Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.



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I\'m looking to start a cleaning group in Bedford to litter pick around the bedford areas and parks I will be starting this with my family my wife and 3 kids so anyone wanting to join and help keep bedford clean are welcome


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Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Hunslet Carr Wombles
This is a rolling monthly litter picks of different Hunslet Carr neighbourhoods. The Leeds City Council Litter Picking Kit will be supplied, so all you need to do is bring yourself.
3 years
Love Hever
A Parish Council initiative to reduce litter from our roadside verges and to keep this area beautiful and special
55 years
Test Dan Update
Test description \\ \" \'
3 years
North West London Clean Up
If you're reading this you're probably already aware that there is a serious litter problem and something must be done! As well as solo daily pickings while walking the dogs, I'm also organising various community clean-ups, mostly a monthly one at the Welsh Harp. I have lots of equipment which I'm very happy to lend out, as well as welcoming suggestions for other areas that need a clean-up. Please contact if you wish to get involved.
10 years
St. Briavels Beautifiers
I am the sole member of this group so far and would like to recruit other like-minded, local litter-killers. I've armed myself with a litter-picker-upper stick, bought online for a tenner, and I use recycled, plastic, supermarket bags for the collections. I walk around my village on litter-spotting missions every now and then with my fiance and our baby daughter. Good exercise and the lanes look much nicer. 'Hotspots' for litter are the bus shelter and the playing fields. Great feeling of satisfaction too. My aim is to keep our beautiful village 100% litter-free.
13 years
Litter Warriors for Wales
My aim is to raise awareness of the growing problem of litter in our society and through example, re educate people and instill pride in the place they live in by picking up litter as I go
7 years
Friends of Temple Ewell & Lydden
Friends of Temple Ewell & Lydden in Kent Downs AONB are looking to create a healthier and cleaner environment which is Litter free. The road side verges of the main road (London Rd, Canterbury Rd & Lydden Hill) is a regular litter hotspot. Please join us while and enjoy our beautiful countryside
3 years
Fife Street Champions
We are a group of pickers who pick all over Fife. Joining organised cleans, organising our own and doing our own bits out and about. Join us on Facebook 'Fife Street Champions'
6 years
Broadstairs Town Team Ltd
We have come together to do positive things, where we can see ways we can help, to make our town even better than we already know it is. We love Broadstairs. We know that most of the people who live here do too and that visitors often fall in love with it from the moment they arrive. It's a great place. But nowhere is perfect and let's face it, if it was it would be boring. We're always thinking of new ideas of things we can do that will make a positive difference and address some of the issues and challenges our town faces. Our aim therefore : Make Broadstairs an even nicer place to work in, live in or visit.
12 years
Greening Wingrove & Arthur\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Hill CIC
We are a neighbourhood co-operative, here to make the area greener and cleaner and promote local responses to the climate emergency.
3 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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