Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Weymouth Beach Dog Walkers

22 Southfield Avenue,Weymouth,DT4 7UG

26 Feb 2017


Please meet at Weymouth Pavilion to collect litter from our coastline. Follow us on Facebook .

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past Events

Weymouth Beach Clean

Please join us to collect general litter from the beach, please bring your own bag and gloves or litter picker. Please be aware some litter can be broken glass fishing hooks or other Sharp objects. Ev...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Clean Street Exmouth
Clean Street Exmouth endeavours to keep the town clean and tidy by co-opting individuals who volunteer to adopt their street or area. We supply postcards for them to deliver to neighbours which invite them to help keep their street clean on a day-by-day basis. We also supply a postcard which adopters can use to organise 1-hour street cleans involving litter and weed removal. We cooperate with the district and town council cleaning services eg: joint 1-hour cleans to recruit new adopters and to show the improvement residents can make.
6 years
Great Warford Residents Group
A community group that organises the Great Warford village Fun Day, monitors local issues of general interest , improves the appearance of the village and picks litter. Working together to create a greener, cleaner more beautiful village and community.
10 years
Otterford Parish Litter Pick
Otterford Parish Litter Pick aims to remove as much litter (and fly-tipped items) as possible from the roads and lanes in the parish - which is located in the beautiful Blackdown Hills AONB on the Somerset/Devon border. We now hold three Litter Picks annually - in March, July and November. After sorting,as much litter as possible is recycled: to date we have recycled 7,446 drinks cans, 6,041 plastic bottles, 1,216 glass bottles/jars, and lots of miscellaneous metal. Since our 17th Pick in March 2020 we have also been recycling plastic food containers and lids, paper and cardboard, and aluminium foil. We are grateful to Whitbread Plc (from when they owned Costa Coffee) and Litteraction for donating equipment and clothing: to Somerset West & Taunton District Council (and their contractor idVerde) for providing litter sacks for each Pick and now collecting the rubbish afterwards; and to Somerset Waste Partnership for donating vests, gloves and sacks.
11 years
Sulgrave Parish Council aims to provide an environment that the community is proud of and encourages volunteer effort to ensure the roads, verges and hedgerows in and around the village are kept clear of litter. Litter Pick are organised twice a year and many of the villagers will participate in the event.
16 years
Whitehead Wombles
Whitehead Wombles are a small group of people from the town of Whitehead who got fed up looking at the amount of litter on our streets and hedgerows and decided to do something about it. We only have a few members but we are committed to keeping the level of litter in the town to a minimum and hope that people will see us and think twice about dropping their litter. We are supplied with bags, gloves and pickers by our local council and last Oct we won an award for our coastal care work. Our aim is to educate people in the detrimental effects of littering and to work with as many groups within the town to co ordinate our efforts. We had a community clean up on Sunday 18th Sept 2011as part of the national Beach watch Weekend and received support of local groups and churches so for one day at least we had a litter free town. We lifted over 30 bags and had forty people of all ages turn out to help. This proved so successful that many of those involved wanted to run it on a quarterly basis so we'll see what we can do If anyone wants to set up a group and needs advice then contact us or follow our progress at the Brighter Whitehead site.
55 years
Clean Up Devizes Squad
CUDS was formed primarily to litter pick around our town and its environs. We do so about 4 times a month for 2 hours each time and then have a cup of tea and the all-important biscuits. We also strip useless bits of turf off areas, dig over, plant bulbs and sow wildflower seeds which we maintain on 2 roundabouts and various other places. At present we have about 28 members. We are not a charity - we are funded by grants for which I apply and have back-up from Dervizes Town Council's Park and Open Spaces team when we can't shift all the stuff we have collected ourselves. When we started over 3 years ago, we were viewed with some suspicion - as in 'Are you all doing Community Payback?' and so forth - interesting to think that a great group of oldies would be doing that! Now, in our bright blue hivis vests emblazed with CUDS on the back, nearly everybody knows who we are - and if they don't, they must have been asleep. We work with local groups - Beavers, the Canoe Club, The Lions at their Fair and recently with The Fulltone Orchestra at their free event in the Market Place. We are also planning our reward - apart from cake, which we have before our summer and Christmas breaks. This time we are going on a day out to visit various gardens in Somerset - it's great to be sociable and many have made firm friends within our group.
9 years
Forres Community Clean Up
I have set up this group as I have been cleaning the burn near the Mosset Tavern since early 2011. The river fills up with plastic, glass and an assortment of garbage on a regular occasion. I am barely making any in roads into keeping the river clean and so I thought it would be great to have other community member join in to help. Together we can make the river a great place for the enjoyment of the community. In 2016, we merged our group with Forres Community Clean Up, a local group that cleans the streets and public places in Forres. Joe Pirnie is the co-ordinator of this group
12 years
Cronton Pathways Project
We are a revitalised 'clean-up' group of some 20 years' standing which incorporated collaboration with other agencies such as the Environment Agency, TCV, Highways and Groundwork as well as improving communication with our LA, local farmers and schools. Our aims broadened to include two new elements, namely education on litter and LA backed health walks. The latter has enabled people to enjoy our rural pathways, which are now regularly litter-picked, and at the same time build up their stamina in walking for health. In 2011, through fundraising, we were able to purchase two community notice boards to further publicise local events and amenities and our aims. We were very grateful to Groundwork Merseyside for installing them. It continues to be very satisfying to see people reading the notices displayed there and to see some new helpers on our litter-picks and new walkers on our health walks as a result. Both noticeboards were renovated this year, 2018 with help from a grant from Cronton Parish Council, for which we thank them. Our LA, Knowsley MBC, has always been supportive but In recent years, due to funding cuts to LAs we have had reduced contact with them, although they continue to help us by removing the bags of litter we collect on our biannual litter picks. We forged links with one of our neighbouring LAs, Halton, with a view to liaising on littering of our border areas. They provided us with litter-pickers and bags. This has made a big difference to our effectiveness. Updated 24.3.2018
14 years
Litter Action Group for Ealing Residents (LAGER Can)
We remove rubbish from open spaces (streets, parks, woods, waterways, car parks, etc etc) throughout the London Borough of Ealing.
7 years
Pathway Neighbourhood Litter Action
At Pathway neighborhood, we are working for a better society, by giving the young people chances to learn how to act, develop, express, earn, belong and influence there community in a positive way. It is important to stress that young people, just like adults, learn through active participation.
12 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group