Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Rye hills Nursery

6 Morrison Park Road ,West Haddon, Northampton,NN6 7BJ

23 Jan 2021


A428 from top roundabout to just passed Ryehills Nursery 8 bags of grot, lots of historic stuff.

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Yelvertoft/Crick circular

Yelvertoft Village Hall toCrick and back Collected 4 bags of grot, reported flat tipping

WH lower bypass

Pick along the lower West Haddon bypass plus the main road into Winwick 8 bags collected, lots of McLitter, bottles and cans.

Crick Weighbridge

Meet at 10.30am in layby 12 bags collected from 5 Wombles, 2 bags of recycling. The area is looking much better for it but it feels like we have only just scratched the surface!


Meet at Crick Pocket Park 10am 5 pickers today, we covered Cracks Hill, Millennium Wood and Jubilee Wood 3 bags collected

WH Village

Village litter pick plus lower bypass Reported 2 lots of fly tipping plus 3 bags collected

Guilsborough Rd to roundabout plus footpath by school

Guilsborough Rd MPR junction to roundabout Footpath by school and village hall 3 bags collected, reported 7 abandoned sand bags reported to NCC

Daventry Sports Park and Winwick

Daventry Sports Park - 8.45 to 9.30am (whilst junior parkrun is on) Winwick Road from crossroads 2-3pm 3 bags collected from Daventry Sports Park, lots of rubbish in amongst the hedges in the car park...

Guilsborough Rd Roundabout

Guilsborough Rd roundabout 3 bags collected before the wind and rain got the better of me!

Ryehills to Roundabout

3 bags collected from this relatively short but scruffy looking area!

West Haddon Bypass

Meet at 10.30 Yelvertoft Rd/Bypass junction We will cover the area from the Crick Rd roundabout to Guilsborough Rd roundabout Lovely to have 5 volunteers turn up to do the West Haddon Bypass from Cric...

Slyes Close area clean up

Slyes Close down to bypass area Area covered: Yelvertoft Rd from West End to the bypass then back down to bus stop. West Haddon Football Field Park at Eaglestone Drive 4 bags filled, 1 of clean recycl...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

CID Clean-up Team
Helping to keep litter in check in Richmond Hill, Leeds. We will support as many local litter picks as possible but also national events such as The Great British Spring Clean and Love Parks Week, or even global ones like World Rivers Day and World Cleanup Day. If you’d like to get involved or find out more please message the co-ordinators with a way we can contact you. The Climate Innovation District (CID) is a modern development of low carbon housing on the banks of the river Aire in Leeds.
3 years
Clean Seas Please
Clean Seas Please is based in East Sussex and it's main focus is to bring the quality of the bathing water in the area to good or excellent against the EU regulations. This is done by talking to residents and visitors, beach cleans, events and working with local schools or community groups.
11 years
Birchgrove Local Issues
General clean up of the Birchgrove Swansea area
12 years
Beare Green Community Association
Community Association, combined with Youth Group and District Cllr
7 years
Simister Village Clean and Health Association
I am going to door to door for this campaign as soon as I get litter pickers kit.
5 years
walking/ canoing and cycling
Local waterways
3 years
Kirton in Lindsey in Bloom
Kirton in Lindsey in Bloom is an independent community group acting in co-operation with Kirton in Lindsey Town Council, Kirton in Lindsey Amateur Gardeners, Kirton in Lindsey Society and North Lincolnshire Council. The main object of the group is visual enhancement of the town through wider use of floral and heritage displays within both public and residential areas. Which by its nature also includes improving and creating a better local environment in the town. We are a not-for-profit organisation.
9 years
Banbury is a lovely town and its surrounding areas look fabulous. If you're interested in keeping it this way, please join us and help whenever you can, as much as you can. We appreciate time is precious but we are positive there are like-minded people out there who will support keeping banbury tidy.
13 years
Friends of Brislington Brook (FOBB)
We are a group of residents from BS4 who look after, maintain and enhance Brislington Brook and its environs, in Nightingale Valley and Saint Annes woods. We carry out litter picks, coppicing, tree planting and water testing. We also put on community events, walks and wildlife features.
12 years
The aim of this group is to encourage habitual collection of local litter (and organised group collections) and to dispose of it properly (recycling it whenever possible) especially along the River Eden, while trying to set an example for other local residents to follow.
15 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group