Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


River Lowman Clean-up

15 Blundell's Avenue,Tiverton ,EX16 4DL

24 Oct 2008


Meet at Lowman Bridge, Gold Street, Tiverton at 10.30 am. Aim is to clean up the river bed, so bring old wellies or trainers etc. For further information telephone 01884 254744 .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

National Clean Up Day

Litter picking public event commencing at 10.30 am. Meet at Tiverton Leisure Centre Car Park. Duration one hour, followed by refreshments at the Centre.

Tiverton Litter Pick

Meet at 10.00am at St James Catholic Church car park.

Tiverton Community Litter Pick

Meet at 10.30am . All welcome. Litter picking covering the footpath/cycle path track between Cowley Moor and Lea Road. Park in Carew Road(junction with Pinnex Moor Road)

St Andrew’s School Big Litter Pick

TVLP members are going to give support to the school in holding their first LP in Cullompton, to give the St Andrew’s Estate a Spring-clean feel. St Andrew’s School Council decided to ...

Tiverton Balloon Festival litter pick

To provide a volunteer litter picking service during the Tiverton Balloon Festival. Seven TVLP members attended at various times during the three days and provided a litter picking service.The organis...

Mid Devon Show

As usual the TVLP supports the ever popular Mid Devon Annual Show by keeping the showground completely free of litter all day. There is also a TVLP stand at the show that provides further information ...

Tiverton Community LP

A LP in Cranmore Ward of Tiverton based on the Sunningmead Community Centre and led by local town councillors, with the support of the TVLP. Commenced at 10.30 am and ended at noon with refreshments. ...

Tiverton Volunteer Litter Pickers AGM

The AGM of the TVLP will commence at 4.00 pm in the Mayoralty Room, Tiverton Town Hall, followed by tea & biscuits.


As part of Tiverton Charter Week the TVLP is orgainsing a public Litter Pick on Saturday 4th October 2008 commencing at 10.30 am. Meet at the Pannier Market.


Meeting of all litter picking groups from within Mid Devon in preparation for the "Big Litter Pick" events planned for the autumn. An opportunity to compare notes, maintain enthusiasm and organise fut...

National Trail Boat Festival, Grand Western Canal, Tiverton

This is a two day festival and exhibition on the nearby Tiverton (Mid Devon) Showground. The TVLP will be providing support by means of litter collection. Volunteers required. Please telephone Peter ...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Sophies SUPER Litter Picking
Focusing on the beach, the sea front and our not so little seaside town! 🚯
3 years
Hertford Action on Rubbish and Trash
15 years
Windmill Hill Green Party
After conducting a survey in the area, litter was mentioned as a menace. The Green Party in Windmill Hill would like to organise a litter picking day on Saturday 13th April 2019.
5 years
We want to get beyond litter picking (though we still do it) and we seek to educate the younger generation through running humorous photographic contests on an anti-litter theme, school visits, and publicity on the issue generally This year we are running Litter Goes Literary, a photographic contest for young people (free entry) who must submit a humourly captioned photo from a litter pick, along with an ecologised version of one verse of a favourite song.
10 years
Friends of Eastfield Park
Friends of Eastfield Park (FoEP) exists to improve Eastfield Park, Northampton, UK, for the benefit of all its users. We do this through research, planning, consultation and promotion of the Park as well as organising conservation activities (including litter picking) and social events in the Park.
17 years
Plastic Free Albrighton
An informal group within a small village with the aim to reduce the use of plastics and waste.
5 years
The aim of this group is to encourage habitual collection of local litter (and organised group collections) and to dispose of it properly (recycling it whenever possible) especially along the River Eden, while trying to set an example for other local residents to follow.
15 years
Sulgrave Parish Council aims to provide an environment that the community is proud of and encourages volunteer effort to ensure the roads, verges and hedgerows in and around the village are kept clear of litter. Litter Pick are organised twice a year and many of the villagers will participate in the event.
16 years
Winchester Litterpickers
Winchester Litter Pickers were founded in 1995 when three people decided to do more about the litter problem in and around the City. Currently (December 2021) we have over 40 active volunteers and many more supporters. We think it is especially important to give visitors to Winchester a good impression of the City. During the summer months we tidy the Outer Close of the Cathedral daily in the late afternoon and on Monday mornings throughout the year we clear the approaches to the railways station. Twice a month on Wednesday mornings we clear suburban areas in turn, concentrating on the streets and open spaces near the local shops and in particularly bad black spots. We are very much into recycling, recovering the cans, glass and plastic bottles we collect wherever practicable. We are also keen to limit the damaging effects of plastic litter. We are a very sociable group and normally meet up for hot drinks and chats after our litter picks. We also have a very popular annual party. Anyone who would like to join us is invited to call Eddie Woodnutt on 01962 863047 or Jan Wood on 01962 853712 or email us on You are very welcome to join any of our litter picks as a non-member, but please let us know in advance, so that we can bring along a spare litter grabber if necessary.
29 years
Keynsham Wombles
We are part of Transition Keynsham and have a network of over 100 local volunteers collecting litter on a weekly basis in an area of their choice which could be the road they live in, a local footpath etc. If you would like to join us please email
12 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group