Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Various - part of Harrow Conservation

Harrow,ha7 4xw

29 Aug 2008


Saturday August 30th 2008 Stanmore Country Park 8:30 PM Moth evening evening event Saturday September 20th 2008 Bentley Old Vicarage 11:00 AM onward Open Day (combined with All Saint's Church fete) Sunday October 12th 2008 Stanmore Common 1:30 PM Guided walk .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

National Moth night

National Moth Night. We will gather round a UV lamp and see what comes in. No moths are harmed and all are released after identification.

Morning Work party

10.30 am Stanmore Country Park - come along and meet us and help!

Walk and Picnic

Stanmore Common from 10am

Summer Butterfly walk

Meet 11.00am at Dennis Lane Car Park, Stanmore

National Moth Night

Stanmore Country Park 10.00pm meet at Dennis Lane Car Park. John our warden is a moth enthusiast

Stanmore Common Botany Walk

Car park at Warren Lane Stanmore at 1.45. Great fun - may need insect repellant!

Working Party

Gilbert's Orchard Grimsdyke - clearing bramble and scrub from around ancient trees planted by Lucy Gilbert. To confirm refer to webpage or call grimsdyke Hotel on...

Pruning old apple trees

January or Febbruary 2012. Stanmore Orthopaedic Hospital. Watch this space for more information.

Fungi of Stanmore CountryPark

Meet at Stanmore Country Park car park off Dennis Lane - 2.00pm - 4.00pm Do not park in Recreation Car Park as other activities use it - like Bowls Club/Bridge Club etc.

Bat Walk

Warren Lane car park - to be confirmed 8.00pm -

Stanmore Common Working Party

Warren Lane car park at 10.00am for another bash at the bush.

Summer Butterflies at 10.30am

Stanmore Country Park - learn about moths and butterflies with one of our knowledgeable wardens. Park in Dennis Lane car park (limited spaces). See calendar on Harrow Conservation Forum's webpage. h...

Flowers of Stanmore Common

Warren Lane car park - 1.30 - 3.00pm

Working party - Stanmore Common

Meet Warren Lane car park at 10 am and never mind the rain - join like-minded people for a spot of toil!

Work Party

Warren Lane car park - 10.00am - 1.00

Work Party

Warren Lane car park - 10.30 - 3.00pm

Work Party

Stanmore Common - meet in Warren Lane car park 10 - 3.00pm

Working party

Stanmore Common 10am - 1.00 meet in Warren Lane car park

Butterfly Walk

Stanmore Common - 10.00am at Warren Lane car park

Unusual plants - Stanmore Common

Meet up at 2.00pm with our expert warden(s) for an interesting afternoon. May need insect repellent cream!!

HNF Conservation Work Party

Stanmore Common 10.30am as usual

Harrow Conservation Work Party

Meet at Stanmore Common car park - Warren Lane 10.30am

Moth night - Stanmore Country Park

9.00pm -- come along and learn about the many different species from our expert!

Working party

Scrub clearance in Holly Brook Rise on Stanmore Common. Meet car park on Warren Lane, Stanmore at 10.30 am.

Guided walk in Stanmore Country Park

Meet at Dennis Lane (lower end) car park at Stanmore 10.30am

Wild Flower Walk

Wild flower walk on Stanmore Common - meet Warren Lane car park at 10.00 Fascinating with 2 wardens informing us about micro moths and everything else....but a good crop of midge bites!

Guided walk Stanmore Common

Meet 10.00 Stanmore Common Car Park Warren Lane - super fun with knowledgeable guide(s).

Clean up at Brewers Ponds

Meet at Warren Lane Car Park Stanmore Common at 10.30.

Stanmore Common Work Party - Harrow Conservation Trust

Also at 1.30 - work party under aegis of volunteer Warden

Stanmore Country Park work party

The management consists of working to retain the open grassy areas and to try and expand them. In the winter months groups of volunteers from the British Trust of Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) are bo...

Guided walk Stanmore Common with Harrow Conservation

See their website (Harrow Conservation Trust) for details. Meet at car park on Warren Lane.

Working party

Wrong date previously!!!

Brewery Pond clean up

Meet Little Common and walk up to Brewery Pond to pick litter and show solidarity to littering/loitering fishermen

Bentley Old Vicarage open day and fete

Saturday September 20th 2008 Bentley Old Vicarage 11:00 AM onward Open Day (combined with All Saint's Church fete)

litter picking

Meet at Stanmore carpark - Dennis Lane - 8.30am still masses of rubbish near Ponds and cricket ground. harrow Fast Response uplifted my pickings unexpectedly!

