Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Spring pick

45 Dereham Rd,Honingham,Norwich,NR9 5AP

19 Mar 2017


A great pick in and around the village. Thanks to everyone's collective efforts we picked enough to fill 11 sacks. Great work everyone and I'll give notice of the next one in June..

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Spring Pick

Meet at the Village Hall at 10 if you can make.

Post summer pick

As usual at 10am at the Village Hall 6 bags and a tyre rim. Not bad as it was 3 months since the last one...

Summer pick

Time .....10am Place.....Village Hall


Usual place, usual time Collected 10 bags, assorted metal and a hub cap

Spring pick

Meet at the village hall at 10am. POSTPONED DUE TO SNOW

New Year Pick

We picked 10 bags and a sign post and a car seat. Fridge and tyres in lay by now removed

November pick

Meeting at 10 at Village Hall We collected 10 bags, 1 tyre and 1 bucket.

Autumn tidy

Meet up at the Village Hall, 10am A grand total of 14 bags

Summer pickings

Usual time at the usual place..... 10am at the Village Hall unless you have made other arrangements. Thanks and wear sunhats! 16 bags collected, well done everyone

Spring Tidy

Meet at the Village Hall 10 am for a much needed tidy up Thanks to everyone's collective efforts we picked enough to fill 11 sacks. Great work everyone and I'll give notice of the next one in June.

Spring Clean

Meet as usual for a clean-up Another successful event - 10 sacks, a car wheel and a soiled pair of underpants. Well done all

August Session

Usual tour of the Village cleaning up after the "Tossers" Lovely hot day, super turnout, so we managed the full works and filled another 10 bags. We welcomed 2 new members, Carol & Ewan.

May clean-up

Meet as usual for a tour of the village, clearing up the McLitter before the verges get too overgrown. A lovely morning, and not as much rubbish as usual - has McDonalds closed????

New Year tidy

Grotty day, but a good turnout. We managed ti fill the usual dozen sacks. Thankyou McDonalds once again for your contribution - what would we do without you!!!

November womble

Meeting at the Village Hall 0945 for our usual tour of the village, and get it looking nice for Christmas. Conditions a bit difficult - tto many leaves hiding the litter. Managed to fill 6 bags, thoug...

Summer spruce up

Usual meet up at 0945 for the usual routes around the village. Despite the impending hurricane we managed to do the whole village and fill another 8 sacks, mainly with McDonalds rubbish as usual. Than...

June pick

Meet at Jubillee Cottage 0945 Lovely weather made the task almost a pleasure. Lovely to see the area looking good for a few hours, but I see this morning the first McRubbish has already been deposited...

March Tidy up

Meet as usual at the Village Hall 0945 Good turnout on a lovely sunny morning - almost a pleasure to clean up after the MacTossers!

New Year spruce-up

Meet at the Village Hall 945 am for the usual tour of the Village. A lovely break in the weather, so we managed a good turnout and a successful womble. 8 sacks filled this time. We also did a pick al...

Remember remember...

Usual arrangements - cu at the Village Hall 0945 Lovely day for a pick - fine and windy. Lots of fallen leaves but we managed to fill 8 sacks this time.

September Session

We may well cover some new ground this time. A bit thin on the ground this time, but we managed to clean up everywhere planned, plus tidying up the pathway to the church.

Summer cleanup

Good turnout, and managed to do the usual route. We are having reservations about the safety of picking along the Mattishall Road - very heavy and fast traffic - so we may well decide to leave this o...

May Event

Same time, same place. Welcome, Heidi & Simon, to our little group of wombles Great turnout, lovely weather! Amount of litter not as bad as usual (only six sacksfull this time). Are we winning?????? I...

Mad as March Hares

Meet at the Village Hall as usual. Time to get the village looking nice for Spring. Besides our usual route, we met up with some of the neighbouring Weston group to clean up along Wood Lane, which is ...

New Year Patrol

Covering the usual route around the village to pick up the seasonal rubbish. A good turnout on a damp, grey morning. We managed to collect 13 bags, plus a very wet £10 note. Obviously one of our re...

There'll be fireworks tomorrow!

