Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Christchurch in action

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Christchurch in Action is a group supported by Sovereign Housing Association. The aims of the group are to lmprove the lives and environment of Christchurch, we hope to tackle social isolation by holding regular social events, and to improve the look of our community, hence regular litter picks.

Christchurch in action

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These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Aim to tidy up my surrounding area for the Queens Birthday for the residents, visitors and passers by.
8 years
5 years
Notton Parish Council
We are a village parish council with an aim to keep our locality clear of litter with occasional group litter picks supplemented by regular picks by volunteers who wish to 'adopt' a local patch to keep clear.
9 years
Llanfyllin Litterbusters
Litter picking in the town of Llanfyllin and the nearby countryside. Litterpicking equipment is available for loan for free from the local library - by arrangement. Semi annual picks are organised by the coordinator.
3 years
SEEITPICKITBINIT, has been set up with the aim of bringing local people together to take action in making the kettering area a cleaner community. To donate to our volunteer fundraising efforts, especially for waders and gloves, please contact me via the email link on my group page. This year, after the recent Blue Planet documentary, we'll focus passionately on battling the appalling disaster of Marine and River plastic pollution, throughout the waterways of the Nene Valley. We'll be holding picks every week, raising money for Irchester Animals in Need and recycling as much of the plastic litter as we can, in the River Nene, River Ise and Slade Brook. WE HAVE JUST SECURED SOME CORPORATE FUNDING, SO OUR EQUIPMENT WISH LIST IS LOOKING GOOD. WE HOPE TO BUY A SMALL LITTER PICKING BOAT FOR THE RIVER CAMPAIGN AND SOME SYRINGE PROOF GLOVES. TO SUPPORT SEEITPICKITBINIT'S CAMPAIGN TO TAKE BACK CONTROL OF ENGLANDS RIVERS, ROADS AND GREEN SPACES, YOU CAN HELP US BUY EQUIPMENT OR DONATE TO OUR NOMINATED CAUSE USING THE OFFICIAL PAYPAL LINK FOR OUR GROUP. Go to Go to Go to SeeItPickItBinIt is a voluntary community litter picking group, based in Kettering Northamptonshire, which has since its creation in 2011, removed and recycled over 10 Tonnes or 10 cars in weight of litter, from our beautiful county. In addition to regular litterpicks on my days off from work each week, every year we hold a 1 Tonne litter pick, which not only aims to clean up the green spaces and river habitats of our community, but also has begun to raise money for charities at the same time. The first two years of sponsorship saw us raise hundreds for Children In Need. This year we have just smashed our litter target with 1270kg and we raised an amazing £500 for a local animal rescue centre in Irthlingborough. The litter situation has never been worse in the history of the United Kingdom. Every day, people dump rubbish from their cars and in the streets. It is difficult to confront, but the heart of the problem can be explained in terms of ownership. The British public has increasingly retreated in to its living rooms, to enjoy its supermarket food, sit on its sofas, in centrally heated houses, fixated on computers, phones or tvs. This life is incredibly comfortable and almost impossible from which to break free. Litter happens because we draw a line at our front doors and our car windows. On the other side of that line is not our problem, so why would we care? Every day we see litter in front of our own doorsteps, on the street and in our parks. Why don't we just pick it up? The reason is because we don't see it as ours, even when it is in our own street, blown from our own bins. Once it crosses that line, we have society's permission to walk by, oblivious and guilt free. One day, I started to see litter. It was everywhere I looked. For years I had complained about it, but I had thought of it as a totally external problem to my life. It's the council, it's someone else's responsibility. One day at work, I did the unthinkable, I got so wound up, I stepped through the invisible forcefield that stops people from departing from the norm. I picked up a plastic bottle and put it in a nearby bin. I almost expected someone to shout at me or to hear sirens, but I didn't. By picking up 1 single bit of litter, I had left that place, better than I had found it, I had already succeeded at making a small, but real difference. After that, I picked up first 10, then 100, then 10,000 pieces of toxic plastic at a time. It felt amazing, my life for the first time, had some meaning beyond feeding my face and being only concerned with maintaining my comfort zone and the comfort zone of those around me. People expressed shock and even warned me that I might get in trouble for breaking the rules. As it turned out, picking up litter has only ever resulted in good things, great conversations, engagement, excitement and encouragement from others, who didn't know such a thing was possible. This year I picked up about 2 Tonnes. During the 2018 litter season, I am challenging myself to remove 5 tonnes. It will definitely not be easy, especially as I've recently lost both parents and my last surviving grandparent. However, litter picking is a way to know that you are part of something bigger, so it helps you through the tough times. Not only does it raise money, it protects and nurtures animals and habitats. Less litter reduces crime and anti-social behaviour, reduces council and government spending. Best of all, it crucially shows others, not just with words, but with concrete powerful actions. I don't think that I'll fix the plastic problem on my own. However any publicity about