Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Saturday picking

6 Kilnwood Lane,South Chailey,Chailey,BN8 4AU

17 Jun 2016


Meeting at the lay-by near Chailey Heritage on Beggars Wood Rd at 10am. Why not join us? Equipment provided, just bring your own gloves (rubber or gardening gloves are Ok) .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Great Chailey Spring Clean 2020

Choose between three meeting places and take part in our parish wide litter pick. We will start at 10am and finish by 12noon. Meeting places: Chailey Free Church car park, Chailey Green by the parish ...

Group litter pick

Group Litter pick meeting at Chailey Free Church car park at 10am. Please bring grabber and gloves if you have them. Equipment is available on the day.

Monday morning picking

Leaving Kilnwood Lane at 10am to clean up the A275. Do get in touch if you'd like to take part.

Group litter pick

Meeting at Pound Common car park at 10am for a two hour pick on local roads. Please bring grabber and gloves if you have them and wear solid footwear for walking on verges. Some equipment is available...

Group litter pick

Group Litter Pick meeting at Chailey Green at 10am. Some equipment available on the day but please bring grabber and gloves if you have them. See you there!

Group litter pick

Meeting at Pound Common car park at 10am for a couple of hours litter picking. Some equipment available on the day but please bring gloves and a grabber if you have them.

Group litter pick

We have two litter picks running concurrently on this day. Both start at 10am. The first meets at Chailey Free Church car park, South Chailey and the second at Pound Common car park, North Chailey. So...

Great Chailey Spring Clean

Five days of litter picking fun starting on Thursday 14th March and ending on Monday 18th March as part of the Great British Spring Clean organised by Keep Britain Tidy. Day 1: Thursday 14th March, m...

Group litter pick

Meeting at 10am for a couple of hours litter picking, gather at Chailey Green. Please bring gloves and grabber if you have them and wear sensible footwear for walking on wet/muddy verges. Some equipme...

Group litter pick

Meeting at Pound Common car park at 10am. Please bring gloves and grabber if you have them. Some equipment available on the day. We spend a couple of hours working in pairs, picking the roadsides spre...

Group litter pick

Group litter pick meeting at Chailey Free Church car park, South Chailey at 10am. Please wear a high vis vest and bring grabber and gloves if you have them. Some equipment is available on the day. ...

Group litter pick

Group litter pick meeting at 10am at North Chailey Sports Ground. We'll work in pairs spreading out from the sports ground. Please wear a high vis vest and bring gloves and a grabber if you have them....

Group picking

Meet at Chailey Green at 10am, for a couple of hours of litter picking. Please bring gloves and grabber if you have them and please wear appropriate footwear. We will provide plenty of bags to be fi...

Group litter pick

Meet at Chailey Free Church, South Chailey, at 10am for a couple of hours picking. Some equipment available on the day but bring gloves and grabber if you have them.

The Big Spring Clean

Chailey is taking part in The Big Spring Clean. Look out for information on Chailey Chat (Facebook) and on this page for meeting places and times. Events will be on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th March.

Group litter pick

Meet at Pound Common carpark for a couple of hours picking. Please wear appropriate footwear and bring gloves and a grabber if you have one. Some equipment is available on the day with plenty of bag...

New year group pick

Meet at Chailey Free Church car park at 10am for picking in South Chailey. Please wear appropriate footwear and clothing. Some equipment available on the day, but do bring a grabber if you have one....

Group morning litter pick

Meet at Pound Common car park at 10am for a couple of hours litter picking. Please wear appropriate footwear, gloves and bring a grabber if you have one. Some equipment is available on the day as we...

Group morning litter pick

Meet at North Chailey Sports Ground car park at 10am for a couple of hours of picking. Please wear suitable footwear for walking on uneven ground and bring gloves (gardening gloves are ok) and a grab...

Group Pick South Chailey

Group picking around South Chailey area. Meet at Chailey Free Church car park at 10am for a couple of hours work. Some equipment available on the day but bring gloves and a grabber (and a hoop) if y...

Group pick

Meeting at Pound Common car park at 10am. All welcome.

Group litter pick

Meeting at Lane End Common car park at 10am for a couple of hours picking. Equipment available on the day but please bring gloves and grabber if you have them. All welcome!

Group picking Pound Common

Meet at Pound Common Car Park at 10am for a couple of hours picking. Equipment available on the day for those who don't have their own. All welcome!!

Group Pick South Chailey

Meet at Chailey Free Church car park at 10am for a couple of hours picking around South Chailey. Usual equipment available on the day plus lots of bags. All welcome!

Monday group litter pick

We'll meet at North Chailey Sports Ground car park at 10am. Usual equipment available, but do bring your own gloves and grabber if you have them. I'll have plenty of sacks and hopefully some new sac...

Christmas litter pick

Meet at Chailey Free Church car park at 10am for a couple of hours picking through South Chailey. High vis vests and some grabbers available on the day, but do bring your own if you have them, plus g...

week day litter pick

Group picking event - meet at Pound Common car park at 10am for a couple of hours picking. Some equipment is available on the day but please bring gloves, a grabber and a high vis vest if you have th...

