Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.



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As I travel by car around the SE I intend to pick up litter as and when i CAN


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AR10 | AR15 | Firearm Accessories | Tactical Gear

Obtain the AR10 and AR15 tactical gear online and avail better deals Onlin...

AR10 | AR15 | Firearm Accessories | Tactical Gear

If you are looking for some tactical gear accessories then you are at the right place. Visit us and check out the best AR10 &


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buy tactical clothing

The major reason you should buy tactical gear is to protect yourself under life-threatening conditions. The high-quality vests are mostly worn by policemen a...

buy tactical clothing

There is no uncertainty that the police, SWAT, and many other law enforcement agencies are continually in dangerous situations on an everyday base. This is why it is significant that all security work...

Buy Tactical Gear

There are diverse kinds of tactical gear obtainable for dissimilar sorts of workings and so one has to be talented to make a cautious choice from the numerous options that are obtainable in the market...

Cheap VPN Service

Moreover, when you are planning to buy VPN Services, make sure to check the refund policy. Free trials are a great way to test a company before committing to a l...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

just an hour a week walking the lanes will keep our parish clean and tidy and enjoy some fresh air and a little exercise at the same time !
11 years
plpag ( peterhead litter picking action group)
to keep our town looking great to new commers to help inprove the towns peoples attitudes towards litter
12 years
Bennett\'s Community Crew are a team of people from Bennett Restaurants Ltd. (a franchise of McDonald\'s) who want to make a difference in their local area. We currently have 18 restaurants across Hampshire, Dorset & Wiltshire and St Helier in Jersey. As well as doing litter patrols on a daily basis in our local areas, we have bigger events at least quarterly. We have been working in our local communities from before 2011 however only formed as Bennett\'s Community Crew in early 2015. We have a Planet Champion in each of our restaurants who champion their local community. We are always looking for local events to take part in.
14 years
Exeter Litter Pickers
I have just started this group, having been surprised to find there is no group in Exeter. I would particularly like to find people willing to help keep the 'Valley Parks' litter free.
16 years
Friends of Temple Ewell & Lydden
Friends of Temple Ewell & Lydden in Kent Downs AONB are looking to create a healthier and cleaner environment which is Litter free. The road side verges of the main road (London Rd, Canterbury Rd & Lydden Hill) is a regular litter hotspot. Please join us while and enjoy our beautiful countryside
3 years
RAYS (Reading Adopt Your Street)
RAYS has been funded by a grant from TESCO to provide equipment and by Reading Borough Council (RBC) to provide equipment storage, promotion of the RAYS project, support in building groups and insurance for RAYS volunteers. The RAYS project covers the whole of the RBC area and will support groups, individuals and schools/uniformed groups to adopt a part of Reading.
8 years
Donny Pickerbugs
People fed up of seeing litter in our parks and streets in Doncaster and meeting as a group to do our bit. #itsnotourrubbishbutitsourplanet
5 years
Litter Free Menston
A group for Menston residents who wish to keep their beautiful village looking it’s best and litter free. New members welcome!
4 years
Friends of Eastfield Park
Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) exists to improve Eastfield Park, Northampton, UK, for the benefit of all its users. We do this through research, planning, consultation and promotion of the Park as well as organising conservation activities (including litter picking) and social events in the Park.
17 years
Bloomin' Bentham
A gathering of volunteers who meet in the painted bus shelter in High Bentham at 1pm on 13th of each month. We spend an hour or so litter-picking, weeding, planting or generally clearing up around our market town. We also put pressure on the Town Council or District Council when we come across something that we need to tackle in partnership with a larger, more official body.
17 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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