Green Gym!! Working parties at Bentley Old Vicarage & Stanmore Common

Sunday September 7th 2008 Bentley Old Vicarage 10:00 AM Working Party in the morning only Sunday September 7th 2008 Stanmore Common 1:30 PM Working Party dead tree cut up. rubbish picked up.

Working parties in the area - if you like hard work!

Sunday August 24th 2008 Roxbourne Rough 10:00 PM Working Party Sunday September 7th 2008 Bentley Old Vicarage 10:00 AM Working Party in the morning only Sunday September 7th 2008 Stanmore Common 1:3...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

The knights of the square table
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE)
6 years
Moseley Litter Busters
Moseley Litterbusters is a group of volunteers dedicated to: Keep Moseley clean; Involving local citizens; In partnership with the local authority and business. We meet most Sundays on Moseley village green 9am -10am. Everybody is welcome. Grabbers, gloves & bags provided. We can also help you to organise and publicise your own litter picks in the Moseley area.
6 years
Rawcliffe Rubbish Ridders
Founded to counteract the ever-increasing amount of litter, dog fouling etc in our village, the group was established independently of the the Parish Council. East Riding of Yorkshire Council provided high visibility jackets, litter sticks, gloves and bags. We meet fortnightly on the village Green although many members (approx 18 at present) also go about as and when they feel inclined! We have not yet enlisted any younger members but this may happen. We would like to have our own "uniform" so that we can be easily recognised and not mistaken for Community Service people!! Our first annual 3Rs bash takes place in the Co-ordinator's garden on Saturday, August 18th. No litter will be left behind!!
13 years
Friends of Eastfield Park
Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) exists to improve Eastfield Park, Northampton, UK, for the benefit of all its users. We do this through research, planning, consultation and promotion of the Park as well as organising conservation activities (including litter picking) and social events in the Park.
17 years
South Area Tidy Team
Commissioned group of the South Area Council, Barnsley. Working with you to make your community better - we are going to make our community a better place to live for future generations.
10 years
The Killamarsh Wombles
Killamarsh village and surrounding areas
3 years
Friends of Riverside Park Newhaven
Friends of Riverside Park was set up following a failed attempt to build a water park on the land which is owned by East Sussex County Council & Lewes District Council and now known as Riverside Park, Newhaven. The site was up until the late 1970s/early 1980s a landfill site for the town. Once the site was full to capacity it was capped and left to nature. We now have a wonderful array of wildlife and recently funds were spent by the local Councils to make improvements including a properly laid circular path, benches dotted around the park, a bird viewing platform, owl nest box and various hibernacula and scrapes. Scrub has been managed to improve the quality of the soil. All this has been done with the help and assistance of the Friends of Riverside Park who work as a go-between the Community who use the Park and the Councils. As part of our ongoing support we organise monthly litter picks to safeguard the natural environment & are making other small improvements to the area including more litter bins and hopefully seating.
12 years
Queen's Park Primary School and Children's University
As Westminster’s Children’s University we are continually seeking new partners and sponsors to assist in providing quality extracurricular opportunities for the often underprivileged youth of Westminster. We believe in the limitless potential in every child and Seek to open avenues in all fields of experience in order to engage and inspire our cohort. We are a two form entry Primary (state) school currently developing as a centre of excellence in well being and youth mental health. As such we are a completely non profit organisation and rely on the sharing of and engagement in our vision to motivate likeminded professionals to assist and join in our mission to improve the experiences and aspirations of our vulnerable youths. We too provide free consultancy, CPD and CBT/mentoring services in return, in order to create mutually rewarding partnership and more importantly, to spread good practice wherever desired. We are currently using our Eco club and wardens projects to engage our students with their own thoughts,feelings and in being mindful through gardening,planting and creating green spaces our Volunteer Litter picks help children consider their place within our wider community and human's relationship and interdependence with the world and the environment.
8 years
Keeping Rothwell Clean & Green
Spurred on by the grass verges and parks around our lovely town regularly covered with litter, I decided to do litter picking walks in my free time. I have now formed this group, which is also on Facebook, to encourage others to help. I love where I live and aim to make others proud of their locality, so they think twice before chucking their rubbish. Don’t chuck it, bin it.
6 years
St Helens
Our aim is to keep our beloved town St Helens clean by organizing litter picking events
7 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group