Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Suburban sortie - Lower Stanmore

Winchester,SO23 0JZ

11 Mar 2020


Meet at 10am outside the shops on Cromwell Road .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Black Path Litterpick

Meet by bus stop outside the Tesco Superstore

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa Cafe outside the Railway Station at 1am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa Cafe outside the Railway Station at 11am

St James Lane litterpick

Meet outside Cemetery Gate on St James Lane

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa cafe outside the railway station at 11am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa Cafe outside the railway station at 11am

Weeke litter pick

Meet outside Wesley Methodist Church on corner of Stoney Lane and Fromond Rd

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa Cafe outside the Railway Station at 11am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office

Lower Stanmore litter pick

Meet outside shops on Cromwell Rd

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa cafe outside the Railway Station at 11am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the car park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa cafe outside the Railway Station at 11am

Winnall litter pick

Meet outside shops on Garbett Rd

Railway Station Approaches

Meet in the Car Park on Station Hill adjoining the Record Office. Refreshments at Costa Cafe outside the Railway Station at 11am

Suburban pick - St James Lane

Meet at 10am by the Cemetery Gate on St James Lane

Railway Station approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill, adjoining the former Registry Office. .

Suburban Litter Pick - Weeke

Meet outside Wesleyan Methodist Church on Stoney Lane at 10am

Railway station approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill, adjoining the former Record Office.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office.

Suburban Litter Pick- Lower Stanmore

Meet outside the shops on Cromwell Road at 10am

Railway Station approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office.

Railway Station approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office

Suburban Litter Pick - Winnall

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Garbett Rd

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office.

Suburban Litter Pick- Upper Stanmore

Meet at the bottom of Battery Hill outside St Luke's Church at 10am

Raillway Station approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office

Suburban Litter Pick - Durngate and River Park

Meet at 10am at the Durngate car park.

Suburban pick - Black Path, Winnall

Meet at 10am at the bus stop outside the Tesco Superstore.

Suburban Litter Pick - Winnall

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Garbett Rd

Suburban Litter Pick- Upper Stanmore

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions.

Railway Station Approaches

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions.

Railway Station Approaches

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions.

Suburban Litter Pick - Durngate and River Park

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions

Railway Station Approaches

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions

Railway Station Approaches

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions

Suburban pick - Black Path, Winnall

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions

Railway Station Approaches

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions

Railway Station Approaches

Cancelled due to COVID restrictions

Special litter pick - Lower Stanmore and surrounding area

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Cromwell Rd.

Railway Station approaches

Meet at 10am on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on Station Hill adjoining the former Registry Office at 10am

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station cafe

Suburban Sortie - St James Lane

Meet at 10am at the St James Lane cemetery gate

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station café.

Great British Sping Clean

Meet at 10am to litter pick on Moorside Road/ Easton Lane/Winnall Motorway roundabout. Meeting place to be confirmed.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00 am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet at 10.00am on station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban sortie- Stoney Lane, Weeke

Meet at 10am outside Wesleyan Methodist Church on Stoney Lane

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station Café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

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View event
Special litter pick - South Stanmore

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Wavell Way.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am at the Station café.

Suburban Litter Pick - Winnall

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Garbett Road

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am at the Station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am at the Station café.

Suburban Litter Pick- Upper Stanmore

Meet at 10am outside St Luke's Church on Battery Hill

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on the Railway station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Suburban pick - St James Lane

Meet at 10am by the cemetery gate on St James Lane

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the railway station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Refreshments at 11am in station café.

Suburban pick - Stoney Lane

Meet at 10am outside Wesley Methodist Church.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on the Railway Station forecourt at 10am,. Refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on the Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Refreshments at 11am in the station cafe

Special litter pick - Moorside Rd

Meet at junction of Moorside Rd and Easton Lane at 10 am. Refreshments at 11am at the Costa Drive thru café

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am at the Station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station café.

Suburban Litter Pick- Lower Stanmore

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Cromwell Road

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments in the Station café.

Suburban Litter Pick - Winnall

Meet on Garbett Road outside shops at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in Station Café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in Station Café.

Suburban Litter Pick- Upper Stanmore

Meet outside St Luke's Church at the bottom of Battery Hill at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in Station Café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on Railway Station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Suburban pick - St James Lane

Meet outside the entrance to St James Lane Cemetery at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am, as part of Great British Spring Clean. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am, as part of Great British Spring Clean. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station cafe

Suburban pick - Stoney Lane

Meet outside Wesleyan Methodist Church on Stoney Lane at 10am, as part of the Great British Spring Clean. Followed by refreshments at 11am at the Costa Café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway station forecourt, as part of Great British Spring Clean. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet at 10am on the Railway Station forecourt, as part of Great British Spring Clean. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Great British Sping Clean - Upper Stanmore

Meet at the shops on Wavell Road at 10am. Adjourn for coffee at 11am to the Carroll Centre

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am, as part of Great British Spring Clean.Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban Litter Pick- Lower Stanmore

Meet outside shops on Cromwell Road at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Suburban Litter Pick - Winnall

Meet outside shops on Garbett Rd at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway station forecourt at 10am.Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Suburban Litter Pick- Upper Stanmore

Meet outside One Stop shop at top of Battery Hill at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station cafe

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the Station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Suburban Litter Pick - Durngate and River Park

Meet at Durngate Car Park at 10am

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café.

