Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


Otterford Parish Litter Pick 12

Green Pastures,Bishopswood,nr Chard,TA20 3RS

13 Jul 2018


.. Our smaller Summer Litter Pick: but – given the amount collected - hopefully all of our 27 pickers (and 2 base team) thought it worthwhile. No snow or bitingly cold wind this time but, rather, a warm sunny day. Yet again we picked in eight of the nine areas of the parish – not picking in the quiet area we reserve for any children joining us. In total we collected 35 sacks; a range of miscellaneous car parts, some wood, and (incredibly usefully) three hubcaps. We also picked up one of our own scoops which we place in the salt bins around the parish – obviously after salting the road in March it was just too much effort for someone to place it back in the bin. After reporting the 61 plastic milk cartons we collected last time to Somerset Waste Partnership we were delighted to see the number come down to 7 this time, with many more obviously now remaining on the recycling lorry. After two hours back to the hall for our usual bacon/veggie rolls and a drink.

And, five more Blue Hub Cap (and chocolates) Awards to those completing ten picks. After sorting we recycled 317 drinks cans, 221 plastic bottles, 37 glass bottles/jars, and assorted metal. In just 12 Picks we have now collected (and recycled) over 5,000 drinks cans. McDonalds (as ever) headed the food wrappings ‘pile’, and the Coca Cola Group yet again headed the drinks cans (now over 1000 Coca Cola Group drinks cans collected and recycled in total) and plastic bottles. We are grateful to idVerde (Taunton Deane Borough Council contractor) for arranging a visit by the large road sweeper to sweep roads in the village and around the parish. .

upcoming Events

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past Events

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 20

Our 20th Pick. Will any of our Pickers have managed to attend all 20 (and to date 2 have managed all 18. and another one 17 out of 18) and be the first to be awarded the first coveted Bronze Hub Caps?...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 19

Our 19th Pick - 'A Pick Like Almost no Other' - will be organised like the 18th Pick in July. If you plan to pick you must register in advance with the Parish Clerk (see website for details) - please ...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 18

Our 18th Litter Pick - 'A Pick Like No Other' - will be going ahead on Saturday 11th July. It will bear no resemblance to the 17 that have gone before - with no pre or post meet, no refreshments, and...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 17

- As the UK appeared to be moving towards lock-down we wondered just how much this would affect our 17th Pick. The answer was ‘not much’ - 29 volunteers turned-up on the morning, with 25 ...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 16

.. Earlier light rain had cleared by the time we started, and we had a record turnout of 29 pickers, plus a base team of five (who put out warning road signs and lucked them up again, collected the fu...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 15

.. Our Summer Pick. Always a quieter day because of absences on holiday etc, so we were delighted when 19 pickers (plus a base team of 2) turned up. For once the weather was just ‘normal’...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 14

.. We pick in all weathers! A year ago it was snowing as we picked; during our last Pick in November 2018 the heavy mist just about cleared by the time we started. Today - in one of the highest areas ...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 13

A rather miserable, murky November morning - at 7.00 visibility was about two yards. By 9.00 it had largely cleared except for the highest roads. We asked everyone to assess the position when they ar...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 11

Snow was forecast, and snow we got. Not the heavy downfall which came later, but regular flurries blown around by the bitingly cold wind. Amazingly 24 volunteers turned out to pick in this, together ...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 10

HEADLINES # 20 Pickers (and 2 Base Team) collected 43 sacks of litter, 4 hubcaps,1 tyre, and miscellaneous items # After sorting, we recycled 420 drinks cans, 291 plastic bottles, 65 glass bottles/ja...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 9

HEADLINES # More collected than we first thought! # 19 Pickers (and 1 Base Team) collected 33 sacks of litter, 2 hubcaps, and miscellaneous items # After sorting, we recycled 178 drinks cans, 183 pla...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 8

HEADLINES # 26 Pickers (and 1 Base Team) collected 61 sacks of litter,1 tyre, 2 hubcaps, and miscellaneous items # After sorting, 691 drinks cans, 509 plastic bottles, 142 glass bottles and jars, and...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 7

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 7 NOVEMBER 2016 Headlines # 16 Pickers (and 2 Base Team) collected 43 sacks of litter,1 tyre, 6 hubcaps, a shower tray, a suitcase, and miscellaneous items # After sor...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 6

Our 6th Parish Litter Pick. Come and join us - meet at the Parish Hall in Bishopswood (TA20 3RS) at 9.30am. Pick for a couple of hours, then back to the hall for a hot drink and a bacon/veggie roll. ...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 5

Well ………………….. have we turned the corner? We found considerably less litter than during our previous Picks. We manage to clear almost every road in the pari...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 4

More pickers - 27 - than ever before, including a number from neighbouring parishes. We collected a staggering 76 bags of litter, together with a range of larger objects - including 17 hub caps, a ca...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 3

Sunny and dry .......... not at all what we have come to expect for an Otterford Parish Litter Pick! In two hours our twenty four volunteers collected 48 sackfuls of litter, and a range of other th...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 2

Sixteen litter pickers, picking for two hours. We picked up 49 sackfuls of litter, including 393 drinks cans, 432 plastic bottles, and 92 glass bottles for recycling. We also accumulated seven wheel ...

Otterford Parish Litter Pick 1

Our first Litter Pick - 24 sackfuls collected. As much as possible was recycled.

Nearby Groups

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17 years
Truckers cleaning up Britian
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RE and CE Darby
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Chapel-en-le-Frith cleanup
Come and meet likeminded neighbours who want to make our beautiful town cleaner and safer for wildlife by giving up 1 hour a week(or whenever suits).Lots of fresh air and feel good factor is free to all.Just bring along gloves and a litter picker.Hope to meet you soon .AJ
3 years
I am retired and collect litter as an individual. I started litter picking when I was living in Small Heath and collected more than 1,750 bags over a three year period. I have now moved to Coseley, which is far less blighted by litter, but it is still about. I collect litter two or three times a week around Upper Ettingshall Road, Ivy House Lane, Shaw Road and roads and alleys leading from that area.
7 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

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