Important:   Litter can be contaminated, so we have put together some information to help you handle it safely. Please click on this link to have a read through our Health and Safety Guidance before you go out litter-picking.


October2016 pickupday

6 Cross Green ,Debenham,IP14 6RW

14 Oct 2016


Meet at Dove Cottage Saturday 15th October 2016 Pizza, cake and drinks provided ! Debenham Litter Pick October 15th 2016. The weather was perfect for the 4th Debenham litter pick day. We shared pizza and a delicious cake (thanks again Em!) for lunch and we knew we’d made a difference. The turnout at Dove Cottage was encouraging - 25 people in total - and we collected over 60kg of litter. This amount suggests several things - we did a thorough job on the first pickup (130 kgs in May 2015) and the 2 pickup days since then; the people who pick up litter throughout the year are helping to keep it down (and many thanks to those people), and just maybe, less is being dropped - ‘Stop the drop’ being our aim - 60kgs is still too much. We know the source of this litter- drivers throwing waste from the car and pedestrians dropping litter. Certain routes and pattern of littering mean we know the source.

It is a minority of people, of course, who have these habits - but we urge those people to think and act with more respect for both their community and the environment. Martin Loveridge, parish councillor, and I will continue to look at ways in which these habits (which are against the law) can be challenged with education, resources - which allow no excuse, (e.g. bins) and legislation if necessary. Thank you to all smokers who have stub tidies and have reduced the drop of cigarette stubs. They are made of plastic and take 12 years to decompose and are small enough to be very damaging. Stub tidies (portable, washable ashtray) are free, from the Japanese tobacco industry, via the ‘Campaign to Protect Rural England’ and are available in the Angel, Woolpack, Co-op, Abbotts Hardware, Websters, the Fish and Chip shop, Vanilla Bake ,Debenham Garage and the Leisure Centre. Thank you to those businesses, to Alan Cushion and Richard Blackwell (parish councillors) who support the pickup and Sarah Carter (Public Realm Officer for Mid Suffolk) who works with us to help fulfil our aims. Next year, ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ will promote ‘street2sea’ and our 5th Litter picking day will be held then. I very much hope you will join us. Please spread the word to discourage littering, so we will see a reduction in littering. If you have any ideas how we might address this issue in Debenham, would like to adopt an area and need equipment, or are aware of fly tipping or a ‘grot spot’ - please let us know. Every piece of litter picked up, reduces the impact – ‘we can do our small part, to tackle something big’ .

upcoming Events

No upcoming events

past Events

Big Spring clean up

Meet at Dove Cottage St Mary's church Debenham IP 14 9.30 -12

Autumn clean up

Dove Cottage, St Mary's Church Debenham 9.30a.m A good turn out for a drizzly morning!!21 people, 48kg ( or 9 bags) collected. 2 incidents of fly tipping reported. Debenham cubs picked up 4kgs on 10t...

Clean up for Mother Earth!

Meet at Dove Cottage, St Mary's Church Debenham, at 9.30 for briefing- work in groups throughout the Parish.Return to Dove Cottage for pizza, drinks and cake! Help with every aspect of the day welcome...

Autumn clean up!

The Debenham Scouts and volunteers -Dove Cottage Debenham 9.30 for 10 a.m. start- brunch back at Dove Cottage . Amazing turn out -over 40 people , all keen to keep Debenham lanes, ditches, hedgerows s...

Spring clean up

dove cattage, 9.30 for 10 start- pizza, cake , fruit and tea and coffee lunch to follow. a great turn out, yet again, of about 25 people- including people who have joined us for the first time, so goo...

Litterpick September 2017

Autumn clean-Saturday September 30th 2017.Meet at Dove Cottage, 9.30-10, return to dove cottage for pizza and refresments, 12ish.all welcome !!

Spring clean up-Mother Earth

Meet at Dove Cottage Debenham at 10 am and again at 12. Pizza, cake and tea and coffee available. Wow, what a turn out! 37 people in the morning and 6 in the afternoon. 103 kg collected plus 8kg of ...

Autumn pickup

Autumn litter pick, based at Dove cottage, 10 a.m. start, with 2 sessions .Equipment provided and refreshments available .We're hoping for a big turn out, this our 4th pick up day. Next move- more po...

Clean for the Queen

The Litterpickers will be out taking part in the national event'Clean for the Queen' We will meet at Dove Cottage , at 10 a.m. and again at midday.We look forward to more people joining us for our thi...

Debenham Litter Pick

Saturday 2 May at 10am and 12 noon. Meet at Dove Cottage. Refreshments and equipment provided. Area to be confirmed on the day. Contact Debenham Parish Council Clerk on 01473 787861 or Just turn up...

Nearby Groups

These groups are near to you in case you want to contact them for advice, to offer them support or, for example, to share equipment with them.

Bells Yew Green Clean Team
Tidy our community while building our community!
5 years
Our aim is to clean up local streets and countryside around the Crawley/Horsham/Copthorne areas. We are a new group and are keen for new volunteers.
5 years
Paws on Weymouth Beaches & Open Spaces
Dog walkers clearing the way. Every day members clear litter from our streets, beaches and open spaces and tackle sea pollution during regular beach cleans. We are responsible for the Angler’s line pipes which have been placed to collect waste line which is then recycled. Our aim is to recycle as much litter from our beaches as possible.
3 years
Cleveland Park Residents' Association
We are a small residents association who hold monthly events to improve our area by planting tree pits and troughs, picking up litter and encouraging everyone to keep their front gardens neat and tidy.
24 years
Park Street Pickers
Please contact me if you would like to be part of this group based in Park Street. The general aim is to make our area as pleasant a place to live as possible by reducing the amount of litter on our streets, our parks and green spaces.
16 years
Mid Ulster Community Clean Up
A group to promote and celebrate the litter picking activities of individuals and groups in Mid Ulster
6 years
Sandbach Clean Team
The group now has over 100 members. It organises monthly litter picks, and members also litter pick in their own local areas.

An important part of our work is with young people. We have met with Junior schools, Brownies and Cubs, and talked about the reduction of litter and recycling.

We liaise with other environmental groups in the area, particularly those with similar aims to ours and we work closely with the local Borough Council.

We have a website:-

20 years
RE and CE Darby
work on our own, on ad hoc basis to keep local public roads, public footpaths and other private areas through our farm clear of fly tipping, litter and vandalism
55 years
Bloomin' Bentham
A gathering of volunteers who meet in the painted bus shelter in High Bentham at 1pm on 13th of each month. We spend an hour or so litter-picking, weeding, planting or generally clearing up around our market town. We also put pressure on the Town Council or District Council when we come across something that we need to tackle in partnership with a larger, more official body.
17 years
WALLYS (Walton Against Lazy Littering)
Walton on the Naze, Essex. Including the town, beach and Naze
3 years

Start a LitterAction group

Here at CleanupUK, we want to help you to take LitterAction! Wherever you live in the UK, forming your own community litter-picking group will help to keep your community safer, more friendly and free of litter. It’s lots of fun too. Why not muck in and join us?

Empower your group