing rubbish and dog fouling in my local area. We have a beautiful park and nature reserve and I'm seeing more and more fly tipping not just here but all around my local area. I am hoping there are like minded people out there who for a few hours whenever you can we can organise a clean up of the most blighted places and into the bargain get some much needed excercise and make a few friends along the way. I hope to hear from you soon.
6 years
South Area Tidy Team
Commissioned group of the South Area Council, Barnsley. Working with you to make your community better - we are going to make our community a better place to live for future generations.
10 years
Axminster Action
To clean up litter in and around the town of Axminster
4 years
Handsworth Clean-up Squad
Our focus will be the park located on Watt street as well as the surrounding pavements and streets. Eventually when there are enough members we can expand further and target other localised areas within Handsworth.
3 years
Stanton Harcourt Litter Pickers
Formed by residents of Stanton Harcourt and Sutton with support from the parish council, we litter pick on the second Saturday or each month (to coincide with the Village Market) with an annual event encouraging widespread participation in March.
5 years
Purbrook and Widley Area Residents Association (PAWARA)
We periodically organise group litter picks around the Purbrook and Widley areas, including in local woodland. The aim of the Adopt a Grot Spot campaign is for individual residents to tackle litter in areas not routinely cleared by the Council.
20 years
Bradshaw Hall Clean UP Friends
This group intends to make the areas around Bradshaw Hall Primary School an example how our public open space, roads, play grounds etc. should look like in terms of cleanliness. Currently, the area is in a relatively good condition when compared with some other areas across Greater Manchester which have been terribly affected by littering, dog fouling and fly tipping. However, there are still a lot of work to be done and a lot of mind-sets to change that it's each individual's responsibility to clean up their own mess.
7 years
Clean Up Devizes Squad
CUDS was formed primarily to litter pick around our town and its environs. We do so about 4 times a month for 2 hours each time and then have a cup of tea and the all-important biscuits. We also strip useless bits of turf off areas, dig over, plant bulbs and sow wildflower seeds which we maintain on 2 roundabouts and various other places. At present we have about 28 members. We are not a charity - we are funded by grants for which I apply and have back-up from Dervizes Town Council's Park and Open Spaces team when we can't shift all the stuff we have collected ourselves. When we started over 3 years ago, we were viewed with some suspicion - as in 'Are you all doing Community Payback?' and so forth - interesting to think that a great group of oldies would be doing that! Now, in our bright blue hivis vests emblazed with CUDS on the back, nearly everybody knows who we are - and if they don't, they must have been asleep. We work with local groups - Beavers, the Canoe Club, The Lions at their Fair and recently with The Fulltone Orchestra at their free event in the Market Place. We are also planning our reward - apart from cake, which we have before our summer and Christmas breaks. This time we are going on a day out to visit various gardens in Somerset - it's great to be sociable and many have made firm friends within our group.
9 years
Sabre Rail
Our groups main aim is to improve the local environment so that it looks cleaner and more presentable as the litter in the area is spoiling the look of where we live and work. We would like to bring together the working community of the business park in order to clean things up a bit by keeping the area litter free. We feel that this would be a great opportunity to meet some of our neighbours, get some gentle exercise and achieve something really valuable at the same time.
5 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group