doing something to tackle a problem that affects us all, is a step in the right direction. Next time you get home and see that plastic bottle or crisp packet in front of your house, just ask yourself, am I a leader or a follower. What happens next will give you the answer. Wonderful news, the McDonalds Drive-In restaurant in Kettering, has generously sponsored 5 bins along Northfield Avenue, in order to mitigate their impact on the community. By working in conjunction with Amanda McDade from Kettering council's street cleansing team, we managed to lobby the food retailer and secured their support in tackling this significant challenge for our community We currently litter pick any area around Kettering and beyond, as and when it looks bad enough to need it. Last years 1 Ton sponsorship raised £500 Nanna's animal shelter in Irthlingborough. This year we hope to raise money for a variety of other litter picking volunteers and groups around the UK. Our focus this year is on river and marine plastics, so we'll be hitting the rivers and lakes, recycling as much as we can, to keep Britain tidy. *********************2017 event target achieved******************** ************************************1270KG**************************** *************************18 picks-100 hours picking**************** **************************Fundraising total £500******************** *************************************************************************** ***********************2018 1 Tonne Litter Pick********************** *********************************92KG************************************ ********************************9 Picks*********************************** *********************Fundraising total £535************************** Future areas of interest will concentrate on the heavy litter problems along the River Ise/Nene and country lanes between Kettering and Thrapston. If you can spare an hour or two, please feel free to email our group to be a part of the next event and help us show that our community is worth caring about. THE A14 FROM WEST BOUND BETWEEN THRAPSTON AND KETTERING IS MISSING, UNDER THE MOUNTAIN OF PLASTIC THAT IS STREWN ALONG ITS VERGES. IF I'M FEELING A BIT CRAZY ONE WEEK, I MIGHT ATTEMPT TO CLEAN IT ALL UP. Every pound that the council doesn't need to spend on picking up litter will be spent on much more deserving projects that effect all of us such as policing, education and health. Several organisations have been extremely helpful in supplying us with bin liners, hi-vis vests and litter grabbers. Many thanks to Amanda McDade, the community litter picking liaison on the council's street cleansing team and to Lindsay Richmond at Helping Hands for the amazing Streetmaster Pro pickers and his much appreciated sponsorship. Please check out the pictures in the gallery, which shows just how much of a difference removing the litter has made at some of the nominated sites. Any help is very much appreciated.
14 years
The Friends of Nunroyd Park
From our official starting date of 17/6/17 we have grown to a point where we are now a fully constitued group, and have a busy and active committee of 11 people including myself as chair, our secretary, our treasurer and 8 other members including one of our local city councillors. We are officially recognised by Leeds City Council,and work with their approval and encouragement in the form of much assistance and advice the council's Parks Department. We have an online Facebook membership of just over 370 members, and fully expect this to grow as we develop a stronger presence in our community. As well as other conservation related work and activities, we have a regular Monday night litter park, and for this reason we woild like to request that we can become officially affilated to your campaign.u
7 years
Stockbridge Scout Group
We are a rural Scout group comprising of beavers cubs and scouts totaling about 100 children plus adult volunteers. Age range 6 - 15 years old. We take from approximately 13 villages in and around the Stockbridge Area. We are passionate about working with educating the young people and teaching them how to enjoy the outdoors
55 years
Love North Chingford
The Love North Chingford Group is a Community Group formed to help improve and enhance the environment in North Chingford, particularly Station Road and the Conservation area. Three litter picks were arranged in 2018 and more will be undertaken in 2019.
6 years
Organising clean-up for Eastville ward
11 years
CLEAR Buckhaven
Community-led Environmental Action for Regeneration is a voluntary group established in 2007. As residents of a neglected urban regeneration area, we aim to improve the local environment and to help build pride in our local community. CLEAR works to improve the appearance and character of the Buckhaven & Denbeath area through a range of actions which include: • Litter clearing + recycling: improving greenspaces around town, organising both special and ongoing cleanups + recycling collected waste. • Planting: making public open space more attractive by planting flower bulbs, shrubs and trees in parks, shoreline, roadside verges, coastal path and other locations. Smallscale landscaping - installing railings, painting, wall murals, and similar especially focused on neglected or rundown spots • Advocacy, lobbying: Influence policies and practices of key actors such as political representatives, Fife Council, other agencies to combat misuse of public space, encourage investment and improvements in services, tackling eyesores. • Others: CLEAR works with others especially Kinetic/YMCA youth project, Community Wardens, other Fife Council departments. We also started some local public talks to help build community awareness
17 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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