Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Mossley Hill

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Having written to the council and asked them what they're doing about the litter in the area I thought this looked interesting. Not sure if there are any other people around Mossley Hill who aren't keen on the litter, particularly around Rose Lane but I wondered there might be enough people to do a group litter collection sometime. It's so nice to go out and find the street clean and tidy, it would be great if it happened more often.

Mossley Hill

Bags collected so far






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past Events

Mossley Hill Clean Up

I'm gathering support for a clean up of Mossley Hill. Depending on the number of volunteers and the problem litter areas at the time, I'd like to focus on Rose lane and Booker avenue shops. If you're ...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Weston Litter Group
Weston Litter Group was set up in 2010. We meet on the 1st Saturday of every month at the Moravian Church car-park (just off the High Street roundabout). We cover all areas of Weston, such as the High Street, The Rec, Southlands, Eastville Avenue, Broadmoor Lane, Cotswold Way etc. We have all our own equipment....McDonalds have kindly donated 10 litter grabbers, Chaplins Newsagents abled us to purchase 20 pairs of gloves and Bath & NE Somerset Council supply us with bags and a collection service. Look forward to meeting you at a pick! Chris
15 years
Gosport Town Litter Pickers
This group closed in February 2014 as the organiser moved out of the area and there were no other members
13 years
Love Hever
A Parish Council initiative to reduce litter from our roadside verges and to keep this area beautiful and special
55 years
Stoke Primary School
We are a local authority primary school and are wanting to contribute to the community where litter is concerned.
13 years
Litter Free Baildon
The aim is to bring together like-minded people to tackle the problem of litter in Baildon and to encourage others not to ignore the problem but to be part of the solution.
7 years
Pilsley Litter Heroes
We\'re picking up the litter around Pilsley, Lower Pilsley etc!
3 years
Mashamshire Litter Busters
Mashamshire is an area of outstanding beauty. We are doing what we can to preserve it. We do litter collection along the lanes and footpaths in and around Masham - and we find loads of plastic. We are reducing the impact of micro-plastics on the diet of your children and grand-children! A Masham resident has kindly offered to pay for our group meeting coffees. Many thanks. As we go about Mashamshire we get many kind appreciations from folk that we meet.
7 years
St. Briavels Beautifiers
I am the sole member of this group so far and would like to recruit other like-minded, local litter-killers. I've armed myself with a litter-picker-upper stick, bought online for a tenner, and I use recycled, plastic, supermarket bags for the collections. I walk around my village on litter-spotting missions every now and then with my fiance and our baby daughter. Good exercise and the lanes look much nicer. 'Hotspots' for litter are the bus shelter and the playing fields. Great feeling of satisfaction too. My aim is to keep our beautiful village 100% litter-free.
13 years
Fulbourn Forum for community action
We aim to clear litter from most streets and out to the parish boundaries twice a year.
15 years
Friends of Stoneleigh Park
Community group made up of residents, agencies and Oldham Council. The aims of The Friends of Stoneleigh Park (FOSP) are: •To help protect, conserve and enhance Stoneleigh Park as a place of freedom, recreation and enjoyment for the community. •To help protect, conserve and enhance the environment of Derker •To gather input from local people, organisations and representative groups so that the group may best serve the residents of Derker. •To organise events/activities for the local community .
17 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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