Meet at the Village Hall 10 am as usual. What a horrible wet morning!!! Many thanks to the stalwarts who braved the conditions. Reduced numbers but we managed to cover the whole of the normal route - ...

September Tidy

Same time, same place Managed the complete village, and collected the usual 11 bags. Well done all

July session

Meet as usual 0945 hrs Reduced numbers this time due to holiday absences, but we managed to spread ourselves and complete the circuit. Collected 8 bags and 2 tyres.

St George's Pick

St George's Day, so don't get cross. Time for us to be dragon ourselves around the village again with our sacks and pickers. A reduced squad, but we managed to do the whole circuit and fill 12 bags, p...

Wood Lane special

As Wood Lane is closed we are taking the opportunity to pick along this normally busy road. A lovely day for it. We managed to clear 18 sacks full, 2 tractor tyres, 13 car wheels/tyres, 2 roadsign fra...


Now that the snow has cleared, we will meet at the Village Hall 0945 as usual. Looks like plenty to do! What an amazing result! We put out a full team on a beautiful morning, and managed to get furthe...

Remember Remember...

Should be plenty of spent rockets to pick up today!!! Not many fireworks, but we filled 9 sacks, plus 2 tyres and a redundant road-sign. Another great turnout from villagers who obviously take a great...

Autumn Tidy

Autumn Tidy Lots of pickers on late summer hols, so a smaller number turned out this time. However we managed to cover the usual area, and filled 9 bags. Lots of MacRubbish from the ever present MacTo...

Summer Sruce-up

Only 8 bags this time - are we winning the battle? Blessings upon the driver who hooted at one of our pickers, slowed down, and threw some litter out of his car. What a cretin!!!


Meet as usual at the Village Hall 9.45. Perhaps we will be going a bit further afield this time.

May Womble

11 of us toured the usual routes around the village. Only 8 bags this time - are we winning?? Perhaps the MacDonalds Munchers don't need so much comfort food now the warmer weather is here???

Spring Tidy up

A record morning - 12 bags, 2 empty gas cylinders, 1 tyre and various car parts. As usual, lots of contributions from the McDonalds munchers!

