Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Ramblers Association Hike

2 Dale Terrace,Hassocks,BN6 8LN

17 Apr 2009


A 8km hike around the Hassocks area led by Frances Gilbert with collateral litter busting intended. Nice day for a hike but wet underfoot due to previous day's rain. 5 carrier bags of litter collected by Frances and David from the fields we hiked through. Most litter was close to roads. Road verges themselves were left alone otherwise we would have been overwhelmed!.

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May Litterpick Hassocks

Meet at 10AM We will be picking litter in the Hassocks town centre. Both roads and pathways. The streets are quite clean due to the efforts of the parish and Mid Sussex councils. Please bring: Pi...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Great Warford Residents Group
A community group that organises the Great Warford village Fun Day, monitors local issues of general interest , improves the appearance of the village and picks litter. Working together to create a greener, cleaner more beautiful village and community.
10 years
Harrow Litterbusters
This is a new group that I am setting up. I have in the past 15 years picked up over 5,000 bags of litter in North Harrow and surrounding area. There's more that can be done and I need your help and also help you in your area. Come and join us the Harrow Litterbusters!
12 years
Mashamshire Litter Busters
Mashamshire is an area of outstanding beauty. We are doing what we can to preserve it. We do litter collection along the lanes and footpaths in and around Masham - and we find loads of plastic. We are reducing the impact of micro-plastics on the diet of your children and grand-children! A Masham resident has kindly offered to pay for our group meeting coffees. Many thanks. As we go about Mashamshire we get many kind appreciations from folk that we meet.
6 years
Brighter Uckfield
A growing band of volunteers dedicated to keeping Uckfield and surrounding areas clean, green and litter free. We meet every Sunday at 9am in Waitrose car park, and others perform ad hoc litter picking around our town.
16 years
Whittlesford Parish Church and Volunteer Network
We aim to help litter pick on a regular basis to keep our village and surrounding roads clear of rubbish.
3 years
Moston Litter Pickers
The aims of Moston Litter Pickers shall be: To improve the quality of the surrounding environment of Moston and keep our Lanes clear of litter in order to give residents a sense of pride.
12 years
MItcham Road Neighbourhood Watch
The Neighbourhood Watch scheme aims to develop community cohesion and help people feel safer and more secure in their homes and local environment
9 years
Litter Free Menston
A group for Menston residents who wish to keep their beautiful village looking it’s best and litter free. New members welcome!
4 years
Tewkesbury Friends of the Earth
Tewkesbury Friends of the Earth, are a friendly and eclectic group of people interested in working to raise awareness of environmental problems locally, nationally and globally. We meet regularly to litter pick. We also have a Facebook page.
17 years
Collie Collections
Currently most of the work is done by my Border Collie who collects crisp and other wrappers and plastic bottles. She then finds the nearest waste bin and puts the litter in it. She has been doing this for the past 5 years.
13 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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