Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


St Andrew’s School Big Litter Pick

15 Blundell's Avenue,Tiverton ,EX16 4DL

03 Feb 2012


TVLP members are going to give support to the school in holding their first LP in Cullompton, to give the St Andrew’s Estate a Spring-clean feel. St Andrew’s School Council decided to demonstrate that they are good citizens of their local community. On Friday 3rd February, they cleared the hedgerows and shrubberies of winter litter, in order to give plants and animals a good start to Spring, and to give the St Andrew’s Estate a Spring-clean feel. 30 children of all ages represented the school, supported by some of the Tiverton Volunteer Litter Pickers. Conditions on the day were ideal – cold and dry, and within an hour, eight bags of litter had been gathered. The children learned a valuable lesson about the range of materials that do not decompose and those that pose a potential danger to wildlife and to children playing outside. .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

National Clean Up Day

Litter picking public event commencing at 10.30 am. Meet at Tiverton Leisure Centre Car Park. Duration one hour, followed by refreshments at the Centre.

Tiverton Litter Pick

Meet at 10.00am at St James Catholic Church car park.

Tiverton Community Litter Pick

Meet at 10.30am . All welcome. Litter picking covering the footpath/cycle path track between Cowley Moor and Lea Road. Park in Carew Road(junction with Pinnex Moor Road)

Tiverton Balloon Festival litter pick

To provide a volunteer litter picking service during the Tiverton Balloon Festival. Seven TVLP members attended at various times during the three days and provided a litter picking service.The organis...

Mid Devon Show

As usual the TVLP supports the ever popular Mid Devon Annual Show by keeping the showground completely free of litter all day. There is also a TVLP stand at the show that provides further information ...

Tiverton Community LP

A LP in Cranmore Ward of Tiverton based on the Sunningmead Community Centre and led by local town councillors, with the support of the TVLP. Commenced at 10.30 am and ended at noon with refreshments. ...

Tiverton Volunteer Litter Pickers AGM

The AGM of the TVLP will commence at 4.00 pm in the Mayoralty Room, Tiverton Town Hall, followed by tea & biscuits.

River Lowman Clean-up

Meet at Lowman Bridge, Gold Street, Tiverton at 10.30 am. Aim is to clean up the river bed, so bring old wellies or trainers etc. For further information telephone 01884 254744


As part of Tiverton Charter Week the TVLP is orgainsing a public Litter Pick on Saturday 4th October 2008 commencing at 10.30 am. Meet at the Pannier Market.


Meeting of all litter picking groups from within Mid Devon in preparation for the "Big Litter Pick" events planned for the autumn. An opportunity to compare notes, maintain enthusiasm and organise fut...

National Trail Boat Festival, Grand Western Canal, Tiverton

This is a two day festival and exhibition on the nearby Tiverton (Mid Devon) Showground. The TVLP will be providing support by means of litter collection. Volunteers required. Please telephone Peter ...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Salford Litter Heroes
We are a community-led litter picking group doing as many litter picks as we can to clean up Salford and to try educate people on how to report litter/fly tipping issues.
5 years
Moston Litter Pickers
The aims of Moston Litter Pickers shall be: To improve the quality of the surrounding environment of Moston and keep our Lanes clear of litter in order to give residents a sense of pride.
12 years
Tidy Up Bishops Stortford meets every other month for a couple of hours. We blitz a street or area in the town often collecting over 50 bags of rubbish Next clear up is on March 12th
55 years
Oakland group
Help the community to recycle and clean the environment
3 years
Huntsham is a tiny village in mid Devon. For the last four years, Huntsham Society members and our local community (farmers and all) have joined forces twice a year to clean up all the many the lanes for a distance of 2-3 miles from the village; once in April before the verges are hidden in new growth, and once in October when the vegetation has died down and the litter can be seen. This April we had a turnout of over 100 helpers, including many children. We have recently combined our efforts with Mid Devon County Councils campaign to help keep Devon clean and green, also twice a year. It would be fantastic if neighbouring parishes could take up the challenge of keeping the lanes clear of litter.
16 years
Axminster Action
To clean up litter in and around the town of Axminster
5 years
Friends of the Beck (Driffield)
Aim to create a wildlife corridor along the banks of the beck which runs through the heart of the brilliant town of driffield. We also plan to expand our area to cover the whole town and hopefully encouraging wildlife. Our goal is to make the town more appealing to residents, visitors and wildlife whilst acting as a catalyst for regeneration and investment.
7 years
clean Walgrave
field, hedges, woodlands surrounding the area
3 years
Sophies SUPER Litter Picking
Focusing on the beach, the sea front and our not so little seaside town! 🚯
3 years
Better Thornton Heath
The group's aim is to make Thornton Heath a cleaner and greener environment for people to live.
10 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group