Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Clean our patch - litter pickers

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Are you fed up to walking around your local area and seeing litter everywhere? Well we are!!! So we are standing up and doing something about it. We are based in Keyham by college road primary school and we are going to tidy our local area. Recycle what we can and dispose of the rest! If you want a clean street and to set an example of community pride to our youth JOIN US. Gloves and bags will be provided.

Clean our patch - litter pickers

Bags collected so far






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Litter picking

Meeting at GFF 33 college road, keyham, pl2 1ns Bring some gloves we will provide bags We will be focusing around the keyham area and the next event will be in an area nominated by the group. We ...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

3rd Heathfield - Ibn Battuta Scout Group
We are a scout group based in Whitton and provide our children Skills for Life Would love to support the community in any key activities like litter picking. Support the borough to make it a little better place to live in.
6 years
Friends of BETARA
We're a group of local people who want to make a difference to the look of the area....and make us proud to live here. We do litter picks, tidy up communal garden areas and generally anything to help make the place nicer for all!!!
8 years
Ainsdale Civic Society
Ainsdale Civic Society comprises an active group of people whose common aim is to make Ainsdale a better place to live, work and play.
55 years
Simister Village Clean and Health Association
I am going to door to door for this campaign as soon as I get litter pickers kit.
5 years
Keeping Coleshill clean
To keep Coleshill clean , we need more volunteers!
14 years
Spark pickers
Sparkbrook farm park
3 years
Widemouth Task Force (WTF)
My name is Ado Shorland, i`m a surfer from north Cornwall and i organise Beach cleans via my facebook group 2-3 times a month on 5 different beaches, last year we cleared over 5 tons of netting and plastic from just 5 beaches, if you would like to join our group type in Widemouthtaskforce into your facebook searchbar and apply on the main page..
13 years
Queen's Park Primary School and Children's University
As Westminster’s Children’s University we are continually seeking new partners and sponsors to assist in providing quality extracurricular opportunities for the often underprivileged youth of Westminster. We believe in the limitless potential in every child and Seek to open avenues in all fields of experience in order to engage and inspire our cohort. We are a two form entry Primary (state) school currently developing as a centre of excellence in well being and youth mental health. As such we are a completely non profit organisation and rely on the sharing of and engagement in our vision to motivate likeminded professionals to assist and join in our mission to improve the experiences and aspirations of our vulnerable youths. We too provide free consultancy, CPD and CBT/mentoring services in return, in order to create mutually rewarding partnership and more importantly, to spread good practice wherever desired. We are currently using our Eco club and wardens projects to engage our students with their own thoughts,feelings and in being mindful through gardening,planting and creating green spaces our Volunteer Litter picks help children consider their place within our wider community and human's relationship and interdependence with the world and the environment.
8 years
Stretford Litter Pickers
We are a volunteer group of local residents tackling litter pollution and fly-tipping in the Stretford, Longford and Gorse Hill ward areas of Trafford through community-led action. Our mission is to make our neighbourhood a safer, cleaner and greener place for wildlife and residents to live and enjoy. We encourage our members to conduct solo litter picks and organise regular community clean-up events for those who want to make Stretford a litter-free zone. We also advocate for local and national initiatives that can help drive long-term environmental behaviour change, while working closely with Trafford Council, schools, local businesses and community groups to target problem areas and raise awareness about the damage caused by litter and fly-tipping.
3 years
Cleaner, Greener Brighton and Hove
To create a community keen to contribute to keep our parks clear of rubbish. To encourage people to take responsibility for litter regardless of how it go there. To create a local voice for protecting and improving our environment.
8 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group