Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Brereton Clean Team

To join this group please create an account or login

The Brereton Clean Team is organised by the Brereton Parish Community Interest Group. We are affiliated to the Sandbach Clean Team. We litter pick around the Parish every 2 months. This is always on Saturday mornings, 10am-12pm.

Brereton Clean Team

Bags collected so far






Total number of events

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

10am-12pm - Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

Meet in Brereton Primary School Car Park, Newcastle Road South, Brereton

Litter Pick

Brereton Clean Team Litter Pick

Saturday 10am - 12pm - meet at Brereton Primary School Car Park

Brereton Clean Team Litter Pick

Saturday 10am - 12pm - meet at Brereton Primary School Car Park

Brereton Clean Team Litter Pick

Saturday 10am - 12pm - meet at Brereton Primary School Car Park

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Hathershaw Litter Busters
We are a group of residents in Hathershaw Oldham Lancashire and are passionate and dedicated to keeping our area and community clean and tidy with help from local authorities. I hope other communities will pluck up the courage and get out there to help your local area and community. We aim to organize new events and litter picks in the future. We try and strive to make a more pleasant area to live in and for visitors of the community to say "wow!" A resident clean up session will be on Sunday 30th June around the Hathershaw area. If you would like more information then please contact me or just come along and get your hands dirty. Our aim and promise is to free up the streets,alleyways and grass and park area's so people can have pride in their community and also respect what other people do for the borough. Website and blog coming soon. If you have any questions or want to join us please E-mail me. Thanks We are buying some new green litter carts as seen in our group photo's they look the business and will help us clean up easily. We will be having another community clean up this month so all volunteers get ready. Quote: Someone asked me the other day and said your mad for picking up litter week in week out, so I said I ain't mad I'm happy to pick other people's mess it's a challenge for me, I get annoyed because people and kid's need educating but it's the attitudes I hate, well I cant be bothered and there's not enough bins do something about it and buy some bins or ask your local council, truth is you could have ten litter bins in a line on a road but someone will drop it on the floor...ah well, me I will carry on regard less with my group until other people realise that we need to keep our streets, alleyways and parks clean...I rest my case your honour. Added a new Hathershaw litter Busters logo in group photos We are cleaning up a alleyway in Hathershaw on Sunday so local residents get your gloves on and muck in for the community. Also before that a community litter pick all equipment supplied by Oldham council, thanks. August 4th so come along ok. #keepOldhamclean #Letskeepourcommunitybeautiful In our photo gallery I have added a picture of litter bins that I hope we can recycle and reuse for our community to save the authorities time and money.
5 years
Litter Nippers
Grand Avenue and Wilson Road Grass Areas
3 years
Saltwells Clean & Green
We aim to clean up and maintain an urban nature reserve and ancient woodland right in the heart of a built up industrial area. Saltwells Woods and nature reserve is well used and well loved, and was recently saved from having a housing estate built on it, but sadly also neglected. With a renewed vigour now the woods are saved, we vow to make the area as CLEAN & GREEN as we possibly can.
6 years
MItcham Road Neighbourhood Watch
The Neighbourhood Watch scheme aims to develop community cohesion and help people feel safer and more secure in their homes and local environment
9 years
Lady Bay Litter Pickers
Lady Bay Litterpickers no longer functions as a group. Instead, individuals are issued with equipment to litterpick an area of Lady Bay of their choice, usually the streets immediately around their home and at times convenient to them. If you would like to be involved in this new style of litterpicking, please get in touch - . Be assured, however, that our aims are still to keep Lady Bay as one of the best places to live, and to generate pride in our community.
16 years
Ilminster Forum Litter Pickers
Ilminster Forum is the local regeneration group that helps implement community projects for the benefit of the town and its residents identified through the Community Plan.
13 years
Long Melford Litter Pickers
If you love Long Melford and hate litter, then we are the group for you! We meet from 10am - noon on the last Sunday of the month and from 2pm - 4pm on the preceeding Thursday. Please contact us by email and we will send you out all the information, including the meet up location of our next pick.
8 years
Honingham Pickers
We meet on a Sunday morning, every other month, to walk around the whole village to clean up. There are over 20 volunteer names on our list!
14 years
The Townsend Together Team
The Townsend Together Team (3Ts) is an action group for Townsend. The group is made up of residents and organisations. The group has helped reduce crime & anti social behaviour and has improved the local environment, youth provision and community cohesion. The group meets once a month.
21 years
Hunsbury Meadows
Parish Council event
9 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group