Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Rec tidy up

Tetbury,GL8 8AA

02 Nov 2014


The next litter-pick will be at The Rec on Sunday 2nd November, starting at 10.00 am and based outside the rugby club. We are hoping that the rugby club might be able to provide refreshments. Please dress for the weather – all equipment will be provided. See you there ! .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Clean for The Queen

We are organising a cleanup on The Rec for Sunday 6th March at 10.00 am as part of the nationwide Clean for The Queen campaign - The idea is for everyone to clean up...

Rec tidy up

Please join us at the Rugby Club at 10.00 am on Sunday 29th November to give the Rec another good tidy up. All litter-picking equipment will be provided and please wear clothing suitable for the weath...

Rec Tidy Up

Please join us at the Rugby Club at 10.00 am on Sunday 27th September to give the Rec another good tidy up. All litter-picking equipment will be provided and please wear clothing suitable for the weat...

Town Tidy Up

Our next litter pick is on the morning of Saturday April 18th. We will start at 10.00 am in Sir William Romney’s School car park and litter-pick down Lowfield Road and St.Mary’s Road. ...

Rec tidy up

The next litter-pick will be at The Rec on Sunday 8th March, starting at 10.00 am and based outside the rugby club. We are hoping that the rugby club might be able to provide refreshments. Please dre...

Rec Tidy Up

7 gallant people spent the morning tidying up The Rec again and collected 13 sacks of litter plus a duvet and an exercise bike ! Well done and thank you !

Rec Tidy Up

Meet at the Rugby Club at 10.00am to give the Rec another good tidy up. All litter-picking equipment provided and please wear clothing suitable for the weather. See you there ! Well done and a huge t...

Rail Lands cleanup

On Saturday 29th March we’re going to be cleaning up the Rail Lands and along the stream by the allotments towards Preston Park. Please join us at the Goods Shed at 10.30am – The Royal O...

Rec Tidy Up

Meet at the Rugby Club at 10.00am to give the Rec a good tidy up. Refreshments and equipment provided - see you there ! Another excellent morning's work with 11 people helping and 18 sacks of litter c...

Tidy Tetbury Team Launch

We'll be at The Rec on Sunday 18th August from 11.00 am to 2.00 pm. We're going to do a tidy-up of The Rec along with the volunteers from the Dolphins Trust and there will be a free burger and a drink...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

5 years
Keep Gravesend Tidy
We aim to clean up public areas in gravesend including parks, playgrounds and walkways.
3 years
Welwyn Rubbish Action Group (WRAG)
We are a small group of people keen to keep our lovely village as clean as possible, improving the environment for ourselves, our pets and wildlife.
16 years
Golders Green Estate Residents Association
We are a group of residents trying to make our neighbourhood a pleasant place in which to live. We aim to watch out for the interests of the residents of the area and to represent those interests to the local Council and others.
10 years
CQRA Birmingham - Convention Quarter
Meet at Sheepcote Street on the first Sunday in every month at 11.00. Visit the CQRA website for more information including a lot more general information on local planning and activities in central Birmingham -
3 years
Plastic Free Albrighton
An informal group within a small village with the aim to reduce the use of plastics and waste.
5 years
Leadenham Litterpickers
Small Lincolnshire Village adjacent to two A class roads.
3 years
Brighter Uckfield Campaign (BUC Up)
The Group operates under the aegis of the Town Council. Every Sunday morning, at 9.00, a small band of volunteers (open to anyone to attend) meets at the Civic Centre to conduct a 'swift-pick' in the worst-affected areas (finishing at about 11.00). The Campaign has moved onto taking small patches of public land in the town and overseeing planting out and maintenance. The town's annual beautiful gardens competition is organised by the Group. The Group joins the annual clear-up of the River Uck that flows through the town. Weeding pavements and cutting back undergrowth are also tasks that are taken on. Most of this work is concentrated on the town centre, but a network of 'litter pickers' is being gradually established on the estates around the town. Volunteers are provided with a hi-vi vest, a litter picking stick, gloves and refuse sacks - and we even have wheeled trolleys to take round with you to deal with the large amounts of litter on a Sunday morning. The Campaign has its own (Don't be a) "Mucky Duck" logo.
16 years
Tidy Tetbury Team
The Tidy Tetbury Team aims to bring together all those who want to see Tetbury kept tidy and looking good and who are happy to help achieve this by coming out to pick up litter. At the moment, we think that the obvious areas that need tidying up from time to time are likely to be The Rec, the area by the old railway shed, Love Lane (between Tesco and The Chipping) and the path behind Hampton Stores that leads to William Romney's School. But we also think that the Tidy Tetbury Team should be there to help and join in with anyone who wants to tackle the litter problem in their part of Tetbury. Our aim is not only to keep Tetbury tidy but to have fun and make new friends as we do so. Please join us by clicking on the "Join this Group" button on the right of this webpage and we will keep you posted on future events.
11 years
Cheddington Residents Litter Pick
We conduct two litter picks a year and have done so since may 1997. Usually in May and October on a Saturday morning.
27 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group