Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Dagenham Community Volunteers

To join this group please create an account or login

A litter picking group covering Beam Parklands / Old Dagenham Park. Looking for more volunteers so we can over a larger area.

Dagenham Community Volunteers

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Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Newlands Grange
The aim of this group is to keep our estate and its adjoining green spaces clear of litter. I collect on a regular basis and would love to be supported by other like minded people.
5 years
Windmill Hill Green Party
After conducting a survey in the area, litter was mentioned as a menace. The Green Party in Windmill Hill would like to organise a litter picking day on Saturday 13th April 2019.
6 years
Stretford Litter Pickers
We are a volunteer group of local residents tackling litter pollution and fly-tipping in the Stretford, Longford and Gorse Hill ward areas of Trafford through community-led action. Our mission is to make our neighbourhood a safer, cleaner and greener place for wildlife and residents to live and enjoy. We encourage our members to conduct solo litter picks and organise regular community clean-up events for those who want to make Stretford a litter-free zone. We also advocate for local and national initiatives that can help drive long-term environmental behaviour change, while working closely with Trafford Council, schools, local businesses and community groups to target problem areas and raise awareness about the damage caused by litter and fly-tipping.
3 years
I am a solo litter picker for my area
9 years
Clean and Green
Sending an invitation to those in our local area who share my wish to enjoy our local environment without the litter-fringed roads and verges that so many seem to have accepted as the norm.
9 years
Lady Bay Litter Pickers
Lady Bay Litterpickers no longer functions as a group. Instead, individuals are issued with equipment to litterpick an area of Lady Bay of their choice, usually the streets immediately around their home and at times convenient to them. If you would like to be involved in this new style of litterpicking, please get in touch - . Be assured, however, that our aims are still to keep Lady Bay as one of the best places to live, and to generate pride in our community.
16 years
Donny Pickerbugs
People fed up of seeing litter in our parks and streets in Doncaster and meeting as a group to do our bit. #itsnotourrubbishbutitsourplanet
5 years
Local Streets
3 years
Appleby Litter Pickers!
We are a small group of volunteers who go out and about armed with litter picking sticks, hoops and bags collecting discarded litter from the paths and verges around our beautiful village and surrounding area. We are proud of where we live and by keeping the lanes and village litter free it shows we care about our community. We meet on a regular basis, usually at the weekend, tackling the area road by road. We try and keep Risby Road, Ermine Street north and south of the village for a couple of miles in each direction as well as within the village itself clear of litter. Sometimes we go further afield if the urge takes us! We welcome your support. Details of the forthcoming Litter-Pick dates may be found here on the Litter action website, on the village website ( on the village notice board and on the village FaceBook Group (residents will need to join to see the information). We are supported by North Lincolnshire Council who collect the sacks of litter from our home for which we are very grateful. While we are always pleased to welcome new helpers to our small group of volunteers, if you can't help but wish to show your support please give us a toot on your horn and a cheery wave (and a wide berth) when you see us - a spot of encouragement goes a long way! Little could be said to beat the sense of achievement when you have litter picked the beautiful lanes surrounding our village. The countryside is transformed! Getting rid of litter really DOES make a difference!
14 years
Leadenham Litterpickers
Small Lincolnshire Village adjacent to two A class roads.
3 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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