Group Pick of A272

Meet at North Chailey Sports ground car park at 10am for a couple of hours picking. We will be picking along the A272 from North Chailey roundabouts to Holford Manor Lane (maybe just past). This is ...

Inaugural AGM of CLP

We are holding our inaugural AGM at the Horns Lodge pub, South Chailey, on Tuesday 11th November starting at 7.30pm. Anyone with an interest in the litter issues in and around the Chailey Parish is...

Group morning litter pick

Meeting at Pound Common Car park at 10am for a couple of hours litter picking on roads around the Common. Please wear gloves and bring a grabber if you have one. Some equipment and lots of bags are ...

North Chailey Rec

Meet at North Chailey Recreational Ground car park at 10am for a two hour litter pick around the area. A small number of litter grabbers are available along with lots of sacks. Please bring your own...

Pound Common pick

Meet at Pound Common carpark; just off the cross roads between North Common Road and Beggars Wood Road at 10am for two hours of litter picking on and around the common. A small number of litter grabb...

Group litter pick

Group Litter Pick meeting at 10am at North Chailey Sports Ground. We'll work in pairs spreading out from the sports ground, covering as much ground as we can in a couple of hours. Please bring grabb...

Group morning litter pick

Monday group litter pick

Tagged onto the end of the Great British Spring Clean weekend, we'll meet at North Chailey Sports Ground car park at 10am. Usual equipment available but do bring your

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Thornby Pickers
At the moment I do some Ad-hoc litter clearance in Thornby and lend support to other intitatives such as CPRE Northants litter picks. I also support the Stop the Drop campaign and any action they take.
16 years
Gamston Litter Pickers
Rubbish disposal and fly tipping is becoming an increasing problem nationally compounded by reduced services across the counties. Many communities are taking it upon themselves to get out and tidy up their local areas by grabbing a bag and a litter picker and spending an hour or so in their immediate local area picking up discarded rubbish. If you are interested in meeting up once a month then please come along on the third Saturday, and together we can make a difference to rubbish and fly tipping in our area. All equipment is provided, including ‘kids kits’ so that children can participate safely too. We meet at 10am at the Gamston Village Hall and are out for a maximum of 2 hours. The monthly litter picking is in Gamston but the equipment is available for all residents of the villages of Adbolton, Bassingfield, Gamston and Holme Pierrepont to use.
6 years
Keep Warwick Beautiful
Starting with the waterways around the local schools, we aim to bring Warwick back to its former glory, allowing the wildlife to thrive once again and removing the rubbish near neighborhoods.
3 years
The Friends of the Cole Valley Birmingham UK
This group is for anybody interested in Litter Picking in the Kingfisher Country Park and surrounding areas of East Birmingham.
5 years
Friends of Riverside Park Newhaven
Friends of Riverside Park was set up following a failed attempt to build a water park on the land which is owned by East Sussex County Council & Lewes District Council and now known as Riverside Park, Newhaven. The site was up until the late 1970s/early 1980s a landfill site for the town. Once the site was full to capacity it was capped and left to nature. We now have a wonderful array of wildlife and recently funds were spent by the local Councils to make improvements including a properly laid circular path, benches dotted around the park, a bird viewing platform, owl nest box and various hibernacula and scrapes. Scrub has been managed to improve the quality of the soil. All this has been done with the help and assistance of the Friends of Riverside Park who work as a go-between the Community who use the Park and the Councils. As part of our ongoing support we organise monthly litter picks to safeguard the natural environment & are making other small improvements to the area including more litter bins and hopefully seating.
12 years
Ross Community Litter Clean up Crew RCLCUC
Group of volunteers who love Ross and hate litter. Communities coming together.
7 years
Leadenham Litterpickers
Small Lincolnshire Village adjacent to two A class roads.
3 years
Tonbridge Litter Pickers
Recently I have been on a mission to clean up the litter in my local area and I need help from local people. The aim of the group is to tackle litter blackspots in Tonbridge and the surrounding area, especially around local woods, paths, parks and local playgrounds. Litter can be harmful to wildlife, and its not nice to see when walking in the local park with my son. I want to organise local litter picking/clean up days to improve the local environment for everyone. In times when the local councils are cutting funds for street cleaners the litter problem will be sure to get worse, we all have a responsibility to improve our local environment. If we all protected the environment from littering it would improve the area for everyone. If you have any questions please email me. Thanks. Sara
9 years
We want to get beyond litter picking (though we still do it) and we seek to educate the younger generation through running humorous photographic contests on an anti-litter theme, school visits, and publicity on the issue generally This year we are running Litter Goes Literary, a photographic contest for young people (free entry) who must submit a humourly captioned photo from a litter pick, along with an ecologised version of one verse of a favourite song.
10 years
Pickmere Pickers
A group dedicated to ensuring that Pickmere remains litter free. We will have a communal litter picking box where people can collect equipment and pick when they get the time rather than a regular group.
5 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group