Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Chaucer Impact Community

To join this group please create an account or login

Pick up litter. And check on elderly in community all must have a electronic CRB. Chat to people on our way. And be the eyes of the community of chaucer. Help residents get out and do exercise and advice on wellbeing lifestyles. Tackle there issues they are facing and try to make a difference in the community build a effective cohesiveness in all of the community's. And much more. Guide youths to be productive and to find there visions and guide them into it.

Chaucer Impact Community

Bags collected so far






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upcoming Events

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past Events

Meet and greet

Wear warm clothing and bring a pair of gloves with you. We will meet in the carpark of Cadbury way.

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

St Helens
Our aim is to keep our beloved town St Helens clean by organizing litter picking events
7 years
Hathershaw Litter Busters
We are a group of residents in Hathershaw Oldham Lancashire and are passionate and dedicated to keeping our area and community clean and tidy with help from local authorities. I hope other communities will pluck up the courage and get out there to help your local area and community. We aim to organize new events and litter picks in the future. We try and strive to make a more pleasant area to live in and for visitors of the community to say "wow!" A resident clean up session will be on Sunday 30th June around the Hathershaw area. If you would like more information then please contact me or just come along and get your hands dirty. Our aim and promise is to free up the streets,alleyways and grass and park area's so people can have pride in their community and also respect what other people do for the borough. Website and blog coming soon. If you have any questions or want to join us please E-mail me. Thanks We are buying some new green litter carts as seen in our group photo's they look the business and will help us clean up easily. We will be having another community clean up this month so all volunteers get ready. Quote: Someone asked me the other day and said your mad for picking up litter week in week out, so I said I ain't mad I'm happy to pick other people's mess it's a challenge for me, I get annoyed because people and kid's need educating but it's the attitudes I hate, well I cant be bothered and there's not enough bins do something about it and buy some bins or ask your local council, truth is you could have ten litter bins in a line on a road but someone will drop it on the floor...ah well, me I will carry on regard less with my group until other people realise that we need to keep our streets, alleyways and parks clean...I rest my case your honour. Added a new Hathershaw litter Busters logo in group photos We are cleaning up a alleyway in Hathershaw on Sunday so local residents get your gloves on and muck in for the community. Also before that a community litter pick all equipment supplied by Oldham council, thanks. August 4th so come along ok. #keepOldhamclean #Letskeepourcommunitybeautiful In our photo gallery I have added a picture of litter bins that I hope we can recycle and reuse for our community to save the authorities time and money.
5 years
Collie Collections
Currently most of the work is done by my Border Collie who collects crisp and other wrappers and plastic bottles. She then finds the nearest waste bin and puts the litter in it. She has been doing this for the past 5 years.
13 years
Bute Wombles
We are a small group of Volunteers passionate about keeping our Town and Country clean. We get out and about most days collecting rubbish from our hedgerows, parks and walks. We are happy to work with other local groups and organisations including educational talks and bringing awareness to this problem we have in our Towns and Country. Must of us within the group have mental health problems and or unseen disabilities and discovered walking and hiking helps with our day to day depression and anxiety and by collecting rubbish on our walks also gives us purpose and feelings of achievement. You will find us on Facebook
55 years
Calne Clean Up Crew
WE litter pick, sweep, clean rivers etc..anything to clean and brighten Calne and surrounding countryside. If you would like to adopt your street or neighbourhood we can assist you with getting set up. Pickers are also available from the town council to borrow.
7 years
Palmers Green Action Team
We are a group of local residents who are keen to make Palmers Green a beautiful and thriving place to be. We have ad hoc litter picks which we organise through our volunteer WhatsApp group. We also have an annual spring clean event in the high street. If you would like to join please send us an email!
6 years
Winsford Community Cleanup
We aim to increase social responsibility within the town. We hope that by showing pride in the town it will inspire other people and residents to take ownership of the area in which they live. We are sick of fly tipping and litter and hope to make a positive impact on the town by becoming more action orientated!
14 years
Stanton Harcourt Litter Pickers
Formed by residents of Stanton Harcourt and Sutton with support from the parish council, we litter pick on the second Saturday or each month (to coincide with the Village Market) with an annual event encouraging widespread participation in March.
6 years
Proud of Mersea
Mersea Island Nr Colchester. Focussing on preventing litter ending up in the sea and protecting and enhancing the environment
3 years
Keep Warwick Beautiful
Starting with the waterways around the local schools, we aim to bring Warwick back to its former glory, allowing the wildlife to thrive once again and removing the rubbish near neighborhoods.
3 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group