Suburban pick - Black Path, Winnall

Meet at the bus stop outside Tesco Extra at 10am.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on railway station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on railway station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on the railway station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban pick - St James Lane

Meet at 10am by the cemetery gate on St James Lane

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on the Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11am in the station café

Suburban pick - Stoney Lane

Meet at 10.00am outside the Wesleyan Methodist Church

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on Railway Station forecourt at 10am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - to be agreed

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - Lower stanmore

Meet at 10am by Cromwell Rd shops

Railway Station approaches

Meet on Station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban Sortie - Winnall

Meet at shops on Garbett Rd at 10.00am

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban Sortie - Upper Stanmore

Meet at 10am at the top of Battery Hill

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am.Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - Durngate and River Park

Meet at Durngate Car park at 10am.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am.Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - Black Path, Winnall

Meet at 10am at bus stop outside Tesco Superstore.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am.Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet at 10.00am on station forecourt. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am.Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Suburban Sortie - St James Lane

Meet at 10am outside the Cemetery gate on St James Lane

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am.Followed by refreshments at 11.00am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am.Followed by refreshments at 11.00am at station café.

Suburban sortie - Stoney lane, Weeke

Meet at 10am outside the Wesleyan Methodist Church

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 10.00am. Followed by refreshments at 11.00am at station café.

Suburban sortie - Black Path, Winnall

Meet at 10am by the bus stop at the Tesco Superstore

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Special Sortie - South Stanmore

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Wavell Way.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30 am in the station café.

Suburban Sortie - Lower Stanmore

Meet at 10am outside the shops on Cromwell Rd

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Suburban Sortie- Winnall

Meet at 10am outside Garbett Rd shops

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Suburban sortie- Upper Stanmore

Meet at 10am at top of Battery Hill

Railway station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station Approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - Durngate and River Park

Meet at 10am at Durngate car park ( opposite Willow Tree Inn)

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - St James Lane

Meet at 10.00 am by the cemetery gate on St James Lane.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Railway Station approaches

Meet on station forecourt at 9.30am. Followed by refreshments at 10.30am in the station café.

Suburban sortie - Easton lane/ Moorside lane

Meet at 10am - Easton Lane junction with Moorside Rd

Suburban sortie - Winnall

Meet at 10am outside Garbett Road shops

Suburban sortie - Upper Stanmore

Meet at 10am at the top of Battery Hill

Suburban sortie - Durngate and River Park

Meet at 10am at Durngate car park

Suburban Sortie - Black Path, Winnall

Meet at 10am at the Tesco bus stop

Suburban Litter Pick- Upper Stanmore

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Hertford Action on Rubbish and Trash
15 years
Individual not a group...... picking from part of the Grove, Jumpers Avenue and Bus stops, part Barrack Road Jumpers.
5 years
North Rode Litter Patrol
North Rode is a small spread out rural community, where a few passing motorists love to drive through and leave momentos of their night out, mainly empty cans of carling black label, take away cartons and fag packets. We also clean and keep clear road signs if needed. Let’s keep this beautiful village clean and green!
4 years
Save Our World
Our mission here at 'Save The World' is to help reduce waste and help to reuse, reduce and recycle. For more information simply just drop us a message here at
5 years
Chapel-en-le-Frith cleanup
Come and meet likeminded neighbours who want to make our beautiful town cleaner and safer for wildlife by giving up 1 hour a week(or whenever suits).Lots of fresh air and feel good factor is free to all.Just bring along gloves and a litter picker.Hope to meet you soon .AJ
3 years
Chapel Pickers
We are a group of residents and holiday makers who want to keep Chapel St Leonards village and its beach free of litter. We welcome anyone who would like to join in. We meet every Thursday at 10am at the pullover onto the beach. Afterwards we go and have a drink and natter so it's ideal if you want to make new friends.
7 years
Thornby Pickers
At the moment I do some Ad-hoc litter clearance in Thornby and lend support to other intitatives such as CPRE Northants litter picks. I also support the Stop the Drop campaign and any action they take.
16 years
Collie Collections
Currently most of the work is done by my Border Collie who collects crisp and other wrappers and plastic bottles. She then finds the nearest waste bin and puts the litter in it. She has been doing this for the past 5 years.
13 years
Beeston Hill Wombles
Beeston Hill a large residential community with several small parks.
3 years
Otterford Parish Litter Pick
Otterford Parish Litter Pick aims to remove as much litter (and fly-tipped items) as possible from the roads and lanes in the parish - which is located in the beautiful Blackdown Hills AONB on the Somerset/Devon border. We now hold three Litter Picks annually - in March, July and November. After sorting,as much litter as possible is recycled: to date we have recycled 7,446 drinks cans, 6,041 plastic bottles, 1,216 glass bottles/jars, and lots of miscellaneous metal. Since our 17th Pick in March 2020 we have also been recycling plastic food containers and lids, paper and cardboard, and aluminium foil. We are grateful to Whitbread Plc (from when they owned Costa Coffee) and Litteraction for donating equipment and clothing: to Somerset West & Taunton District Council (and their contractor idVerde) for providing litter sacks for each Pick and now collecting the rubbish afterwards; and to Somerset Waste Partnership for donating vests, gloves and sacks.
11 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group