Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Spring Clean 2011


05 Mar 2011


Our annual Spring Clean took place on Friday 4th & Saturday 5th March 2011 • 118 community groups organised two hour litter picks at locations of their choice across the city – this matched the record turnout in 2010 • almost all Oxford’s primary and secondary state schools took part, as well as The Dragon & Headington Schools, Oxford High School Ecology Club, Oxford & Cherwell Valley College, The Oxford Hub of Community Volunteers, Oxford Brookes Student Union • Litter collected by community groups was over 7,000 kg (nearly 1,000 sacks) with a satisfactory ratio of recycling to landfill of 50:50 -- with a further large quantity of scrap and fly tip (347 items) • Further quantities were cleared up by primary and secondary schools • It is encouraging that the amount collected was significantly down on 2010 despite there being more individuals out litter picking.

Reports from community groups and our own observations, suggest that there are three good reasons for this – public awareness of the litter problem has led to an increase in responsible behavior, previous Spring Cleans have made major inroads into litter that had become embedded over the years and the City Council has improved its litter bin provision and street cleaning services. • Awareness of the litter problem was significantly heightened by the large numbers of people taking to our streets and public places - many wearing the 400 + OxClean hi–vis waistcoats • Coverage in the run up to the event and of the event itself by The Oxford Times, Oxford Mail and BBC Radio Oxford added to this awareness • Over 300 ‘Just Cleaned’ signs were displayed at newly picked locations across the city to further build awareness • Having donated 270 litter pickers to community groups in 2010, OxClean now holds a stockpile of 235 litter pickers and over 400 branded hi-vis vests for loan at Spring Cleans and throughout the year • OxClean is aware of a growing numbers of informal community litter picks taking place throughout the year • geographic coverage of the city was good with a pleasing increase in the Cowley area • in addition to local neighbourhoods specific locations tackled included – grotspots; stretches of the Thames and canal; parks; nature reserves; sports fields; play parks; paths along Ring Road and A40; cycle ways; schools; car parks; church yards .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Spring Clean 2012

Our Annual Spring Clean campaign is scheduled for Friday 2nd & Saturday 3rd March 2012. Many groups already registered. See our website for details

Spring Clean 2010

Our annual Spring Clean event, this year attracting registrations for over 110 groups

Spring Clean 09

Spring Clean 09 will take place on Friday 6th & Saturday 7th March 2009.

Please see website for details

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

walking/ canoing and cycling
Local waterways
3 years
Litter Free Menston
A group for Menston residents who wish to keep their beautiful village looking it’s best and litter free. New members welcome!
4 years
Tidy up St Leonards
Voluntary Group. Tidy ↻p St Leonard's ! Holds events to tidy up and improve the streets, paths and woodlands of St Leonard's, East Sussex. Work with local and county councils, report issues requiring attention such as fly tipping, defective infrastructure and waste requiring collection. Liaise with local businesses, schools and organisations. Engage with them and raise awareness of the litter problems in St Leonard's. We are a non political group.
6 years
I live in a rural part of Staffordshire we aim to provide safe and clean areas that our children and children's children can be proud of and to be able to drive or walk down our countries lanes without seeing all this rubbish.
12 years
North West London Clean Up
If you're reading this you're probably already aware that there is a serious litter problem and something must be done! As well as solo daily pickings while walking the dogs, I'm also organising various community clean-ups, mostly a monthly one at the Welsh Harp. I have lots of equipment which I'm very happy to lend out, as well as welcoming suggestions for other areas that need a clean-up. Please contact if you wish to get involved.
10 years
Clean Up Alba
Join Edinburgh\\\\\\\'s first clean up group registered in Litter Action UK. Our aim is to keep our beautiful Edinburgh free of litter, cleaning parks as well as beaches.
3 years
Stoke Primary School Coventry
We are a local authority primary school and are wanting to contribute to the community where litter is concerned.
13 years
Litter Action Group for Ealing Residents (LAGER Can)
We remove rubbish from open spaces (streets, parks, woods, waterways, car parks, etc etc) throughout the London Borough of Ealing.
7 years
Long Melford Litter Pickers
If you love Long Melford and hate litter, then we are the group for you! We meet from 10am - noon on the last Sunday of the month and from 2pm - 4pm on the preceeding Thursday. Please contact us by email and we will send you out all the information, including the meet up location of our next pick.
8 years
Weeley Wombleys
We started as Weeley Wombleys in 2017 as so many residents had expressed their concerns about the amount of litter appearing everywhere, and we are now part of Weeley in Bloom. There are several take-aways in the area, and the detritus was mounting up so much Tendring District Council couldn\'t keep on top of it. We litter pick on the first Monday morning of the month, and there is usually a hard-core of about 15 residents who pick regularly. We also encourage residents to keep their frontages as clear of rubbish as possible and the area has seemed a lot tidier since we started. We have been into the local School wearing our home-made WeeleyWombley costumes, together with McDonalds (our Corporate partner), to encourage the primary school children to litter pick, and to take their litter home with them. McDonalds also very kindly have a member of staff litter picking around the Village practically every day, which is very much appreciated.
8 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group