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Benson Tidy Group
A group of local people concerned about our local village and are prepared to assist in tackling cleaning and tidy jobs that are not getting done by the local councils. We work is collaboration with our parish council.
7 years
Friends of Thringstone
Who are we? We are an environmental group undertaking planting in our village, litter picks, promoting reduction in Co2 and smart driving, and working with the local community to make our village a litter free area. We deliver over 1700 newsletters around our village promoting our message and work with Thringstone Primary School and the local brownie group various events, including a scarecrow festival in June 2011 which brought together all sectors of the community . We held another scarecrow event, in conjunction with Thringstone Methodists, on Saturday 6th July 2013. Our chairman litter picks daily, and is helped by others who litter pick regularly. We try, where possible, to recycle items which can be recycled. We petitioned for extra recycling bins in our village and now have two tin and plastic bottle recycling points and a glass recycling point, and are currently asking for the council to consider ways of recycling acceptable items put in roadside litter bins. Between February 2013 and the end of February 2014, we removed 1,958 bags of litter from the village and woodlands, which we feel is a staggering amount. We have also worked with other groups on environmental issues in the village, and were part of the steering group that saw Thringstone Youth Club win the Children and Young People\\\\\\\'s Green Footprints Award in 2011 for their mural project. We have taken over several flowerbeds and previously untidy and unused areas in the village for planting and offer historical and environmental walks around the village. Please see our website which is for further details on our group, plus details on our constitution, health and safety policy, equal opportunities policy, parental consent statements and volunteer expenses statement. You can also see on that site details of all our publications. What have we done? In 2009 we won the NW Leicestershire Green Footprints Awards, were awarded an outstanding achievement certificate by East Midlands In Bloom in 2009, and won a gold and silver in the village achievement awards run by the Rural Community Council. In 2010 and were finalists in the Community and Partnerships category of the NWLDC\\\\\\\'s Green Footprints Awards and again in 2013. In 2011 we won The Queen\\\\\\\'s Award for Voluntary Service, something of which we are very proud, especially since 2011 was the European Year of Volunteering,. In 2015 we won the Big Tidy Award at the Keep Britain Tidy Jubilee Awards 2015. In 2021 we won the Leicestershire Live Environmental Heroes Award and also won the Community Organisation Award 2021 with Leicestershire Community Champions. We have a facebook page, and we are also on twitter - address is @Thringstone2. In 2019, our chairman was awarded a British Empire Medal for service to Thringstone and in September 2019, her dog, who accompanied her on all her litter picks, was awarded a commendation from the PDSA.
20 years
Mill Lane wombles
Our aim is to continue keeping Mill Lane England's cleanest lane.
25 years
Cleveland Park Residents' Association
We are a small residents association who hold monthly events to improve our area by planting tree pits and troughs, picking up litter and encouraging everyone to keep their front gardens neat and tidy.
24 years
Penarth Beach Wardens
The Beach Wardens at Penarth are all unpaid volunteers who give up some of their free time to help keep Penarth beach free of litter. The group are independent of both the local town council and the county council but all Wardens are members of the Penarth Civic Society, which covers the general administration for the group, negotiates licences and other working relationships with beach owners and local authorities, and pays the necessary insurance premiums.
17 years
Keep Stoke Tidy
Welcome to the Keep Stoke Tidy group. We are a small group of volunteers with an increasing concern about the litter across the city. It seems difficult to walk more than a few yards lately without coming across at least one discarded face mask, food wrapper or empty plastic bottle. Rather than choose to live with this we have decided to improve the situation by making a city-wide litter-picking network that we are calling ‘Keep Stoke Tidy’. Our aim is to make sure that every area of this wonderful city has an active litter picking group and through the wonder of social media we would like to support those groups in advertising litter picking events. For those areas that don’t have a litter picking group it would be great to see new ones start up. Throughout the year each group will continue to have their usual local litter picking days but with a larger network it would be brilliant to think that each month of the year we could vote for an area to focus on. We could then arrange an event with a larger group of volunteers, with as many people as possible from all of the other groups coming to work together to focus on that area. We will be arranging events throughout the coming year and posting them on here as well as on our facebook page at If you are arranging an event in Stoke-on-Trent and would like more pickers please get in touch.
3 years
West Rainton Clean-up Team
The Clean-up Team is part of West Rainton Green Group, which was formed in April 2003. We aim to remove litter from paths, bridleways, road verges and other open space in the vicinity of West Rainton, thereby improving the attractiveness of the local area. The work is undertaken by members of the Green Group in their spare time. We organise about five or six events each year, and members of our team also collect litter on an individual basis from time to time when the need arises. Since the start of the project we have collected 100 - 150 bags a year, and attempt to recycle as much as possible, particularly cans and bottles. Prior to each event contact is made with Durham County Council, who provide a truck to remove all the bags that are collected. We have contributed to national and regional environmental programmes such as Community Service Volunteers 'Action Earth' campaign, City of Sunderland's 'Just Bin It' campaign, Litterfree Durham's 'Big Spring Clean' and the ENCAMS 'Big Tidy Up'. Since 2009 we have worked in partnership with Network Rail to clean up a nearby length of disused railway. As well as litter-picking we also alert Durham County Council and City of Sunderland Council to fly-tipping in the vicinity of the village as soon as it happens. Prompt removal has significantly improved the visual appeal of local lanes and paths. About 300 incidents have been reported since 2003.
21 years
litter picking group
6 years
Hannington Litter Pickers
At this time this is a one man group, but all help will be gratefully received.
16 years
Broadstairs Town Team Ltd
We have come together to do positive things, where we can see ways we can help, to make our town even better than we already know it is. We love Broadstairs. We know that most of the people who live here do too and that visitors often fall in love with it from the moment they arrive. It's a great place. But nowhere is perfect and let's face it, if it was it would be boring. We're always thinking of new ideas of things we can do that will make a positive difference and address some of the issues and challenges our town faces. Our aim therefore : Make Broadstairs an even nicer place to work in, live in or visit.
12 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group