Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Litter-Free Derbyshire

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This cross Derbyshire group has been assembled on Nextdoor to enable like minded people to join together in collecting litter, raising awareness in the community plus ......

Litter-Free Derbyshire

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Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Ramsgate ROAD
Ramsgate ROAD stands for Ramsgate Residents One A Day. It's an informal group for people who commit to picking up at least one piece of litter from the streets of Ramsgate every day (or 7 a week). It has nearly 400 members and a Facebook page. The group is represented on Ramsgate Litter Forum.
7 years
Dorset Devils are a group of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole and beyond residents who volunteer their free time to clear litter from where they live as well as nearby parks and our beautiful beaches. We each look after our own patch and hope to encourage others to manage their own litter. Our voluntary group started in 2013 and we now have 836 + like minded residents onboard and still growing. We want Dorset to be as litter free as possible but that means everyone needs to play their part for this to happen. Fresh air, gentle exercise guaranteed and some equipment available. Do as much or as little picking as you like and choose the time and place suitable for you, eIther on your own, with someone else or with Dorset Devils living nearby. Our USP is solo or family/friends litter picking rather than group organised events or with the public. You are welcome to join us and then you can look after your own patch, wherever and whenever it suits you. Always your choice how long you ‘devil’ around. Help make a difference where you live, play and relax. Bournemouth Borough Council and Bournemouth University fully support us with equipment and encouragement. We link up with local environmental organisations including Wimborne War on Waste, Southbourne Waste Busters and we are part of Litter Free Dorset- land, coast & sea. We are active within the community and get involved in a variety of community initiatives including activities with primary school children and scout packs. We are more than just litter pickers as we hope to raise awareness and engage, wherever possible. Follow us on DD Facebook, Twitter and interact through our brand new website. N.B. Past DD events:- View photos via the group photo album
11 years
Cleveland Park Residents' Association
We are a small residents association who hold monthly events to improve our area by planting tree pits and troughs, picking up litter and encouraging everyone to keep their front gardens neat and tidy.
24 years
Whittlesford Parish Church and Volunteer Network
We aim to help litter pick on a regular basis to keep our village and surrounding roads clear of rubbish.
3 years
Litter Free Baildon
The aim is to bring together like-minded people to tackle the problem of litter in Baildon and to encourage others not to ignore the problem but to be part of the solution.
7 years
CID Clean-up Team
Helping to keep litter in check in Richmond Hill, Leeds. We will support as many local litter picks as possible but also national events such as The Great British Spring Clean and Love Parks Week, or even global ones like World Rivers Day and World Cleanup Day. If you’d like to get involved or find out more please message the co-ordinators with a way we can contact you. The Climate Innovation District (CID) is a modern development of low carbon housing on the banks of the river Aire in Leeds.
3 years
The Parish Pickers St Stephen Parish St Albans
The Parish Pickers started as 3 small bands of willing volunteers in in the St Stephen Parish near St Albans and by combining forces and with better advertising through posters and social media we have grown to a 50 strong group of mostly fantastic \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Lone Rangers\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'. We currently do several litterpicks in throughout the year plus we support as many major events as possible including The Great British Spring Clean / World Rivers Day / Love Parks Week
9 years
The Poppy Litter Group
This group is looking for new people it has been named after my Dog Poppy. To be a member al you have to do is pick up at least one piece of street litter a week. I collect litter near to my house and surrounding area and small conservation area. I have picked up over 900 carrier bags worth of litter in 3 years. I have been on TV and in local press and want a national campaign by the government on tv and in the press. We need to educate all about the pointless littering we see daily. I love to get a celebrity to help promote KEEP BRITAIN TIDY if you know anyone please please help me get in touch About me In 2004 I fractured my spine in three places and suffer daily with server back pain. I was ill health retired and told to take life easy but damned if I will. These people that drop litter make me so angry and I will protect the wildlife that live near me and keep their area FREE of litter and broken glass.
12 years
Fenton litter pickers
I am tired of seeing rubbish and dog fouling in my local area. We have a beautiful park and nature reserve and I'm seeing more and more fly tipping not just here but all around my local area. I am hoping there are like minded people out there who for a few hours whenever you can we can organise a clean up of the most blighted places and into the bargain get some much needed excercise and make a few friends along the way. I hope to hear from you soon.
7 years
Cronton Pathways Project
We are a revitalised 'clean-up' group of some 20 years' standing which incorporated collaboration with other agencies such as the Environment Agency, TCV, Highways and Groundwork as well as improving communication with our LA, local farmers and schools. Our aims broadened to include two new elements, namely education on litter and LA backed health walks. The latter has enabled people to enjoy our rural pathways, which are now regularly litter-picked, and at the same time build up their stamina in walking for health. In 2011, through fundraising, we were able to purchase two community notice boards to further publicise local events and amenities and our aims. We were very grateful to Groundwork Merseyside for installing them. It continues to be very satisfying to see people reading the notices displayed there and to see some new helpers on our litter-picks and new walkers on our health walks as a result. Both noticeboards were renovated this year, 2018 with help from a grant from Cronton Parish Council, for which we thank them. Our LA, Knowsley MBC, has always been supportive but In recent years, due to funding cuts to LAs we have had reduced contact with them, although they continue to help us by removing the bags of litter we collect on our biannual litter picks. We forged links with one of our neighbouring LAs, Halton, with a view to liaising on littering of our border areas. They provided us with litter-pickers and bags. This has made a big difference to our effectiveness. Updated 24.3.2018
15 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group