Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Waterloo Road

Wimborne Minster,bh211la

11 Mar 2012


Start junction Waterloo/Broadmoor Rd. 2 mile walk with dogs - Waterloo Rd/Red Lane. 11:00 start. One sack collected - beer cans, gin bottles (seemeddumped by same method from car?) plastic bottles and sweet wrappers near to Court Hill School..

upcoming Events

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past Events

Broadmoor Road Verges Litter Pick

11:00hrs - start at junction of Waterloo Rd/Broadmoor Rd, Corfe Mullen. Litter pickof verges towards Pardy's Hill and back, approx. 3 mile walk. Bring your own Hi Vis vests and equipment please. Bags ...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Bute Wombles
We are a small group of Volunteers passionate about keeping our Town and Country clean. We get out and about most days collecting rubbish from our hedgerows, parks and walks. We are happy to work with other local groups and organisations including educational talks and bringing awareness to this problem we have in our Towns and Country. Must of us within the group have mental health problems and or unseen disabilities and discovered walking and hiking helps with our day to day depression and anxiety and by collecting rubbish on our walks also gives us purpose and feelings of achievement. You will find us on Facebook
55 years
Mashamshire Litter Busters
Mashamshire is an area of outstanding beauty. We are doing what we can to preserve it. We do litter collection along the lanes and footpaths in and around Masham - and we find loads of plastic. We are reducing the impact of micro-plastics on the diet of your children and grand-children! A Masham resident has kindly offered to pay for our group meeting coffees. Many thanks. As we go about Mashamshire we get many kind appreciations from folk that we meet.
6 years
Raising awareness campaign. Connecting all interested groups and individuals, under the umbrella Pick Up For Pendle. Aiming to encourage more people to pick-up and offenders to take note!
9 years
Keep Ashford Clean
Keep Ashford Clean is a community group based in South Ashford, Kent with the aim to held litter picking events once a month at various locations.
10 years
Sustainable Swaledale
Keeping the 2 Dales of Swaledale and Arkengarthdale free from litter for the enjoyment of our local community and many visitors to our area of outstanding natural beauty in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.
3 years
Christchurch in action
Christchurch in Action is a group supported by Sovereign Housing Association. The aims of the group are to lmprove the lives and environment of Christchurch, we hope to tackle social isolation by holding regular social events, and to improve the look of our community, hence regular litter picks.
6 years
Banbury is a lovely town and its surrounding areas look fabulous. If you're interested in keeping it this way, please join us and help whenever you can, as much as you can. We appreciate time is precious but we are positive there are like-minded people out there who will support keeping banbury tidy.
13 years
Camden Square Neighbourhood Association
Camden Square Area
3 years
Test Valley Clean Up
The A3057 and A3090 are usually full of litter and the verges are only cleared infrequently - and in many places never. In the Summer it does not look so bad because of the grass - but come the Winter! A number of more minor roads are also left with litter because it would seem that Test Valley Borough Council only cares, if at all, about Andover and Romsey. The aim is to get Test Valley BC to do what it is required to do under the EPA for the district as a whole and not just the main urban areas.
16 years
Fenton litter pickers
I am tired of seeing rubbish and dog fouling in my local area. We have a beautiful park and nature reserve and I'm seeing more and more fly tipping not just here but all around my local area. I am hoping there are like minded people out there who for a few hours whenever you can we can organise a clean up of the most blighted places and into the bargain get some much needed excercise and make a few friends along the way. I hope to hear from you soon.
6 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group