Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Friends Of Crosby Beach

To join this group please create an account or login

We carry out and organise monthly beach clean-ups on Crosby and Waterloo beaches. We also try to raise awareness of plastic pollution and what it does to wildlife and our environment.

Friends Of Crosby Beach

Bags collected so far






Total number of events

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Beach Clean

We meet at 10.30am at the Promenade (Mariners Rd entry to the beach). All equipment is provided, but if you prefer you can bring your own. We finish at 12.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing. We m...

Beach Clean

We meet at 10.30am at the Promenade (Mariners Rd entry to the beach). All equipment is provided, but if you prefer you can bring your own. We finish at 12.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing. We m...

Beach Clean

We meet at 10.30am at the Promenade (Mariners Rd entry to the beach). All equipment is provided, but if you prefer you can bring your own. We finish at 12.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing. We m...

Beach Clean

We meet at 10.30am at the Promenade (Mariners Rd entry to the beach). All equipment is provided, but if you prefer you can bring your own. We finish at 12.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing. We m...

Beach Clean

40 adult and 13 junior volunteers, collected 11 full bags of plastic rubbish from Crosby Beach

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Moseley Litter Busters
Moseley Litterbusters is a group of volunteers dedicated to: Keep Moseley clean; Involving local citizens; In partnership with the local authority and business. We meet most Sundays on Moseley village green 9am -10am. Everybody is welcome. Grabbers, gloves & bags provided. We can also help you to organise and publicise your own litter picks in the Moseley area.
6 years
Marske Litter Action
Local people working to keep Marske-by-the-sea litter free. We organise regular beach clean ups and litter picking around our area. We have cabinets where you can borrow equipment to do your own litter pick at a time that suits you. Get in touch or join us at our next event if you want to help out! Events are advertised on our Facebook page - just search for Marske Litter Action or email us at
16 years
Anstey Litterpickers
Anstey Litterpickers are simply fed up with the amount of discarded McDonalds and KFC wrappers, beer cans, fag packets etc thrown out of car windows along the lovely country roads around Anstey and Charnwood. We just want to do something about it!
11 years
CID Clean-up Team
Helping to keep litter in check in Richmond Hill, Leeds. We will support as many local litter picks as possible but also national events such as The Great British Spring Clean and Love Parks Week, or even global ones like World Rivers Day and World Cleanup Day. If you’d like to get involved or find out more please message the co-ordinators with a way we can contact you. The Climate Innovation District (CID) is a modern development of low carbon housing on the banks of the river Aire in Leeds.
3 years
Exeter Litter Pickers
I have just started this group, having been surprised to find there is no group in Exeter. I would particularly like to find people willing to help keep the 'Valley Parks' litter free.
16 years
Witham Wombles
We are a voluntary litter picking group in Witham, Essex, who are passionate about keeping our local area tidy and free of litter. We meet up once a month at various locations across the town and are always looking for new volunteers! We love getting the community together and have previously had amazing assistance from the Witham & District Lionesses as well as local schools and Brownies and Beavers groups. We have also been interviewed by BBC Essex and received a Community & Safety Award from Witham Neighbourhood Watch! If you believe an area should be considered for our litter pick locations, please get in touch and let us know. We are also on Facebook and Twitter @WithamWombles
9 years
The WolfPack
I would like to focus on the local nature reserve. It is such a wonderful place but unfortunately trash can be found everywhere. I would like to find some wonderful people and together clean this area as it\'s not only a great place to admire nature, go for a run, a hike or walk your dog, but it is also home to a wide range of wildlife species
3 years
Gosport Town Litter Pickers
This group closed in February 2014 as the organiser moved out of the area and there were no other members
13 years
Pickmere Pickers
A group dedicated to ensuring that Pickmere remains litter free. We will have a communal litter picking box where people can collect equipment and pick when they get the time rather than a regular group.
5 years
Harman's Cross About Litter/Worth Picking Up
We are part of the Litter-Free Purbeck Group. Our aim is to tackle the litter problem by engaging the broader community to raise awareness of what can be done, not only by litter-picking activities, but also to deal with the varous sources of the problem at corporate and individual levels.
8 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group